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Traynor - Carr: Barnaby (Bernard) Traynor and Sarah Carr had a son James born about 1841. They lived in Barnesville, Kings County, NB. Barnaby died before November of 1843. Seeking information on the
parents of Barnaby Traynor. Possibly a connection to the Thomas Traynor who was the second husband of Sarah Carr's mother.
-Maureen Aulson, 201 Pond St., Georgetown, MA, USA 01833 or E-Mail aulson@shore.net98-002
McMillan: Seeking information on the family of John McMillan, born. ca 1760 in Ireland or Scotland, died in 1847 in Saint John. McMillan emigrated to Saint John around 1820 with his wife and children and there established a book-binding business about 1822. Known children were sons David, Alexander and James
McMillan who later operated the business founded by their father. Son James is believed to have been the James McMillan who married Rachel G. Murray, born in 1813 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died in 1891 in Saint John. As early as 1835 James and Rachel lived in Hanover, Jefferson County, Indiana, USA. In about 1845, James and Rachel McMillan and their son John McMillan returned to Saint John where James died in 1886 and Rachel died in 1891. While in Indiana, James and Rachel were closely associated with several other McMillan families.
With respect to John McMillan the book binder: (1) was James McMillan who married Rachel Murray his son? (2) Did he have other children? (3) Was he related to the McMillans in Indiana? (4) Did he have other relatives in the new world?
-William H. McAdams, 1428 Pinnacle View Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM , USA 87112 or E-Mail
White - McFadden: Wanted information on parents of Leslie White, born in Scotland about 1826 and his wife Elizabeth Jane McFadden. They married in Saint John on 8 July 1847. He died in Saint John on 24 June 1862. Their son, my great grandfather, John A White was born 30 November, 1852. Will reimburse for postage and copy costs.
-Sheldon F Goldthwait, 22 Albert Meadow, Bar Harbor, ME 04609-1702 USA. Or E- mail
98 - 004
Sanderson: Desire any information on George Sanderson, elector in Moncton in 1885. Parents, birth date, death date. Was he from Ayrshire Scotland? What exactly did an Elector do?
-David N. Strickland, 14533 Hague Drive, Farmers Branch, TX, USA 75234 or E Mail
O'REGAN: Searching for any information on Florence O'Regan (May 15, 1835 - June 2, 1922), daughter Catherine married Richard Callahan in 1894 born. Jan. 2, 1876, died in. Providence, R.I. on March 17, 1928, and son Wilbert O'Regan, born Nov. 5, 1883, last in Boston in 1928.
-Garth Little, 3125 Massey Ct., Windsor, ON N9E 2Z6 or E Mail
Hersey: I am working on a Hersey Genealogy, in particular the branch of the family that settled in Yarmouth, NS. The information that I have was assembled by Francis C. Hersey in 1895 and published by him as a tree in the same year. It shows that the applicable Hersey line of descent was William (1-3), David (4-5). David (5) had three sons: Daniel (6), who was of Yarmouth NS, Levi (6) who married Chloe Day, 8 Mar 1780 of St John NB, and Samue (l6). I am primarily interested in Samuel (16) at this point. Samuel was supposed to
have had seven sons. He was also supposed to have been forced to sell most of a large tract of land to the American Loyalists, ending up with only a small farm in Springfield (Lower Hainesville). Of those 7 sons, I have been able to account for possibly six. Levi (7), who may have been confused with his uncle Levi (6) and settled with him in Bear River, NS. Samuel (7), who eventually migrated up the river with his son Leverette and died in Aroostook Cty ME. Elijah (7), who also went up the river and finally settled in Oakfield, ME. Jesse (7), who left and finally settled in Plymouth, ME. David (7), who was last heard of in Pennifield, Charlotte County, and may have gone to Ontario. Daniel (7), who settled in Gagetown. The seventh son may be the link to the Springfield family. Any information on Canadian Herseys is desired, emphasis is placed on the above stated David (7) and the missing ? 7.
-Elliott Hersey, RR 2 Box 216, Harrison. ME, USA 04040 E or E Mail ehersey@aol.comQuery 98-007
King and Mullen: I'm looking for any descendants of Michael King and Annie Mullen who married in the 1880's. Their known children were Edward John (born Dec. 9, 1888), Frances, Walter and William (Willie) of Saint John, N.B.
-Please respond to Ronda Watson, 186 Range Hill Rd., Poland Spring, ME, 04274-5903 or by E-mail at .Query 98-008
Harris: I would like to make contact with someone related to the family of Odber Harris born about 1839, who was residing in Sunbury District, Blissville, Gladstone from 1871 through 1891 per the census records.
His first wife Mary must have died between 1876-1881 as he is shown as a widower in 1881 and the youngest child is five years of age. All births are shown as New Brunswick. His second wife was Mrs. Berstana Davis per 1891 census giving two stepdaughters. However, Sunbury County Happenings news items from the Religious Intelligencer Baptist Newspaper, 1854-1906, by Janice Seeley states: Mrs. Margaret Phillips married to Mr. Odber Harris, both of Gladstone, Sunbury County at Fredericton Free Baptist Parsonage on 25 May 1885. The family must have moved, as I was unable to locate them in Sunbury in 1901.
Children of Odber Harris were: Alvin born 1869; Thomas O. born 1872; Sherman born 1874; Ann B. born 1876; Mary born 1886; Alma born 1888; and Lilla born 1890. These dates are from census records.
Thomas O. (Odber?) Harris born 1872 married 1892/93 Ada F. Golding and immigrated to Maine in 1916 (information from 1920 Washington Co., Me. census). I am also interested in the Golding line. I know nothing about Ada's parents or siblings.
-Send information to JoAnn Wear Spore, 3826 E. Glenn, Tucson, AZ, 85716-2324. Or E-mail .Query 98-009
McLean - MacLeans of Queens County. From about 1780 to 1810, three different McLean families from Kintire, Scotland came to Queens County and settled in the Cumberland Bay, Mill Cove area. They were Archibald McLean ( Loyalist ), Hugh McLean (who settled in Mill Cove) and Allan McLean (who settled in Cumberland Bay area). Several members of these families were sea captains out of Saint John.
As a living direct descendant of Allan McLean, I am also trying to sort out all of the Queens County MacLeans and would appreciate hearing from any living descendants especially from the Archibald and Hugh McLean families.
-Send information to Rev. Peter Duncan MacLean at P.O. Box 848, Colchester, VT, 05446. Or E-mail at .Query 98-010
Sweet: Charles Sweet (37), widower, married Mary Ann McLeod (24) at St. Martins, N.B., on the July 2, 1896. Charles was born in Saint John and was the son of Jarvis Sweet and Elizabeth Lachye. Mary Ann was born at Little Beech and was the daughter of David and Sarah McLeod. They had at least two children - Ida Bell 1901-1905, and an unnamed son (1897-?). They lived in St. Martins until at least 1901. Mary Ann died January, 1920 while living at 127 Duke St., Saint John. Charles moved to Nauwigewauk by 1930.
I am seeking any information on this family.
-Bob Sweet, 35 Country Lane, Island View, N.B., E3E 1A2. E-mail to .Query 98-011
Turner: I am researching the surname Turner. Robert Turner was born about 1786, at Lincoln, Sunbury County, N.B. He died about 1823, in Fredericton, York County, N.B. He married Phoebe. They had at least four children: George William, my ancestor, Charles M., Frances and a fourth child. Does anyone know anything more about this family? I know something of George William's descendants, but I am in the dark about his wife and their other children. Robert's father was the immigrant, Holden Turner, born in 1761 in Scotland, and from Ayr. I have found a Holden born in Lanarkshire but not Ayr, that year. He arrived in 1783 from Scotland and died about 1844 in Fredericton. Holden married Jennet (sic) Hutchinson, born about 1767 in Scotland who arrived in 1776 from Scotland as a girl from Lake (Loch) Lomond (?) and died after 1851 in Fredericton. They had 10 children including Robert. I would appreciate communication from anyone who knows more of this family and especially a descendant.
-Send information to Ralph J. Turner, 14320 SW Rock Creek Road, Sheridan, Oregon, 97378-9735 or E-mail . The phone number is (503) 843-3629.Query 98-012
Wiggins - Briggs - Slocum: I am researching the following families and would like to exchange information with anyone concerning the families. Jacob Wiggins was born April 28, 1797 at Waterborough, N.B. He died Aug. 18, 1859 at Grand Lake, N.B. He married Permassa Briggs on Jan. 4, 1815 at Waterborough, N.B. His parents were Jacob Wiggins and Elizabeth Ruth Slocum.
-Send information to Ralph Buzzell at 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277 or E-mail .Query 98-013
Query 98-014
Logan: I am searching for descendants of Howard Douglas Logan. He was born March 10, 1856 and died July 4, 1929. His wife Annie Gertrude Logan (nee Barrett) was born in Ireland, Dec. 8, 1870. She died Oct. 24, 1942 in Saint John.
-Send information to Garth Little, 3125 Massey Ct., Windsor, Ont., N9E 2Z6. Or E-mail to .
Clark: John Edward Clark born circa 1812-1820 in Saint John. He married Mary Dunham Craft and lived in Carleton (West Saint John). He was a Baptist. He died on Jan. 28, 1892. The burial permit says his father was Samuel Clark. I am seeking further information on John's parents.
-Suzanne Lisson, 55 Old Neck Rd., Quispamsis, N.B., E2G 1L3. E-mail to , or fax (506) 653-9789.Query 98-015
Donovan - Hourihan: I am looking for information on the descendants of Jeremiah Donovan and Johanna Hourihan. Johanna and Jeremiah were married around 1859 or 1860, as far as I know in Sussex, N.B. They had six sons and two daughters. Denis (1861), John (1864), Timothy (1866), Michael (1868), Jeremiah (1870), James (1873), Maryanne (1875 or 1876) and Margaret (1877). These are approximate dates as they are from baptismal records. All the sons were born around the Sussex area and the two daughters were born after they moved to Fredericton Road. Johanna died on Dec. 12, 1878 and is buried at Fredericton Road Cemetery. A few years later Jeremiah married Margaret McDevitt and they moved to Melrose, Mass. with Maryann, Margaret, Jeremiah and possibly some of the other sons. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
-Aldene M Hourihan-Gionet, 26-500 Douglas Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2K 1E7 or E-mail wish@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-016
Lyon - Pickett: Request parents and lineage of Elizabeth Jane Lyon. She was listed as a niece age seven, living with Munson and Fanny (Lyon) Pickett of Kingston Parish, Kings County in the 1851 Census. She is in the 1861 Census as age 17 with the same particulars. She was born about 1843 and died June 23, 1888 at Prosser Brook, N.B. She married about 1864 to (Matthew) George Upham of N.S. They settled at Prosser Brook where 13 children were born.
-Bing Geldart, Box 494, Salisbury , N.B., E0A 3E0. Or phone (506) 372-9514 or E-mail bingg@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-017
Sutherland: Andrew Sutherland was born October of 1818, somewhere in N.B. I am seeking the town of his birth and the names of his parents. He married Lydia Sawyer of New Hampshire about 1845 in Maine. Their seven children were born from 1846 through 1880 in Masardis, Maine. The family moved to Silver Creek, Minnesota about 1868.
