Back Creek and South Branch Settlements by Harlan Nason

Harlan Nason  spent thirty years researching and then published a 245 page book ‘Back Creek and South Branch Settlements' filled with details of the area. 

By reading his pages, one can walk through the settlements of Hoyt, Mill Settlement, Juvenile, Ferrybanks, Boyne Road, Gillett Road, Patterson Settlement, Eastwood Road, Whittaker Road, Enniskillen, Sand Brook Road, Meadow Brook Road, Wirral, Craftville and South Branch and visualize the occupants of long ago, the division of lots, the homes that were built, burnt, abandoned or moved until one reaches the present day owners.

He has included information on schools, churches, general stores, restaurants, garages and gas stations, barbers, post offices, blacksmith shops, saw mills, grist mills, services, organization, local stories, sports, doctors, soldiers, storms, fires and over 60 pictures to add to the walk through time.

Concise genealogies can be found on some of the early families such as: Bell, Charlton, Duplisea, Eastwood, Graham, Hoyt, Kirkpatrick, Mersereau, Patterson, Smith, Webb and Whittaker.

Thanks to the years of research by Harlan Nason, the history of Back Creek and South Branch Settlements will live on long after the barns have fallen down and new homes have been erected.

Out of print and very difficult to find.
244 pages. Soft cover. Used Book - published 2000

Book 8021 T  $89.95 CAD plus $12.00 shipping within North America

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by Harlan Nason

Ruby M. Cusack

It seemed the corn scallop and hot biscuits tasted better since Mum used the good maple leaf china for the special occasion of Uncle Ern and Aunt Annie coming for a Sunday night supper.

Once the meal was finished, the adults pushed back the chairs from the table and sipped their tea while talking. A long discussion was taking place on properties that Uncle Ern had owned, which led into the present day occupiers.

Harlan Nason did more than discuss the property owners in the Back Creek and South Branch Settlements, he spent thirty years researching them and then published a 245 page book ‘Back Creek and South Branch Settlements' filled with details of the area. 

By reading his pages, one can walk through the settlements of Hoyt, Mill Settlement, Juvenile, Ferrybanks, Boyne Road, Gillett Road, Patterson Settlement, Eastwood Road, Whittaker Road, Enniskillen, Sand Brook Road, Meadow Brook Road, Wirral, Craftville and South Branch and visualize the occupants of long ago, the division of lots, the homes that were built, burnt, abandoned or moved until one reaches the present day owners.

He has included information on schools, churches, general stores, restaurants, garages and gas stations, barbers, post offices, blacksmith shops, saw mills, grist mills, services, organization, local stories, sports, doctors, soldiers, storms, fires and over 60 pictures to add to the walk through time.

Concise genealogies can be found on some of the early families such as: Bell, Charlton, Duplisea, Eastwood, Graham, Hoyt, Kirkpatrick, Mersereau, Patterson, Smith, Webb and Whittaker.

Thanks to the years of research by Harlan Nason, the history of Back Creek and South Branch Settlements will live on long after the barns have fallen down and new homes have been erected.