-Warren H. Hasty, 4632 Zenith Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55410-1870. Or E-mail WHasty@aol.comQuery 98-018
MacNeil - Prenty - Beaton: Here is my story of Kate. She was born in Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, N.S. She was the niece of Angus and Jane MacNeil of North Sydney. Kate married and moved to Saint John, N.B. Although elderly in the 1960s, she occasionally received visits from her MacNeil, Prenty and Beaton cousins, one of these cousins being my grandfather MacNeil. She had a good relationship with her cousin Evelyn (Prenty) Beaton of North Sydney and they visited each another. I do not know Kates maiden nor her married name. I would like to learn more about cousin Kates family. If you can help me find Kates family, please contact:
-Kathy Martin, 19 Greeleys Ct., Waltham, MA 02154. Or E-mail kathymartin@rocketmail.comQuery 98-019
Washbourne - Vaughan - Mercer: I am seeking information on my great-great-grandfather, Able Washbourne of St. Martins. Did he have a brother William? Were his parents William Wasbourne and Polly Mercer. His wife was Abigail Vaughan. Who were her parents? If you have any information please contact:
-Lucille Dykes, 7275 Twin Branch Rd., Atlanta, GA 30328. Or E-mail jdykes@interserv.comQuery 98-020
Wilson - Jardine - Petch - Carruthers: James W. Wilson and Elizabeth D. (Jardine) both school teachers emigrated from Scotland circa1820. They had several children. Three drowned in a boating accident off Reeds Point in 1859. In the same accident two grandchildren also drowned. They were the children of Helen (Wilson) and Charles Petch. James Wilson died in Saint John on May 13, 1863. Where would he be buried? Elizabeth died Nov. 8, 1887 and is buried in St. Andrews Church, Rexton, Kent Co., where she lived with her son Peter Wilson and his wife Margaret Carruthers. Any information on this family, or the Petch family would be greatly appreciated.
-Dorothy Wilson Graham, 236-66A Street, Delta, B.C. V4L 1M5. Or E-Mail djg@direct.caQuery 98-021
KEIRSTEAD - SCHOFIELD - SCOTT - JORDAN: I am seeking birth, marriage and death dates for my great grandparents Stephen Foster Keirstead and his wife Elizabeth Scott. His parents were Thomas P. Keirstead and P. Ann Schofield of Queens Co., NB. Her parents were William H. Short and Kezia Jordan. For a time Stephen and Elizabeth lived in Saint John until he disappeared from the scene in the 1880 - 1890s; she was still living in Saint John in 1911 and perhaps later.
- David G. Keirstead, Box 2082, Hampton, NB, Canada, EOG!ZOQuery 98-022
<>Query 98-023
O'DEA - DEA - DUNDON: I am very interested in any information on the exact date and the ship that enabled my Irish O'Dea - Dea ancestors to arrive in Lower Canada. .Michael O'Dea (born 1750?) married to Margaret Dundon lived in Bruff parish, Limerick, Ireland. Three of their sons James, John & Denis came to lower Canada (New Brunswick - Gaspe Coast, Quebec) around 1816/1825. James is my 4th great-grandfather. He married Ann (Nancy) Enright in Ireland and had children born in both Ireland and the Gaspe coast. The first born on the coast is Mary Ann in 1825. Children that would have come out with then include Patrick, James (1800), Honora (1804), Catherine (1816), Thomas (1816). Church records from Jacquet River, N B supposedly mention a Jean Day (Patrick and Bridget Daly?) born 28 August 1825. This could be a reference to our Dea family, as James daughter Bridget (1800?-1896) was married in Ireland to Patrick Jones (1801-1886) and would very likely have come out at the same time. They ended up at Port Daniel on the Gaspe and had a big family. Most of the family went by the name of Dea - Day in North America. Denis had no children, but descendants of John and James total about 1500 names since recorded. Thomas, my 3rd great-grandfather, was born around 1816 in Ireland and died in 1874 at Port Daniel, Bonaventure Co Gaspe P.Q. He married Catherine (Kitty) Dow in 1840. Kitty was born on the coast in 1819. She died at Port Daniel in 1907. I would welcome any comments or information relating to the above.
- Brian Dea - O'Dea, 22 Eastview Ave., North Ryde, Sydney, Australia, 2113. E-mail
RILEY - CASSIDY - CORR - McHUGH: James Riley, born 1838 in New Brunswick, Canada, married on September 08, 1873, Elizabeth Ann Cassidy, daughter of James and Jane (Corr) Cassidy, born August 1837 in Portland Parish, Saint John County, NB. With their daughter, Eliza, they were living in Hampton, Kings County, NB in the 1901 Census. Eliza married John McHugh. Elizabeth Ann (Cassisdy) Riley died 14 July 1916. Funeral was at St. Alphonse Catholic Church and burial was in Hampton. If you have any information about James Riley, such as; Parents names, date and location of birth, death and burial - please contact
LaVonne Geesey, 13041 N. Ajo Lilly Place Marana, Arizona 85658-4052 USA E-mail to gdavid1336@msn.comQuery 98-024
PEACOCK: I am seeking anyone who would like to share info on Peacock's who originally settled in York County ( Williamsburg). They arrived in 1848 from Ireland - Belfast area.
-Brian Ballard, 66 Rivershore Drive, Saint John, NB, E2K 4T5 E-mail ballard@acton.comQuery 98-026
Raymond - Rice - Tompkins: Samuel Rice Raymond Sr. is the sixth generation of my Raymond line. He was a Loyalist and came from Darien, Ct. He was born circa 1765 and died in 1826 at Woodstock, N.B. He married Mary Newman circa 1783. Their son, named Samuel Rice Raymond Jr., was born in 1787 at Hampstead, Queen's County, N.B. He died May 16, 1868, in Woodstock, N.B. He married Magdalena Tompkins in 1812. Another son of Samuel Rice Raymond, Sr. was named David Newman Raymond who, in turn, named his fifth son Samuel Rice Raymond, born 1835 and died Feb. 2, 1859. Samuel Rice Raymond, Sr. had a third son named Cadwalder Mallory Raymond (1793-1879), who also named a son Samuel Rice Raymond (1840-1868). I am seeking information explaining how and where the name Rice crossed the Raymond ancestry often enough to become a part of these four Raymond's names. It couldn't have been just a coincidence.
- Paul B. Raymond, 2126 No. Winnifred, Tacoma, WA 98406. E-mail to 98-027
Taylor - Robertson - Wishart: I am seeking information on Charlotte Taylor whose daughter Elizabeth Williams aka Wishart married Duncan Robertson on Sept. 22, 1791, in the parish of Newcastle in Northumberland County.
- Phyllis Mason, 4581 John St., Vancouver, B.C., V5V 3X3. Or E-mail to 98-028
Mullins - Carroll: I am interested in the family of Robert Mullins and Margaret Carroll. Two of their children were baptized in the Miramichi area: Robert, born Aug. 7, 1825, and Arthur, born about June 1, 1827. This family is then gone from Northumberland County records. If anyone knows what happened to this family or is a descendant, please let me know.
- Joseph E. Carroll, 4261 Queens Way, Minnetonka, MN 55345. Or E-mail to 98-029
Turvey - Ward - Gray: I am researching the Michael Turvey Family of Jacquet River, Restigouche. Michael Turvey, disbanded from the 98th Regiment of Foot and married Hannah Ward at Beresford, Restigouche County August l830. Was Hannah the daughter of Ebenezer Ward and wife, Mary Gray who lived in Jacquet River until their land was sold in l840?
- Mary Turvey, 52 Oakridge Drive, Marquette, Michigan 49855. Or E-mail 98-030
Wilson: My query concerns William Wilson who died in Lower Douglas Co. in 1847. We'd like to find out if there are any ships' records or land records that show when he came to N.B. and where in Ireland he departed from. We think he's our link to Ireland but have no proof. His son George Wilson was born in 1839-40 and was left living as an orphaned nephew with aunt and uncle James Johnston near Birdton in the Tay Valley.
- Ann Kerr, 1605 NW Iowa, Bend, Ore 97701. Or E-mail to 98-031
Laughy - Cassidy: Ellen Jane (Nellie) Laughy was born in Norton, Kings County on Oct. 11, 1875, the seventh child of John C. Laughy and Catherine J. Cassidy. She was baptized on Oct. 17, 1875, at age of six days at St. Stephen's Catholic Church at Norton and the sponsors were James S. Brown and Ellen Cassidy. It appears that her only sibling to remain in N.B. was Delacey O'Willette Laughy, who died in Norton at the age of 40 in 1913. In 1923, she was listed as a housekeeper and boarding at 196 Waterloo St., Saint John. She died between 1924 and 1943. I am trying to find her date of death and place of burial.
- LaVonne Geesey, 4855 N. Desert Tortoise Place, Tucson, Arizona 85745-9214. E-mail to 98-032
Burbridge - Cotton: I am seeking information on the ancestors and descendants of Mary Ann Burbridge born circa 1827-1830 in Fredericton, N.B. She was married on Feb. 24, 1852, in Boston, Mass. to James R. Cotton of Cornwallis, N.S. They raised a family in Stoughton, Mass. and she died there Feb. 3, 1874.
- Frank L. Clifford, P.O. Box 646, Damariscotta, ME 044543. E-mail to 98-033
Kearney - Ross: I am seeking the parents of Mary Kearney, who married John Ross on Sept. 2, 1852, at the Anglican Church in Andover, Victoria County. (The witnesses were Thomas Copeland and Laura L. Beardsley). The family lived in Arthurette, and later settled in Woodstock. Mary died on Sept. 21, 1884 and is buried in Woodstock. According to the grave marker, Mary would have been born on April 16, 1818. This is not the Mary Kearney who lived in Brighton with daughter, Madelen(y).
- Roger Melin, 124 Springbrook MHP, Clifton Park, NY 12065. E-mail: 98-034
Whirty: Thomas and Margaret Whirty were known to have been in Moore's Mills, Charlotte County area in the 1840s. Their sons George Clinton Whirty and Patrick Whirty were born in Moore's Mills and are buried in Moore's Mills Cemetery. They also had a daughter, known only as "Mrs. Daniel Johnson." Any information on Whirty, Whorty, Wherty families is appreciated. Other surnames associated are Marshall, Thurston and Johnson.
- Rhonda Little, 14 Lincoln St., Millinocket, ME 04462. E-mail to or 98-035
Peters - Lawrence - Shanklin: My great grandfather, William Peters appears in the 1851 Census living in Saint John with wife Mary Matilda (Lawrence), 4-year-old son George Justin and 2-year-old daughter Margaret. Also listed in the household was a stray, Martha Shanklin, aged 70. The census record also says William was born in England and that he entered the colony in 1840. He subsequently received a land grant and settled at Londonderry in the Shepody Road area. Although there are good records of his descendants, we are unable to find any records pertaining to him previous to the 1851 census. Also, we have been told that Mary Matilda came from Grand Pré, N.S., but have been unable to verify that. We would greatly appreciate any pre-1851 information on this family.
- Russ Peters, 659 Laverendrye Drive, Gloucester, Ont., K1J 7X5. E-mail to 98-036
Sirles - Ramsdell: I am looking for information on the descendants of Jacob Sirles/Searles/Surles and his wife Elizabeth Ramsdell of Campobello. In the 1851 census the children were listed as William, 13, Dorothy, 11, Nathan, 9, Charles, 7, Ulda, 3, Elizabeth, 2 months. Jacob was aged 42 and Elizabeth 35, all were "natives" of Campobello, N.B. I have information on William who married Louisa Robinson and Dorothy who married Charles Henry Fletcher and I would be happy to exchange.
- Heather Waddingham, 342 Owens Crescent, Kingston, Ont., K7M 8H8. E-mail to 98-037
Price - Grant: The person I am seeking information on is William Thomas Price. The 1861 York-Southampton census, N.B. Genealogical Society Editorial page 481, claims that he was born in England. He and his daughter Lydia were living with his son William at that time. He was Church of England initially, then belonged to the Free Baptist Church. He left two sisters in England and possibly a brother in PA. In 1820, he applied for a grant of land in Saint John, but soon came to the Northampton area. The names of his parents and other members of the family are not available. He married Lydia Mott Grant on March 6, 1824. He was a blacksmith. I am trying to find out his birthplace which I might be able to do if I knew which ship he came over on to Saint John.
- Barry Price, 4607 John Street, Vancouver, B.C., V5V 3X4. Or E-mail bprice@Direct.CA.Query 98-038
Hatfield - Muise - Rand: Thomas Hatfield was baptized on Aug. 24, 1834, in South Kelsey, Lincolnshire, UK. He married Louisa Wakelin on March 11, 1866, Birmingham, UK, and he died on Nov. 16,1893. His sister Ann Hatfield was baptized March 17, 1833, in South Kelsey, Lincolnshire, and married John Rands on Dec. 6, 1850, in Waddingham, Lincolnshire. One of his daughters, Louisa Hatfield, born March 18 , 1876, in Birmingham, UK, died 1954 in Yarmouth, N.S. She was married to George A. Muise and they had 20 children. Some of their family lived in Saint John. I am seeking information on the above families.
- R.E. Humphries, 117 Pettingill Road, Quispamsis, N.B., E2E 2T8. Or E-mail to 98-039
Smith - Guptill: I am searching for information on my paternal great grandmother, Bertha M. Smith born about 1880 in - or around Steuben, Me. She married Jesse Hughetson Guptill and lived on Grand Manan Island until moving to Machiasport, Me., in 1904. I am looking for her parents and ancestors.
- Kerry Guptill Kosky, P.O. Box 239, Westbrook, CT 06498. E-mail to 98-040
Dennison: I am seeking information on Vernon D. Dennison, his wife Basha and their daughter Verna and their descendants. My last record shows them in the Fredericton area in 1901.
- Allan Dennison E-mail or 98-041
Lee: I have ancestors in Saint John about whose antecedents I am unable to find anything. They are John Lee, born circa 1771, died Nov. 14, 1852, and is buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. His wife Elizabeth Anne, surname unknown, born circa 1775, died June 3, 1850, and was buried Cedar Hill Cemetery. I have not found a record of their marriage, but it was likely around 1800 which is the approximate birth date of their oldest child, George. Their children: George Lee (1800 -1876) married in 1834 to Catherine Ann Strange; Nehemiah Lee (1803 -1845) married 1829 to Elizabeth Clarke; Elizabeth Lee (1804 -1897) married 1852 to Stephen H. Shaw; Ann Lee (1807 -1847); Mary A. Lee (1810 -1896) married 1832 to Robert Thorne Brittain; Loranah Forest Lee (1813 - 1900) married Isaac James Olive; Rebecca H. Lee (1817 - ??) married 1851 Edward D. Gore; Margaret J. Lee (1821 - ??) married 1834 Daniel James Eastey; Emma P. Lee (1825 -1890).
- David Reed, 30 Sackville Place, Toronto, Ont., M4X 1A4. E-mail to 98-042
Brown - McAfee - Scully: My grandfather, James Brown and his brother Robert, left Ireland as young boys. They came to Saint John and lived with their aunt, Rosanne McAfee, wife of Samuel McAfee. We do not know the names of his parents or what part of Ireland they lived in. James Brown married Bridget Scully, Sept. 6, 1858, in St. David's Church in Saint John. The witnesses were Rosanne McAfee and Margaret Maria Brown. James died as a result of an industrial accident on July 1, 1875. He was 42 years old. The Brown and McAfee families lived in Portland, now Saint John. Unfortunately the first census on record for Portland is 1881. I would appreciate any information on James Brown and Rosanne McAfee.
- Douglas Brown, 2356 Mountland Drive, Peterborough, Ont., K9K 1W4. Phone (705)749-6885 or E-mail to
Query 98-044
Boucher - Jacobs - DeCoste - Briand: I am searching for information on Charles Boucher, believed to be born in N.B. He married Matilda (Ann) Jacobs, who was born in Cowansville, Que. There were four children born of this marriage. Caroline Boucher (born 3/29/1891) married Ustache Agustin DeCoste (born 9/13/1885), Havre Boucher, N.S. Salina Boucher married to Ustache Agustin DeCoste (3rd wife). Joseph Boucher married to Mary Josephine DeCoste of Havre Boucher and Leah Alice Boucher (born 1/7/1899 in Milton, Ma.) married to Frederick Fidel DeCoste of Havre Boucher. All the DeCoste were of one family, that of Jeffrey DeCoste and Anne Briand.
- Karen DeCoste Perusse, 12921 129th Avenue N., Largo, FL 33774. Or E-mail KP33774@aol.comQuery 98-045
Gordon - Gaynor: I am looking for the date and place of death of Thomas Roach Gordon. He was a hardware merchant of Saint John. He was born in 1820, at Fort Lawrence, N.S., and married in 1844 to Mary Ann Gaynor, who was born in 1821, in Saint John, N.B. He moved to New York, approximately 1855-60. Mary Ann, wife of Thomas R. Gordon died in 1883, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Thomas is believed to have died in 1895 while away from home on a trip, possibly having to do with business or family property.
- Jane Miller, 1053 Lombardy Street, Kingston, Ont. K7M 8M6. Or E-mail gmiller@limestone.kosone.comQuery 98-046
Cole - Parker - Ackerley: I am researching the family of David Cole who settled in Coles Island. There are many blanks in my research. This is a query about him and one of his sons. When and where was David Cole born? Somewhere in the United States. Who were his parents? His first wife's first name was Elizabeth, but I do not know her maiden name nor where and when they were married. His second marriage was to Deliverance Parker. I do not know her maiden name - this was her second marriage - nor when or where she died. One son of David Cole and Elizabeth was Samuel who married Salome Ackerley. I know that Samuel died between 1871 and 1881 and Salome died after 1881, but I do not know when or where.
- Betty Mitchell, 39 Rockfield Cres., Nepean, Ont. K2E 5L6. Or E-mail bamitch@magmacom.comQuery 98-047
Long: I am looking for any available information on Patrick Long who emigrated from Donegal, Ireland in 1820 to the St. John River Valley (above Fredericton) and then later to the Miramichi (Ludlow area). Siblings? Parents? Birthplace? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
- Edwin Long, R.R.#1 Ludlow, N.B. E0C 1N0. E-mail edlong@nb.sympatico.caQuery 98-048
O'Donnell: Seeking any information on Owen O'Donnell (and family) who arrived in 1850 from Londonderry to Saint John - Clonmang Ireland.
- Julie Chitwood, The Lazy Rabbit Ranch, 3666 W. Sheep Tr., Elfrida, AZ 85610. E-mail CHITWOOD@vtc.netQuery 98-049
Upham - Lyon: I am seeking the parents and lineage of (Matthew) George Upham, born on Nov. 25, 1824/1828 in Nova Scotia. He died about 1917 at Prosser Brook, N.B. He was married about 1864 to Elizabeth Jane Lyon of Kingston Parish, N.B. They lived at Prosser Brook, N.B., where 13 children were born. George and sister Marjorim were in Coverdale Parish in 1851 and Elgin Parish in 1861.
- Bing Geldart, Box 494, Salisbury, N.B. E0A 3E0. Phone (506) 372-9514 or E-mail bingg@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-050
Hutton - Hunter - Eldridge: I would like information on burial sites for the following three people: George Hutton born April 26, 1868 at Beaver Harbour, N.B., and died about 1957. His first wife, Bessie Nettie Hunter, born 1872 and died Oct. 24, 1895. His second wife Annie E. Eldridge. Born? Died? They were married July 12, 1899.
- Ray Virtue, 105 Shea Ave., Pembroke, Ont. K8A 7W9. Phone (613) 732- 4123 or E-mail eskl@istar.caQuery 98-051
Query 98-052
Bradley: I am looking for information on Oliver and John Bradley who lived near the Tobique in the early 1800's. It is believed that these Bradleys came from Ireland to Vermont around 1650. I have information I can share. I hope we can help each other.
- Rose Staples, R.R.#1, Millville, N.B. E0H 1M0. Or E-mail
Nickerson - Rogers: My great grandfather, William George Nickerson, was born about 1849 in Jordan Mountain, N.B., and he married Berdilla Rogers, born 1852. They lived in Killam's Mills, N.B., and had the following children: Adelaide, Verna, May, Harry, Agnes Amy and Howard Leslie. I am interested in hearing from anyone who may be able to provide William and Berdilla's marriage date, birth dates of the children, or any other information about this family.
- Gerald M. Nickerson, 1280 Maple Crossing Blvd., Unit 19, Burlington, Ont. L7S 2G2. Phone (905) 639-0963. Or E-mail
Query 98-053
Ready - Michaud: Thomas Ready married L. Justine Michaud on April 4, 1828, in St-Basile, Madawaska. Thomas was the son of Thomas Ready and M. Anne Martin. Justine was the daughter of Alexandre Michaud and Genevieve Gauthier dit Larouche. Kathy Ready Cocuzzo, 74 Walnut St., Everett, MA., 02149. E-mail .Query 98-054
Eaton - Nesbitt - Biggers - Hazelwood: My great-great-grandfather, James Eaton is said to have come to Canada in 1824. His first wife was Rachel Nesbitt-Biggers, daughter of Humphrys Nesbitt. His second wife was Sarah Hazelwood. James Eaton lived from 1800 to 1859. He came from County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. All the information I have is from gravestones. James and Rachel are buried together in Crosby, Ont. Sarah is buried in Boissevain, Man. I have heard there are Eatons and Biggers living in close proximity in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. Any information (port/date of entry, marriages, deaths, etc.) to support this information would be greatly appreciated. Richard W. Eaton, 62 Hawkins Crescent, Winnipeg, Man., R2N 1G9. Or E- mail to .Query 98-055
Harold - Perkins - Whitney: My great-grandmother Clara A. Harold married Gideon E. Perkins at Woodstock, N.B., on Aug. 11, 1880. In the marriage record it states that she came from Tracy Mills. I am trying to find out where she was born and who her parents were. I believe they may have been Everet Harold and Mary Whitney who are buried at the United Baptist Church cemetery in Centreville, Carleton County, N.B., but I have no proof of this. I have not been able to find Everet and his family in the 1861 or 1871 census. Clara was born in 1860 and certainly should have been in the 1871 census. If anyone knows anything about Clara or any member of the Harold family, I would be grateful for any help. Theodore Brassard, 10 So. Summer St., Nottingham, N.H., 03290. Or E-mail to .Query 98-056
Jaques - Geldart - Sinton - Steeves: Joseph Jaques and his wife, Eleanor Geldart, came from Yorkshire, England, to New Brunswick in 1774. They had two children born in Westmorland County. They were John, born about 1775, and Barbara, born a year later. Joseph was killed about 1777 while helping a neighbour, William Sinton, cut down trees. Mr. Sinton married the widow and helped raise the children. John married Mary Steeves. They owned land on the Coverdale River (near the present town of Salisbury) and kept an inn at "Moncton Bottoms." John died about 1827. They had 10 children. Barbara married William Bleakney. The Jaques family, except for the widow Mary (Steeves) Jaques, and two married daughters, moved to Upper Canada about 1835. I'm looking for: Date when Joseph was killed (about 1777). Where was he buried? Date of birth of both John and Barbara. John died about 1827 what was the date? Where was he buried? Mary died after 1851 what was the date? Where is she buried? I'm interested in the Jaques family 1774-1836. I realize the quality of record keeping was not great in that era. I've tried the Provincial Archives. The New Brunswick Genealogical Society has been unable to add to what I have given. Does anyone have suggestions as to where I might try for more information? John Jaques, 1526 Venta Avenue, Mississauga, Ont., L4X 1E1. Or E-mail to .Query 98-057
Hutchinson: I am searching for the family of my great-grandfather Edwin Rutherford Hutchinson, born June 16, 1823. Supposedly his father's name was David and his occupation was ships' carpenter. His mother's name was reported to be Elizabeth. Edwin was the third of nine children. The 1851 N.B. census shows a David and Elizabeth Hutchinson, occupation ships' carpenter, living in Sackville, Westmorland County with six children still at home. This David and Elizabeth are of the right age, but I have no documented connection with Edwin R. Hutchinson. Jim McDonnell, 3708 NE 9th Court, Renton, WA, 98056. Or E-mail to .Query 98- 058
Keays: I am looking for anyone whose surname is Keays. My ancestors went to Prince Edward Island originally in 1794, and then to the Miramichi in N.B. From there, who knows? If anyone has done any family research on this name, I would appreciate hearing from them. Hazel Brown, 150 Riverview Point S.E., Calgary, Alta., T2C 4H8. Or E-mail to .Query 98-059
Harvey - Roach - Cullen: Sir John Harvey was the British North American Governor in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia in turn from about 1837 until his death mid-century. My great-great-grandfather, John Roach, worked for him as a horseman and driver in St. John's, Nfld., from 1840 to 1847 when Harvey transferred to Nova Scotia. John was rewarded for loyal service with a Crown land grant at Middle Cove, just outside the city. John (1817-1861) and his wife Jane Cullen (1814-1880) were from Co. Wexford, Ireland, but lived in St. John's and Middle Cove from about 1839 onward. Their stone marker is in Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Cemetery in Torbay. John's obituary states he leaves a wife and five children. I have been able to find no trace of either John or Jane's families in Ireland, PEI or Newfoundland, and they did not travel to N.S. with the Governor and his wife in 1847-48. I also can find no trace of their marriage banns or records. This has caused me to wonder whether either or both were in the Fredericton, N.B., area with the Governor before he moved to Nfld., in 1840. I have had some research done on the matter and there are gaps in the records for that time period. They were Roman Catholic, but one or the other could have changed religions to accommodate their partner. I would like to correspond with anyone of the Ro(a)ch(e) or Cullen names or with anyone who might have knowledge of these families in New Brunswick. Jim Roache, 201 Hunterswood Cres., Ottawa, Ont., K1G 5V1. Or E-mail to .Query 98-060
Cook - Smith - Newman - Bunker - Thompson: I am looking for ancestors of Captain James W. Cook (1785-1865) my great-great-great-grandfather, who was born in Deer Island, N.B. One of his sons was Hiram Cook (1830-1910), who lived in Calais, Ma. Hiram married Sarah Smith (born 1827) and one of Hiram's and Sarah's daughters, Jessie Cook (1864-1953), was my grandmother. She married Edgar Newman, and they lived in Manset, Ma. Jessie also had three sisters: Mrs. William (Addie Cook) Bunker, Mrs. Pete (Ella Cook) Thompson and Mrs. Walter (Almeda Cook) Newman. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has information on the Cooks or Newmans listed above. I am sure I probably have lots of cousins out there that I don't know about.
- Patsy Newman Costello, 21 Main St., Hyde Park, NY, 12538. Phone (914) 229-2559 or E-mail to Patsyc97@AOL.ComQuery 98-061
Mahady: I am seeking any Mahady, Mahedy, Mahody (plus varieties) family clan members in Canada for inclusion in my One-Name-Study Records. Join our "Net Group" by contacting us at E-mail .
-Matt Mahady, an Irish Scottish Australian.Query 98-062
Davis - Spragg: I am searching for information about Caleb Davis prior to his arrival in New Brunswick on the Jason as part of refugee company 48. He reportedly was born in Glamorganshire, Wales, on Feb. 14, 1760. Family tradition was that he served in the Royal Welch Fusilliers (23rd Reg of Foot) during the American Revolution but I have not been able to confirm this from British Army List or regimental records. Caleb married Mary Spragg, a daughter of Thomas Spragg, and lived in Hatfield Point, Springfield Parish, Kings County, until his death on April 20, 1833.
- Don Davis, 7440 S Gallup St., Littleton, CO, 80120-4123. Or E-mail don_davis@estreet.comQuery 98-063
Bunting - Giraud - Blackadar: I have been trying to solve a mystery for years and have quite a few pieces, but I can't fit them together! I have a Roland Bunting, Loyalist, who came to Saint John from New Jersey (member of the N.J. Volunteers) after the Revolution. His son, Rev. Joshua Bunting, married Elizabeth Giraud. Their third son was William Franklin Bunting, born in Saint John on May 25, 1825. I am trying to connect this family to a Dr. John G. Bunting, married Jan. 14, 1843 at Trinity Church, Saint John, to Henrietta Blackadar, daughter of John Blackadar of Halifax, N.S. They had a son, Dr. Joseph Lordly Bunting, born Nov. 30, 1844, in Saint John. He married Sarah Ann Mills, May 10,1870, at Granville, N.S. Dr. Joseph had graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1866 and came to Granville to practice. He died April 1, 1871, four months before his daughter Josephine Henrietta Bunting was born. Josephine was my grandmother. There was a William J. Bunting who witnessed the wedding of Joseph and Sarah Ann in Granville. I rather think that Dr. John is another son of Rev. Joshua and a brother of William Franklin. I would really appreciate any information on this family and especially if a connection can be found.
- Lucy Bunting Traves, R.R. # 2, Falmouth, N.S., B0P 1L0. Or E-mail to ltraves@fox.nstn.caQuery 98-064
Almon: According to the 1851 Kings County, Studholme Parish census, William Almon (Alman, Almond) was 67 years old and came from England in 1817. He was a farmer and his wife Mary was 35 years and their seven sons were: William Jr., 17; James, 15; Samuel, 11; Edward, 9; John, 7; Hyram, 5; Nelson, 2. Mary is notably younger and she may be a second wife. She is listed as a native of New Brunswick of Scotish descent. I have no idea of her maiden name. I can not find any record of their marriage. William Sr. came to Canada in 1817 but didn't settle on his 100-acre land grant in Studholme, Kings County until 1837. So I have no idea where he was during this time. My husband is a descendant of their son Edward. I am hoping to locate descendants of the other six sons. Thanks to the work John Elliot did on Kings County cemeteries, I was able to find out where William Almon was buried and locate his stone. I would never have found it without his incredible project. William Almon died in October 1869, and is buried in the abandoned Jordan Mountain cemetery. I cannot find his wife Mary's grave, she possibly moved to Saint John, N.B., or Sussex, N.B., after her husband died to live with one of her sons.
- Lisa Almon, 108 Acamac Beach Rd., Saint John, N.B. E2M 6A1. Or E-mail acamac@nb.sympatico.caQuery 98-065
Brown - Bell: Richard Alexander Brown, son of James Brown and Margaret Bell, was born June 13, 1867, at Portland N.B. His wife, Elizabeth (?), was born Feb. 21, 1865, and they had four sons: Alexander, Feb. 11, 1890; Walter W., Jan. 5, 1894; Edward H., Feb. 11, 1897; and James B., Aug. 26, 1899. I am seeking any Brown connections and I would like to find Elizabeth's maiden name and her parents. Their boys seem to be all of age for The First World War. Richard Alexander Brown worked at the sugar refinery.
- John Brown, 197 Napoleon Street, Carleton Place, Ont., K7C 2W8. Or E-mail to, or john_brown@freenet.carleton.caQuery 98-066
Hayes Logue Tague King Lynch: Philip Hayes was married in Our Lady of Assumption Church on June 6, 1850, to Mary Logue or Tague. Their children were John, James and Owen. His second wife was Mary (?). They were married at Our Lady of Assumption Church on October 14, 1858. Children of this marriage were: Anne (married Michael King); Catherine; Hannah (married Daniel Lynch); Michael (my grandfather); Philip; and Robert. Philip's probate states that the survivors were his widow Mary, three sons (Robert of New York, Philip and Michael of Saint John) and three daughters (Anne, Catherine and Hannah). Mary, the widow of Philip, died March 4, 1900. Philip lived on Winslow Street and Rodney Street. Both gave their birthplace as Ireland. I would like to know when they came from in Ireland and where they landed, plus any other information.
Gregory Hayes, 253 St. John Street, Saint John, N.B., E2M 2B7. Or phone (506) 672- 2748.Query 98-067
Clinch Handy: I am looking for information on the Loyalist, Peter Clinch, who was stationed in the Maritimes during the American Revolution. He and his regiment, the Royal Fencible Americans, were stationed at Fort Howe and Fort Cumberland and were to protect from invasion from the south. When the war ended, he was given a grant of land in the St. George area of New Brunswick where he and most of his regiment settled. He was a captain in the regiment and served alongside his brother John. Most Clinchs living in the Maritimes today are probably descended from Peter and his wife Lucretia Handy. Any information would be appreciated.
Blair R. Meating, 51 Waterview Drive, Sydney Mines, N.S., B1V 2Z1. Or E-mail to bmeating@cbnet.ns.caQuery 98-068
Mountford - Mumford: I am having a hard time finding information on my great-great-great-grandfather George James Mountford. He was in born in 1803 at Saint John, N.B. I do not know the name of his parents. He ended up in London by the time he was 18. He ran afoul of the law and was sent to Australia in 1825. The names George James, Francis, Frederick, Edward and Thomas still run strongly in the family. It is possible his parents were Loyalists from Rhode Island or New York. He named his first-born son George James Hinks Mumford. I am sure he has connections to England. Can you help me or can anyone direct me?
Brent Smith, 11 The Barbican, Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2068. Or E-mail to 98-069
Rawlings - Boer War monument: My grandfather, John Nixon Rawlings, was born on May 6, 1880, in Saint John. His parents were Richard Hezekiah Bray Rawlings and Mary Jane McAndrews. I'm told he served two tours in the British Army during the Boer War, first from 1899-1900 in "G" Company Canadian Contingent, 3rd Regiment Canadian Artillery. In 1901 he went to South Africa with the 2nd Mounted Rifles. According to my grandmother, John Nixon Rawlings served as the model for the soldier on the Boer War Monument in Saint John. I'm looking for any information that would support or refute the story.
Sandra More, 2150 Carville Drive, Apt. F, Reno, Nevada, 89512. Or E-mail to or ninews@powernet.netQuery 98-070
Quigley - Dinn: I am interested in locating any descendants of Charles Quigley and Sarah Dinn. They were married circa 1820 in Wexford Co. (possibly Ballyanne), Ireland. Their children were: William, born in Ireland in 1821 and baptized in Saint John on July 11, 1825; David, born circa 1824 and baptized in Saint John on July 11, 1825; Jane, born Feb. 21, 1827; Elizabeth and Sarah may have been born in Boston. Any information regarding the above family will be greatly appreciated.
Shirley Kirk. E-mail ap704@chebucto.ns.caQuery 98- 071
Shaw - Shannon: I am looking for information on William Shaw (1818-1891), son of Timothy Shaw, of Wickham and his wife, Margaret Shannon. Plus their descendants: Mary Ann Shaw, born 1852; George Shaw, born 1858; David H. Shaw, born 1861; Joshua Robert Shaw, born 1861; Mary Ellen Shaw, born 1864; Elizabeth J. Shaw, born 1843; Timothy Shaw, born 1842; and Magellan Shaw.
Terrence Shaw, 162 Bay St., Cobourg, Ont., K9A 1P6. Or E-mail georshaw@enoreo.on.caQuery 98- 072
Query 98- 073
Bowes - Colton - Deal: The 1901 Nova Scotia census gives the date of birth of Ellen Jane Bowes as Feb. 3, 1840, in New Brunswick and states that she was Roman Catholic. Family tradition says she moved to Dutch Village, then a suburb of Halifax, and lived with her uncle (?) Kelly. She married John Edward Deal on Nov. 11, 1866, at St. Mary's Cathedral in Halifax. Marriage records give her parents as John Bowes and Mary Colton. I would like to find documentation of her birth. Were there other members of the family? When and where did the family come from?
Eric Duggan, 3129 Aikens Ave., Halifax, N.S., B3L 3Y5. Or E-mail to
Wiggins - Titus: I am researching Queen's County, New Brunswick native son E. Stone Wiggins. He was born in 1839, son of Daniel Wiggins and Elizabeth Titus Stone, and had a brother C. Malcolm Wiggins. Ezekiel Stone Wiggins moved to Ottawa in the late 1870s and became known as a weather prophet. He died in 1910 in Ottawa. From the information I have been able to track down he was a fascinating character. His obituary in the Ottawa Journal called him "one of the most unique figures that has ever come before the public eye in Canada." He also had some rather dubious scientific beliefs. I am interested in seeing any of his surviving papers which document his weather predictions.
John D. Reid, 57 Vanhurst Place, Ottawa, Ont., K1V 9Z7. Or E-mail to
Query 98-074
Whitten - Wallace: William Whitten was born in 1810 in Lietrim County, Ireland. He married Mary Wallace on Oct. 16, 1833, at Inkenlock, Ireland. He died on Feb. 19, 1890, at Hainesville, N.B. I would like to exchange information concerning this family.
- Ralph Buzzell, 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277. Or E-mail to buzz@whidbey.netQuery 98-075
Carroll - McInnes - Scott: I am interested in the descendants of Timothy Carroll and Catherine McInnes - Mary Scott. This family is in the 1881 through 1901 censuses for Newcastle Parish in Northumberland County, N.B. Timothy was born around 1850, and Catherine around 1855. He and Catherine married on July 13, 1876, and she had three children before she died in the 1880s. Timothy then married Mary Scott on Nov. 15, 1887, and the new couple had another five or six children. Both parents were alive in the 1901 census, aged 50 and 37 respectively. Their youngest five children: Sadie, William Patrick, Mabel, Annie and Charlie were living with them. If you have any additional information on this family (deaths, marriages of the children, etc.) please contact me.
- Joseph E. Carroll, 4261 Queens Way, Minnetonka, MN, 55345. Or E-mail to 98-076
Brown - Bassett - Searles - Cline: I am interested in finding out the death date and location of my great-great-grandfather, William O. Brown, who was born about 1859 on Campobello Island to Alfred Brown and Frances Bassett. William was married May 10, 1881, in Eastport, Ma., to Clara Searles, who was also from Campobello. Their children were Nellie, Lowell (my grea-grandfather) and Wheelock. In the 1891 census, Clara was listed as a widow. She later married George Cline in 1892. I have extensive information on the descendants of Lowell if anyone is interested.
- Heather Waddingham, 342 Owens Crescent, Kingston, Ont., K7M 8H8. Or E-mail 98-077
Dykeman: I wish to contact anyone who would like to share information on the Loyalist Dykeman family. Of special interest is the Dykeman family from lower West Saint John, N.B.
- Brian Ballard, 66 Rivershore Drive, Saint John, N.B., E2K 4T5. Or E-mail to 98-078
Peters - Trecartin - McCutcheon: I am seeking the birth, marriage and death dates of my great-grandfather, Howard Lucknow Peters, son of James Wellington Peters and Rebecca Trecartin. His wives were (1) Adelia Treadwell and (2) Emma McCutcheon. He was from Queens County, N.B. He later lived in Saint John, N.B., and in New Hampshire. Howard is said to have been born circa 1862, in New Brunswick, and died in New Hampshire circa 1935.
- David G. Keirstead, Box 2082, Hampton, N.B., EOG IZO.Query 98-079
Dwyer - Ferguson: I am looking for information on the ancestors of Margaret Dwyer, who married Thomas Ferguson around 1785 in New Brunswick or Quebec. The family settled in Tracadie, Gloucester County, then later moved to Flatlands in Restigouche County.
- M. Ferguson, 776 Somerset Cres., Kingston, Ont., K7P 1G4. Or E-mail to 98-080
Trites - Gesner: I would appreciate any information regarding Elizabeth Trites. She was born in Westmorland, N.B., and married Jacob Gesner. He was born in 1791, probably in Cornwallis, N.S.
- Tom Gesner, 257 Trinity Ave., Kensington, CA, 94708. Or E-mail to 98-081
Tabor - Taber: I would like to hear from any descendants or anyone who is researching and has data on the Taber or Tabor family.
- Mike Wolcott 169 - 9th St., Brooklyn, NY, 11215. Or E-mail to 98-082
Soper - Gamblin: John Soper was born on March 20, 1820, in London, England. He first resided in Queens County, N.B. He married Caroline Gamblin on Nov. 27, 1843. We believe they moved to Saint John. A son, Samuel Seymour Soper, was born on Apr. 23, 1852, and died as an infant. He is possibly buried in the Loyalist Burial Ground. Would anyone be able to verify this information? In May of 1859, John Soper with his wife and five sons and six daughters were living in the Parish of Brunswick, Queens County. At this time they were granted 100 acres by Queen Victoria. In 1873, they moved to Snider Mountain and are buried there. I would appreciate any information on the Soper family.
- George L. Soper, 110 Highland Ave., Rothesay, N.B., E2E 5M6Query 98-083
Tilton - Quinlan - Harbell - Martin: William B. Tilton was born in October 1857, in New Brunswick. He died Oct. 3, 1896, in Detroit, Mi. His wife was Frances E. Quinlan (born Sept. 18, 1864, and died March 15, 1939, in Detroit). William Tilton Sr. was born in 1817 in New Brunswick. He was married on Jan. 1, 1849, to Mary Eliz Harbell, who was born in 1824 in New Brunswick. Frances Quinlan Tilton married George H. Martin (who was born in 1886) after William died. He was William's best friend and also came from New Brunswick. His body was sent back to Saint John for burial. Does anyone have any information on these three people?
- Nancy Franklin, 2107 Trailwood Circle, Kerrville, TX, 78028. Or E-mail to 98-084
Myers - Chambers: I am trying to find the parents of my great-grandfather, George Myers, who lived in Dutch Valley near Sussex. His wife was Sarah Chambers. George had two brothers, Jesse and Henry. The New Brunswick census says they were Dutch Baptists. All three brothers married Irish women. George and Sarah had eight children. The oldest, William, was my grandfather. We have collected a lot of information on the families of the three brothers but have not been able to find their parents or where they came from.
- Professor John G. Myers, 15 Willard Place, Berkeley, CA, 94705. Or E-mail to myers@Haas.Berkeley.EDU.
Query 98-085
Walker: James and Elizabeth Walker and their daughter, Phebe J., are listed in the 1861 census, Western Division, Parish of Sussex, Kings County. What was Elizabeth's maiden name? I am seeking information on the Walker Family.
-George H. Sabean, P.O. Box 2145, RR#2, Westfield, N.B., E0G 3J0. Or E-mail to jsabean@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-086
Jones -,Wheatley: Caleb Jones was born about 1743 in Baltimore, Md. He married Elizabeth Wheatley on Feb. 11, 1773, in Coventry Parish, Somerset Co., Md. While being a Captain in the Maryland Loyalists, he kept an "Orderly Book" which was later found and published. I would like to find a copy of this book. Only 250 were printed in 1891. He was on the ship Martha when it was shipwrecked on its way to Canada. He received 900 acres, within his regimental block at Nashwaak, York County, N.B., in 1784. The grant was on the Nashwaaksis Stream near St. Anne's Point Fredericton. He also received a town lot at Parrtown in 1784. In 1786, he took up farming in New Brunswick. Their first child was Thomas Jones born 1775 in Maryland and then my ancestor, Mary Belle, born 1787 at St. Mary's, N.B. There are 12 years between these two children. Were there more children? I did find a Mordicai that may be a son, but need proof. Caleb Jones died Dec. 21, 1816, at St. Mary's, N.B. His wife, Elizabeth, died Feb. 14, 1812, in Douglas, N.B. I would like to find out where they are buried. If anyone knows anything about Capt. Jones please contact me.
-Janalee Garn, 461 South 200 East, Brigham City, UT, 84302-2901. Or E-mail to 98-087
Agnew - Reid - Pickett - Simson - Seely - Ewing: The 1851 Census of New Brunswick lists this family head as Eliza (Reid) Agnew born in Ireland. Her husband was James Agnew, watch and clock maker of Saint John City, N.B. He was accidentally drowned at Eastport, Me., about Dec. 7, 1850. According to an old advertisement in the Loyalist, dated Oct. 15, 1847, James Agnew had a shop at the corner of King and Cross streets. Does anyone have any old photos of this area? Eliza died at Dunbury Cottage, Roxbury, Mass., on Jan. 10, 1867. Her remains were brought to Saint John for interment. I would like information on where she is buried and, if possible, a photo of the head stone and any other details that the cemetery may have. The family consisted of Letitia F. Agnew, who married Seymour Pickett on April. 8, 1843. Seymour was subsequently murdered by his brother, Munson, in December of 1846. Letitia then married David Simson on Dec. 31, 1855. She wrote and published a book of poems entitled Flowers of the Year in 1867. I have managed to buy a copy of this book from Canada. Her brother Moore French Agnew married Ellen Matilda Seely at Liverpool, Queens County, N.S., on July 4, 1850. The marriage, as recorded in Nova Scotia, states he was from County Antrim, Ireland. My great-grandfather, William Barrington Agnew MD, was born in 1831 and died here in New Zealand in 1904. He left Saint John in 1851 aboard the barque Amelia. Another brother, James W. Agnew, was lost overboard from the ship Herald of Boston on May 12, 1867, whilst rounding the Cape of Good Hope. There was also a brother Seymour Agnew, who I believe was accidentally shot by a companion at a place called Red Head. I have not been able to locate a place called Red Head. Harriet Reid Agnew born 1840 married Hugh U. Ewing on Sept. 12, 1874. I have no other information on this couple. I am trying to link this family to Ireland and also to contact any living relatives. If anyone has any knowledge of this family please contact me.
-Doug Agnew, 13 Longitude Place, Whitby, Porirua, New Zealand. Or E-mail to 98-088
Riggs: Robert C. Riggs was born in England. In 1857, he received a grant of 115 acres at Hibernia Settlement, Simonds Parish, Saint John County. He died at the age of 103 years and 5 months and is buried on the Riggs Farm, Tynemouth Creek area, St. Martins Parish. He was the grandfather of Alfie Riggs, the well known carver. I am seeking any information on this family. Does anyone know the exact location of the burial ground?
-Muriel O. Hart, RR#1, Box 5774, Belfast, Me., 04915.Query 98-089
Horgan - Cleary - McManus - Flynn - Desmond - Duffley - Hillas (Ellis) - Barrett - Dickson: I have been working on my family tree for some time, but have lots of gaps. My parents were Frank Horgan and Julia Cleary. My grandparents were Michael Horgan, Margaret McManus, Hugh Cleary, Catherine Hillas (Ellis). I would appreciate hearing from anyone connected to the above families that has information on them.
-Frank J. Horgan, 49 Talwood Dr., Don Mills, Ont., M3B 2P4.
Query 98-090
Maxwell: I am seeking information on David Bennett, my great-grandfather, who died in Boston, Mass., on Jan. 5, 1889. He was buried in St. George, N.B., where the family of his widow Sarah (Maxwell) Bennett lived. They had two children, Vida (Davida) and Walter Bennett. Are there any descendants of the Maxwell or Bennett families who can help me in my search?
- Edna Orr, 6 Lower Woodlands, Ballycarry, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland, BT38 9JB. Or E-mail to 98-091
McDermott - Hamilton: I am looking for information on my great-great-grandfather, Alexander McDermott. He married Eliza Hamilton at Trinity Church, Saint John, N.B., on June 10, 1840. We know nothing of him before this date.
- Edmund McDermott, 68 Karen St., Saint John, N.B., E2N 1E6. Or E-mail to songster@nb.sympatico.caQuery 98-092
Harold: Robert Harold married Mary Nason on Nov. 18, 1818, in Sunbury County, N.B. They were both said to be from Lincoln. The witnesses were R. Hamilton and Wm. Boone. Robert is also more than likely the father of three known Harold sons. I know nothing about Robert Harold except that he was born about 1826 and died on June 14, 1887, at the age of 61.This information is on his burial marker at the cemetery of the United Baptist Church in Centrefield, Carleton County, N.B. The grave of Everet Harold is at the same cemetery as Robert. His marker gives the date of his birth as Jan. 4, 1828, and his death as March 24, 1907. Buried with Everet is his wife, Mary. She was born in 1835 and died in 1921. Her maiden name possibly was Whitney. John Harold and his family are in the 1871 and 1881 census records for Carleton County. Any
information would be appreciated.
- Ted Brassard, 10 So. Summer St., Nottingham, N.H., 03290. Or E-mail to tbrass@nh.ultranet.comQuery 98-093
Colwell - Hamm: I am seeking descendants and ancestors of the family of John Colwell, born about 1779, and Mary Hutchinson, born 1784. Elizabeth (Betsy) married Thomas Theal; William married Millicent Hamm; James, J.P. married Susan Nice; Levi married Mary Hamm; John married Phoebe Clark; Susanna married Charles Hamm; plus two more children were Robert and Mary.
- Sylvia A. Hamm, 52 Needle St. Sussex Corner, N.B., E4E-2Z3. Or phone (506) 433-5210.Query 98-094
Cochran - Hamilton: I am trying to locate descendants or persons researching the family of Henry and Sarah Ann (Hamilton) Cochran. The family arrived in Saint John in 1830 from County Tyrone, Ireland. Children: William, Eleanor, James, Jane, Robert, John, Sarah Ann, Hamilton, Rebecca and Henry. Henry was the only one born in Saint John. Eleanor Cochran
married James Lemon on Nov. 11, 1839. Their family was: James, Henry Hamilton, Sarah, James Samuel, Twins - David and Eleanor Jane, Robert Cochran, Rebecca Atwood. Eleanor Jane Lemon married Henry J. Pitts on Aug. 5, 1875. Their children were: Eleanor Henrietta, Cecil James, Harriet May, Alfred Leigh, Frank Gladstone, Blanch Victoria. The Pitts family migrated to Brooklyn, NY, in 1892.
- Jane Welsh, 220 Greenstone Dr., Reno, NV, 7021322-1421.Query 98-095
Jago(e) - Parrot: Abraham Jago(e) was born in Ireland about 1816, possibly the son of Jacob Jago(e). He died in 1866 in New Brunswick. His wife Mary Parrot was born in Ireland and she died about 1852 at a young age in New Brunswick. They were early settlers of the Bay of Chaleur area - Canobie, Janeville, Salmon Beach. They had at least three sons; John, Richard
and my great-grandfather, William Jago(e) (1851-1935), who married Annie Scott (1858-1941). Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.
- Donna Jago, P.O. Box 626, Agawam, MA, 01001. Or E-mail to djago@juno.comQuery 98-096
Landers: I am seeking anyone who would like to share information on Landers' from County Cork, Ireland.
- Brian Ballard, 66 Rivershore Dr., Saint John, N.B., E2K 4T5. Or E-mail to ballard@acton.comQuery 98-097
Harmon - Kelley: I am seeking information on Annie Harmon, who was born on Feb. 24, 1874, in Woodstock, N.B. She married Harvey Kelley on Feb. 11, 1893, at Fort Fairfield, Me. She died on Dec. 12, 1960, in Caribou, Me.
- Ralph Buzzell, 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277. Or E-mail to buzz@whidbey.netQuery 98-098
Brown - Wilson: I am looking for descendants of James Burden Brown, who was born about 1798. His mother's name was Susannah. He and his wife, Thankful Wilson, were from Campobello, N.B. He was a justice of the peace in the late 1870's. He died at Campobello on Feb. 1, 1891. James and Thankful's children were: Robert W; Oliver B.; Luther; Alfred; John Calvin; Bartholomew; Victoria and Cordelia. I am descended from Alfred and have information to share.
- Heather Waddingham, 342 Owens Cres., Kingston, Ont., K7M 8H8. Or E-mail to lilman@king.igs.netQuery 98-099
McMahon - Cassidy - Corr: Charles D. Cassidy was the son of James and Jane (Corr) Cassidy. He was born in February of 1845 in Upham Parish, Kings County, N.B. He married Margaret McMahon and they emigrated to Maine in 1894. In the 1900 Census they were living in Presque Isle, Aroostook County, Ma. I am searching for the parents, date and location of birth of Margaret McMahon.
- LaVonne Geesey, 4855 N. Desert Tortoise Place, Tucson, Arizona, 85745-9214. Or E- mail to dlgeesey@worldnet.att.netQuery 98-100
Query 98-101
Davis - Spragg: I am looking for documentation and additional details about the marriage of Caleb Davis and Mary Spragg, which reportedly took place on June 10, 1785. Mary was the daughter of Thomas Spragg. Caleb and Mary lived in Hatfield Point, Springfield Parish, Kings County, N.B.
- Don Davis, 7440 S Gallup St., Littleton, CO, 80120-4123. Or E-mail to
Mahar - Dow - Troake: I am searching for information on John Mahar. He was the son of Lucy Preble and John Mahar and was born Sept. 15, 1807, at Perry, Ma. I am also searching for information on his second wife Susan Dow. She was born in 1822 at St. George, N.B., and was the daughter of William Dow and Cynthia Sparks. When and where did they marry? Where did they live? When and where did John die? After John's death Susan married Jim Troake of St. George. What year did Susan die? She was listed in the 1891 census but not listed in the 1901 census. They lived at Lake Utopia, which is just outside of St. George. Where are John, Susan and Jim buried?
- Debbie H Leavitt, P.O. Box 458, St. George, N.B., E0G 2Y0. Or E-mail to leavittc@nb.sympatico.caQuery 98-102
Miller - Clark - Shay: I have been looking for some time for information on my great-grandfather, Robert Miller. Some relatives believe Robert and his wife, Julia Shay, were owners of or had something to do with lumbering at the border of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. He may have been involved in transit of lumber to New York State. Robert apparently had an arm shot off in Gettysburg. He and his wife were living in Ausable Forks, N.Y., in 1872. My grandfather John Lucien (Lewis) Miller and his twin brother Fred were born on Sept. 30, 1872, in Ausable Forks. There was another brother, Arthur, and possibly a sister. John and Fred married twins, Elizabeth and Alexandra Clark. I think this wedding took place in Milltown or Chatham, N.B., around 1896. John Lucian Miller and his wife are buried in Windsor, Ont. They spent most of their lives in the Detroit and Windsor area. He was a chemist in a mill in Detroit. Most of my Millers seem to have migrated to the Detroit area and extreme west, probably due to some difficulty in lumbering around the 1890s. Any help would be appreciated.
-Gordon Miller, 154 Hillcrest Dr., Saint John, N.B., E2M 4C4. Or E-mail to milsound@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-103
Foster: John Foster was born in Ireland about 1815, and married Sarah Tufts on Nov. 22, 1832, in Westfield, Greenwich Parish, Kings Co., N.B. He died Jan. 12, 1869, in St. Martins. They had seven children: John Harrison, born 1844 in St. Martins (my great-grandfather); Mary Foster who migrated with John Harrison to Massachusetts along with my then 8-year-old grandfather, John Thomas; Edward Henry Foster, born April 2, 1837, near Kinsmen Corner, N.B. (He was the father of Walter, the premier of New Brunswick from 1917-1923); Mary Elizabeth (died as infant); Richard; Joseph; and Amorine (died as infant). John and Sarah are buried at Mosher Hill Anglican Cemetery, St. Martins. According to family lore, John Foster had logging camps and was in the shipping business. He was possibly one of the "Westfield Fosters" who were UEL from Ireland. Id love to find out more about the Westfield Fosters. What part of Ireland did they come from? Is my John related to them?
- Jo Foster Keefe, 1550 Union St., Manchester, NH, 03104. Phone (603) 623-7025. Or E- mail to Jkeefe@grolen.comQuery 98-104
Davidson: I am looking for information on Grand Manan Island lighthouse keepers in the 1900 to 1925 period. Was there one named Davidson? He was possibly connected to the John and Georgia Davidson family living in Cutler, Me., at the time of the 1900 census. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
-Caronne Secord, 408 Point McKay Gdns. NW, Calgary, Alta., T3B 4V8. Or E-mail secordd@cadvision.comQuery 98-105
Query 98-106
Golding - Goldie - Golden - Palmer: I am seeking information on William Goldie, Golden or Golding and his parents. These three spellings were used in documents pertaining to him. He married Elizabeth Palmer on Sept. 18, 1841, in Saint John County. They were both residents of Kings County. It is believed they lived in Hampton or French Village. William Golding died between 1847 and 1851. They had three children: William Golding, 1847 to 1908; Margaret Goldie (Crowley), 1844 to 1924; David Goldie, 1847 to 1927.
-J. Golding, 18 Douglas Dr., Quispamsis, N.B., E2G 1N6. Or E-mail to
Chisholm - Wason - Weasel - Watson - Hudson - Godfrey: I am looking for the parents and other information of James McFarlane Chisholm and his wife Christinanna Wasson/Weasel/Watson. They lived in St. Martins or Simonds Parish of St. John County. Their daughter, my grandmother, Sarah Martha Chisholm, first married John Robert Riggs. When did he die? Where is he buried? Her second marriage was to Arthur Willard Hudson. I need names and dates of their children. Another daughter, Mary (Mae) Chisholm, married Charles F. Godfrey and lived in Grand Bank. I also seek information on this family.
-Muriel O. Hart, R.R.#1, Box 5774, Belfast, Me., 04915.Query 98-107
Bowen: I am searching for descendants of William Bowen. He was born in Ireland in 1810 and died in Saint John, on March 19, 1886.
Garth Little, 3125 Massey Ct., Windsor, Ont., N9E 2Z6. or E-mail to 98-108
Sweet: I am compiling a history of the Sweet surname in New Brunswick, from the first George Sweet, who was a Loyalist and came to Gagetown from Rhode Island in 1783, to today anywhere in New Brunswick. Information on anyone with this surname would be appreciated.
Bob Sweet, 35 Country Lane, Island View, N.B., E3E 1A2. Or E-mail to 98-109
Green - Yerxa - Sisson - White: Barbara Green was born in 1780 or 1781, possibly in New York. She married Abraham Yerxa on July 10, 1796, in Queensbury, York County, N.B. I descend from their son Daniel Yerxa, who was born in 1797 at Douglas, N.B. He married Hulda Sisson. Barbara may have been the daughter of Henry Green, who was the son of Elizabeth Green of Cortland Manor, N.Y. Henry Green may also have had a daughter Elizabeth (Betsey), who married Jacob White, the son of loyalist Thomas White, who served in the New York Volunteers. They were granted land on Madame Keswick. Abraham Yerxa's parents, John and Catherine Yerxa, were witnesses to Thomas White's will in 1796. Henry Green was given settlement on lot 85 of the West bank of Madame Keswick in 1788. Barbara Green died Nov. 10, 1857, in Keswick, N.B. Her husband, Abraham Yerxa, died Sept.10, 1857, also in Keswick. He is buried in the Keswick Cemetery. I would like to know where Barbara is buried. If anyone knows anything about Barbara Green or her parents, please contact me.
Janalee Garn, 461 South 200 East, Brigham City, UT, 84302-291. Or E-mail to
(Updated address - January, 1999) Janalee Garn, 375 Pinon Dr., Idaho Falls, ID, USA, 83401. Or E-mail to
Query 98-110
Watson Burgess: Francis Watson was a Loyalist who arrived in Saint John, N.B., in 1783. He was married to a Mrs. Douglas (?) who died in 1808. Who was this Mrs. Douglas? Francis Watson was Worshipful Master in 1809 and 1810 of the Masonic Lodge. Exalted in Carleton Chapter June 10, 1807. Francis was married a second time on Dec. 4, 1809, to Elizabeth Burgess. He died Nov. 13, 1810. Any information on this couple would be helpful.
Francis Watson, 186 Range Hill Rd., Poland Spring, ME, 04274-5903. Or E-mail to 98-111
Bradley - Freeman - Smith: Oliver Bradley lived at Conway for some time and then on to Maugerville. He married Sara Freeman in 1818. Who were their children? I also need information on the children of Oliver Cromwell Bradley and Margaret Smith.
Rose Staples, R.R.#1 Millville, N.B., E0H 1M0. Or E-mail to 98-112
Mooers: I desire to correspond with any descendants of Smith Mooers or his son Hugh Mooers or Hugh's son Warren Douglas Mooers. They lived and farmed in York County for several generations. Mooers is frequently spelled Moores and Moors. Is it of Dutch or English origin? David N. Strickland, 14533 Hague Dr., Farmers Branch, TX, 75234. Or E-mail to dstrickland@optekinc.comQuery 98-113
Donovan - McPaul - McFee: John Donovan was the son of Jeremiah Donovan and Johanna Hourihan. He married Margery McPaul, who was the daughter of Donald McPaul and Ann McFee. They were married at the Cathedral on Waterloo Street in Saint John, N.B. on May 20, 1891. Both John and Margery gave their address as 225 Waterloo St., Saint John. His occupation was a hostler. Witnesses at the wedding were Denis Donovan of Fredericton Road, Salisbury, N.B. and Agnes Breen of Main Street, Saint John, N.B. John and Margery appear in the 1901 Census in the Parish of Upham, Kings Co., N.B. It states that Margery came from Ireland in 1884. At this time, in the 1901 Census, they have six children: Frederick, born in 1892; Lenora, born in 1894; Bessie, born in 1896; Marg, born in 1897; John, born in 1898; Catherine, born in 1900. John S. Donovan, a brother of James, was living with them in this 1901 Census. He was born in 1874. It also seems that Margery's sister, Barbara Gibson and her children, Jamre, Annie Katie and Michael, were also living with John and Margery. I would like information on any of the above.
Aldene M Hourihan-Gionet, 26-500 Douglas Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2K 1E7. Or E-mail to or phone (506) 657-6806.Query 98-114
Meigher - Meagher - Magher - Mayhar - Marr: I am seeking information on the circumstances surrounding the death of John Meigher. He was born about 1801 in Ireland and came to New Brunswick in 1837. He married Mary Sullivan on Oct. 8, 1839. They had six children Johanna, Dennis, Patrick, John, Ellen and Bridget. He resided in Upperton, Parish of Upham, Kings Co., N.B. According to family lore, he died between 1851 and 1861 under strange circumstances. His coat was found on top of a cliff overlooking a body of water. He was presumed to have fallen into the water and drowned, but his body was never recovered. The location of his drowning is said to be in the vicinity of the Shoals?/Scholes? [spelled phonetically] Dam near where the headwaters of the Big Salmon River cross Shepody Road, in the Parish of Hammond, Kings Co., about 18 miles east of Upperton. There would probably have been an inquiry of some kind about his death. Any advice on where to search for a record of such an inquiry?
John D'Anieri, 1226 Godfrey Lane, Niskayuna, NY, 12309. Or E-mail to danierij@crisny.orgQuery 98-115
Bettle - Taylor: Josiah Bettle (June 7, 1798 to May 22, 1877) and Phoebe (Taylor) (March 15, 1804 to March 13, 1888) are buried in Titus Hill Cemetery at Titusville, along with her father, Captain Taylor. They lived between Titusville and Passekeag. Everard and John Bettle were with the military during the Revolution and probably arrived with the Loyalist Fleet. I believe that one of them was the father of Josiah, but I have not been able to confirm this. Both Everard and John witnessed a land grant #1035 for Timothy Kierstead on Aug. 20, 1786. This grant was on the northwest side of the Kennebecasis River. It could have been at Gondola Point. I would
appreciate any information on Everard and John Bettle.
Miles Gordon, 134 Poole Dr., RR#3, Perth, Ont., K7H 3C5. Or E-mail to milesg@perth.igs.netQuery 98-116
Moore: My great-great-grandfather Andrew Moore of County Fermanagh, Ireland, emigrated to Canada in 1833 with his wife Sarah and four children: Robert Andrew; Edward; Jane; and James. Two more children, Margaret and George, were native born. The family settled in Black River outside of Saint John. I would like to find out when exactly they came, from which port they sailed, what ship they sailed on and anything else about the voyage that is available.
-Randy Moore, 129 Dresden Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2J 4L5. Or E-mail to prmoore@nbnet.nb.caQuery 98-117
Stewart - Baird: William Stewart was born in 1830 in New Brunswick and married Mary Jane Baird in Chipman, N.B., in 1854. His father, Andrew Stewart, was born in Ireland about 1800 and his mother was possibly named Nancy. They may have come to Canada circa 1819 from County Tyrone. Any information on the ancestors of William Stewart or his family would be appreciated.
George Kittell, 6630 Logan Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 5423-2163.Query
Campbell - Jardine: The first burial in Fernhill Cemetery, Saint John was that of Georgeanna Campbell on March 8, 1848, in lot 10 on Spruce Avenue. It is believed that she was the daughter of John M. and Jane Campbell. John Campbell was from Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and he was 81 years old at the time of his death in December of 1869. Jane Campbell died in April of 1864. In this lot is also John T. Campbell aged 39 years, who was buried on Sept. 24, 1871. He was an employee of the firm of John Walker Company. Mention is made that Georgiana Campbell was the niece of A.C. Jardine. If anyone has information on this family or is related to this family, would they contact Ann Maloughney, General Manager of Fernhill Cemetery at (506) 652-1133 or contact me at and I'll pass on the information to Ann Maloughney.
Query 98-118
Yerxa - Miles - Pickard: Gabriella Yerxa was born about 1856 at Stanley, N.B. She married Charles Abraham Miles who was born in 1846 at Stanley. They were married on July 15, 1875, in York Co., N.B. I descend from their son Frank Edgar Miles, who was born Dec. 28, 1876, at Stanley. I am trying to find out more about Gabriella. Her parents are Gabriel and Martha (Pickard) Yerxa. I would like to know when and where Gabriella died in York Co., N.B. Where were she and her husband Charles buried? Charles A. Miles was a postmaster, teacher and accountant. I have a copy of a couple of pictures of his students and one of the girls is supposed to be Gabriella. Would anyone know which one she is? She belonged to the Church of England. Their daughter Ella May Miles died April 18, 1882, in Stanley of diphtheria croup at age 3. She is buried at the Anglican Cemetery. If anyone knows anything about this family, please contact me.
- Janalee Garn, 461 South 200 East, Brigham City, UT, 84302-2901. Or E-mail to jjgarn@brigham.netQuery 98-119
Parks - Kelley: I am searching for information on Elizabeth Ann Parks who was born on July 13, 1807, at Woodstock, N.B. She married John Lawrence Kelley on Oct. 17, 1822, at Saint John, N.B.
- Ralph Buzzell, 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277. Or E-mail to buzz@whidbey.netQuery 98-120
Howard - Graham: I am seeking any information on Donald Ross Howard, his wife Ann Graham and their children. According to the 1871 census, Donald was born about 1831 in New Brunswick. He lived in the Parish of Greenwich, Kings County, and was a member of the Church of England. He was a tenant farmer on 200 acres of land. His wife Ann Graham was born about 1841 in Ireland. Their children were: John A.; Jane L.; Margaret; Edwin; Eliza Ann; and Jonathan. All of the children were born in New Brunswick between 1853 and 1864. John, the first son, was born at Gagetown in 1853. Donald and his wife Ann apparently both died on Nov. 1, 1905. I have a probate but cannot find death records nor any other census records of them. According to probate, these children survived: Henry E. Howard, a truckman of Saint John; John Alexander Howard, a carpenter of Eastport, Me.; Jonathan Howard of Roxbury, Mass.; Sarah J. (Robert) Gilliland of Saint John, who cared for both her parents until their death; and Annie (William) Fallis of Portland, Me. Also mentioned is Edward Howard of Pendar Nail Works, Saint John, but the relationship is not identified. I have no other information on anyone in this family. My ancestor, John Alexander Howard, also died in November 1905, due to pneumonia, in Eastport, Me. He had married Harriet Ann Barnes who survived him until 1946. Their three children were Frederick Graham, Gladys and Edith Howard. All three were born in Eastport.
- Karen Spoentgen, 8249 Denver St., Ventura, CA, 93004. Or E-mail to KarenJean@Prodigy.netQuery 98-121
Haffey: I am looking for the descendants of James Haffey. He was born in Waterford County, Ireland, about 1786. He came to the Parish of Wakefield, York County, in 1871. On April 21, 1819, he married Isabella McDonald of Lincoln, Sunbury County, N.B.
- K. Norman Hafey, 15902 M-46, Howard City, Michigan, 49329.Query 98-122
Brotton - Broughton - Norton: I am requesting help finding information concerning George Wheatley Brotton (Broughton), who was born Aug. 24, 1839, at North Creek, (near Saint John) in New Brunswick. His parents were George William Brotton and Lucy Norton. George William Brotton was born in England and Lucy Norton was born in Pennsylvania. In 1843, when George Wheatley Brotton was four years old, the family moved to the United States. During the Civil War, George Wheatley Brotton enlisted in the army from Tonica, La Salle Co, Illinois. He died in 1931 in North Dakota. I am also looking for information on John Broughton, who immigrated from Ruthland Shire, Great Britain, in 1817 or 1819.
- Betty Brotton, Box 234, Powers, Oregon, 97466., USA.Query 98-123
Abell - Gardiner: I wish to contact anyone who would like to share information on the family of Alfred H. Abell, my great-grandfather. In 1880, he married Alberta J. Gardiner and they had two sons, Edward James (1881-1929), and Claude (1884-?). I believe they lived in Prince Edward Island as well as Moncton and Saint John. I have been told by relatives that Alfred had a brother named William. Recently, I have found a William G. Abell, born in 1843. His wife Margaret died at her residence on Manawagonish Road, Saint John, on Nov. 8, 1914, at the age of 71 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. I am interested also in information about Dr. Abell who was connected with the School for the Deaf in Saint John.
-Beverley Floyd. Email to Cliff.Floyd@sympatico.caQuery 98-124
Irving - Kennedy: I am researching Dorothy Lou Irving, daughter of J.D. Irving. She was born in the late 1800s to early 1900s in Bouctouche, N.B. She moved away in the 1920s and returned home about 1933, when her father died. I am looking for her birth date, when and where she died and her place of burial. I would like information on her marriage and any children. I am also looking for information on the Kennedys of Centreville, N.B.
-Kathy McMullan, 111135 McCraney St. E., Oakville, Ont., L6H 3A3.Query 98-125
Query 98-126
Gordon - Mitchell: William Gordon was born in 1814 in Ireland and he died April 2, 1892. He was married on Nov. 21, 1842, to Mary Jane Mitchell. She was born in 1824 and died on Jan. 16, 1901. They are both buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Saint John. A brother, James Hamilton Gordon, was born on May 27, 1824, in Ireland and died Dec. 16, 1909. He first married Marly Ann Warnock on Aug. 3, 1846. She died on Jan.16, 1854, in Saint John. His second wife was Ann Powers. They married on July 5, 1854 in Upham. The brothers may have arrived with parents or by themselves, along with a sister. I would appreciate any information on parents of William and James H. Gordon or their families.
-Miles Gordon, 134 Poole Drive, RR3 Perth, Ontario, K7H 3C5. Or Email to
Bateman - Elkins: I am seeking the parents of Sarah Bateman (Beatman). Sarah was born in New Brunswick about 1824. According to a 1972 memoir by her granddaughter, Sarah's father was an English-born school teacher who owned property on the Miramichi and also ran an inn or boarding house. Sarah's husband-to-be, an Irish immigrant named John Elkins (Alkins), was shipwrecked on or near the mouth of the Miramichi and came to live with the Batemans. A frequent visitor at the Bateman place was a Roman Catholic missionary who stayed with them when he conducted services at a mission chapel in the area. Sarah Bateman and John Elkins were married on Feb. 16, 1847, by Rev. Andrew Barron, "missionary of Bathurst." Their marriage is recorded in the parish records of Ste. Famille Roman Catholic Church, Bathurst. Witnesses were Edward Bateman and Liddy Bateman. Births and baptisms of their first three children (in 1849, 1850 and 1852) are also recorded in Ste. Famille Parish Register. Some time later they moved to the Hampton/Norton area of Kings County where they remained until their death. Sarah died between 18911901 and John died in 1907. Some of their descendants live there to this day.
-John D'Anieri, 1226 Godfrey Lane, Niskayuna, NY 12309, USA. Or Email to 98-127
Murphy Riley Cooper: Maisie Riley worked with Gwen Cooper at the Standard Telephone Co., New Southgate, Nth., London, England, as a coil winder (war work) in the 1940s. Around 1947, Gwen Cooper married British Army Corporal Murphy in the local Roman Catholic church. They had two daughters, Susan, now 50, and Pat. Maisie Riley married a RAF man around the same time. They had a daughter, Barbara, now also 50, and a son, Peter, in 1953. Gwen and Frank Murphy emigrated somewhere in Canada in 1959. At the same time, Maisie moved to Berkshire. Very unfortunately, both Maisie and Gwen lost their respective addresses. I realize this is very long shot but perhaps someone knows the whereabouts of the Murphy family. My wife has longed to make contact with her bombed-out factory colleague and later close friend.
Dick Dove 5 Farm Close, Crowthorne, Berks RG45 6SE, UK. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-128
Brown - Love - Peters: I am trying to find information on my great-great-grandparents, Malcolm Brown and Sarah Love. Malcolm was employed as a foreman to Judge Peters, of Saint John, in the late 1700s. All were Loyalists. Judge Peters is described as "notable." Malcolm and Sarah were married in Saint John. Malcolm possibly came from South Carolina. Sarah came from Boston where her family owned the "T" wharf.
Blair Brown, Box 219, Barrington Passage, N.S., B0W 1G0. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-129
Provan - Williams: I am looking for information on the parents and descendants of William Provan, who was born Nov. 18, 1830, at Grand Lake, N.B., and died Dec. 10, 1895. William was married on March 26, 1854, in Gagetown, to Susanah Williams, who was born on June 26, 1831, and died Jan. 3, 1910. They had 13 children: William B. (1855); Mary Louisa (1856-1943); Isaac Westley (1857-1933); Scelia Gertrude (1859-1870); Ada B (1862-?); Ida F (1862-?); Robert Medley (1864-1954); Sarah Amelia (1867); Leveret S. (1870); Ann Gertrude (1873); Alma Reade (1874-1874); Levinia (Married in 1893); and Stanley (birth date unknown). William may have had a brother, James, born 1809 and married to Elizabeth Frost. This is not confirmed.
Cliff Floyd. E-mail to
- Query 98-130
Boyd- McDonagh - Kirk - Barnes: I am looking for connections or information pertaining to the family of Hugh and Ann Boyd of Irish Settlement, Kings County, N.B. They came from Ireland in 1819. I believe they had at least three daughters: Isabella married Edward Kirk; Margaret married George McDonagh (who arrived in Canada 1821); Martha married John Kirk; There seems to be an Irish connection to my Barnes family of Barnesville genealogy.
Judith Baxter, 1326 Route #845, Clifton Royal, Kings Co., N.B., E5S 2B9. Or E-mail to 98-131
Hale - Dickenson - McDonald - Kelley: I am seeking information on Elisha Hale, who was born Aug. 3, 1830, in Fredericton, N.B. His parents were Dennis Hale and Mariah Dickenson. He first married Mary McDonald, then Esther Kelley.
- Ralph Buzzell, 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277. Or E-mail to 98-132
Barnes - Westray: My research has given me quite a clear path back to George Barnes and his wife, Elizabeth Westray. They arrived from Carlisle, England in 1813, probably with his brother, Richard C. Barnes, and J. Upham. George Barnes petitioned and was granted property in Barnesville. I am now trying to establish the paths of the siblings along the way. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am more than happy to share what I have gleaned.
- Judith Baxter, 1326 Route #845, Clifton Royal, Kings Co., N.B., E5S 2B9. Or E-mail to gbaxter 98-133
Elkins - Meigher: Would anyone have any information on the old Catholic Cemetery at Norton? It was called St. Stephen's Catholic Cemetery. I am interested in the Elkins and Meigher families of this area.
- Sharon Pledge, 141 Pugsley Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2K 2X3. Or E-mail to 98-134
MacCaull - Baker - Henderson: I am attempting to locate information on Anthony MacCaull II and his wife, Margaret Baker. Anthony was born near Wigtownshire, Scotland in 1829 and moved to Bedeque, PEI, with his wife, Jane Henderson, and their children. His wife passed away in 1868, leaving a number of small children. On June 14, 1871, he married Margaret Baker. It was reported that they moved to New Brunswick but I have no other information available. I am looking for burial records or any other information on this family.
- Donna Danis Austin. E-mail to 98-135
Murphy: Joseph Murphy was born in the United States on April 20, 1850, and emigrated to Saint John in 1860. His wife in the 1901 Census of Saint John was listed as Mary (?). His children were: Joseph H., born March 20, 1877; Jesse E., born Sept. 20, 1878; William B., born Nov. 11, 1880; and Francis P., born March 17, 1883. Joseph was possibly from Buxton, North Carolina. I am seeking information on Joseph, who was my great-great-great-grandfather. In particular, any documentation of his place of birth in the U.S. and information about his wife.
- Brian Murphy. E-mail to 98-136
Johnson: I am trying to locate the medical records belonging to Dr. B.F. Johnson who practiced in West Saint John in the 1920s and 1930s. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
- Fran Shaver, 43 Leslie Ave., Port Dover, Ont., N0A 1N4. Or E-mail to 98-137
Barnes - Scott - Porter: Eliza Barnes Porter was born in January of 1854, and was the daughter of Charles Barnes and Lavinia Scott of St. George, N.B. She married Judson Porter. She died at Campobello on Feb. 29, 1928. I would like any information on her.
- Karen Spoentgen, 8249 Denver St., Ventura, CA. 93004. Or E-mail to 98-138
Query 98-139
Harris - Ahearn: I'm searching for any information on the parents and the wife of Sidney Washington Harris. He was born on Nov. 19, 1851, in Saint John, N.B. There is a possibility his father was also named Sydney, and his mother, Hannah. His father left before the birth of his son. His mother, Hannah, was said to be a native American - Passamaquoddy or Micmac. They may have been married in a lumber camp. Hannah moved to Calais, Me, and married a man named Woods. Sidney Washington Harris married Mary Jane Ahearn (no information known) of New Brunswick, and ended up in Maine. Any information that could help me in my search would be greatly appreciated.
- Les Harris, 50 Westside Dr., Exeter, NH, 03833. Or E-mail to
Masterson - Nowland: Francis Margarite Nowland was born on April 24, 1897, at Sunny Corner, N.B. She married Ernest Joseph Masterson. I am interested in hearing from anyone with these surnames.
- JoAnn Gonzalez, P.O. Box 1211, Plains, Mt, 59859. Or E-mail to
Query 98-140
Wilbur: I am seeking the parents of Isaac Wilbur/Wilber, who was born in 1799 in New Brunswick. His first wife was Sarah Briggs and his second wife was Mary Wilkins. He was the father of 26 children. He died Nov. 7, 1879, and is buried with his wives and some of his children in the Gorge Pioneer Cemetery near present day Ammon Road, Moncton. Nearby is the Gorge United Baptist Church that he built before 1872. It now appears to be a storage building owned by the DACO Construction Company. If you have any information on Isaac or his family, please contact me.
- Christina (Wilbur) Roedell, 1 Cherry Rd., North Hampton, NH, 03862. Or E-mail to 98-141
McComb - Wilson: Thomas McComb and his wife Mary lived in Saint John in the mid 1800s. They had a son, James Wilson McComb, born on July 27, 1879. Some years later, they moved to New York where they are buried. If you have any information on this family, please contact me.
- Deborah Ferris, 7371 Manlius Center Rd., East Syracuse, NY, 13057. Or E-mail to 98-142
Maxwell - Shae - Coates: I am searching for the descendants of James Maxwell, Senior. He died March 7, 1893, and is buried in the Covenanter Cemetery at Barnesville, N.B. His son, David Floyd Maxwell, (1864-1939) was married to Jeannie Hannah Shea (1873-1966). Jeannie was from a lumber family from Economy or Five Islands Shore, N.S. Her parents were Thomas Shea and Mary (Coates). I would appreciate any information on these families and would love to share my information.
- Joanne Francis, 5 Silverton Cres., Rothesay, N.B., E2E 5V9. Or E-mail to 98-143
Query 98-144
Corbett - Street - Mills - Madill - Armstrong - Maxwell - McCullem: James Corbett took up land (lot #5 Nerepis Road [Lawfield Road]) in 1822 with six children: Samuel married Elizabeth Street or Elizabeth Mills in Ireland; Margaret married William Medill (Meadill) in Ireland; John - no marriage record found; (4) William married Margaret Meldrum in New Brunswick; Mary Ann married John Armstrong in New Brunswick; Jane Eliza married Henry Maxwell in New Brunswick. In 1826, Samuel Corbett Jr. applied for a land grant. He was married but had no children. There is another Samuel Corbett [same age as James' son] who arrived with a wife whose maiden name was either Street or Mills. This Samuel Corbett had children when he arrived. One daughter was named Mary Ann, just as in the other family. She married James McCullem in a church on Long Island in the St. John River. There is no record of the marriage but there are lots of children. There is a burial record for Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Corbett, dying mysteriously in 1856. Samuel was locked up in the Gagetown jail under suspicion of poisoning his wife. He was later released due to lack of evidence. There is also a record of Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Corbett, dying in 1880. This is not a second wife but the other family. Samuel, her husband, died in the same year. At the time of their deaths, they lived with their son Robert at Petersville, Queens County. The preponderance of evidence indicates that this Elizabeth was a Mills and wife of Samuel Corbett, who was the son of James Corbett. The difficulty I have is that there are two Samuel Corbetts born about the same time. They both came to New Brunswick within seven years of each other. Both lived in Queens County, Hampstead or Petersville Parishes. Both had wives named Elizabeth. Both married in Ireland and both had second daughters named Margaret and other children sharing the same names. Pulling these families apart is the problem. Any information will be gratefully received.
- Rich Corbett, 22 Bemberg Court, Etobicoke, Ont., M9W 3V5. Or E-mail to
Mugridge - Merrill: I'm looking for information on the Mugridge family who lived in Shediac, New Brunswick. Of particular interest is George, who was the son of James and Amelia Mugridge. George was born on Oct. 21, 1863, and ventured to California where he married using the assumed name of Frank Merrill. He later divorced and lived out his days in the Shuswap Lake area of British Columbia.
-Barbara Pompei, 8340 Chester Dr., Sacramento, CA, 95830. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-145
Irving - Hannam - Seely - Bolton - Sterritt: William John Irving was born about 1846 in Saint John, New Brunswick. He married Anna A. Seely on Aug. 1, 1867, in Saint John, New Brunswick. She was the daughter of Lynus Seely and Jane Sterrittt, and was born on May 10, 1840, in Saint John. She died May 28, 1911, in Somerville, Massachusetts, United States. John Fremont Hannam was born about 1859 and married Jennie Bolton on Aug. 8, 1881, in Cambridge, Mass.
They are both listed as being from New Brunswick, Canada. John F. Hannam's parents were William Hannam and Harriet (?). Jennie Bolton's parents were Thomas Bolton and Ann Givan. They were married on June 3, 1853, in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada..
I would greatly appreciate any information regarding these individuals.
Contact Nancy Irving or
- Query 98-146
Hendricks: I am seeking information on the family of Conradt Hendricks. He was married three times. Conradt was a captain of the New Jersey Volunteers for the Loyalist cause and was forced to flee to Canada in 1783. He died on July 13, 1784, and was buried in the Old Burial Ground in Saint John. I would appreciate learning any more information that may be available on Conradt Hendricks and his family.
Andrew A. Hendricks, M.D., 102 West 27th St., Lumberton, NC, 28358. Or E-mail to Or telephone office at 1-800-245-7154 and home at (910) 738-1911.
- Query 98-147
Porter - Fox - Fuch - Dow - Franklin: John Porter was born about 1760. He was a Loyalist and had been given land as such in 1783. He was married to Mary (?). They had a son, John, who was born about 1784 and married Rhoda Dow on July 28, 1808. She died on May 22, 1862, and John died on Jan. 23, 1860. They are buried in the Lower Meductic Cemetery. After John Porter Senior's death, his widow married John Christian Fox. Nothing is mentioned of young John Porter in the Fox (Fuch) homestead. Letters from relatives state he was raised in the Franklin household. Why did his father mysteriously disappear? Why did John Fox try to get the land that was given to John Porter? Any information on this family would be appreciated.
Dorothy J. Smith, P.O. Box 394, Bradford, NH, 03221. Or E-mail to dot@iamnow.netQuery 98-148
Oram - Gardiner: I am searching for information on the Oram and Gardiner families. My great-grandfather, John Oram, died Dec. 17, 1895. He was married to Bridgett Fitzgerald and she died June 7, 1881. They had eight children: Ellen, married John Roberts; William Edward; Edward; Lena; Agnes; Esther; Grace; and John Leo. My grandfather, William Edward, married Katherine Elizabeth Craig and they had nine children: Mary Eleanor; Thomas; William E.; George Henry; Ellen Agnes; Joseph Leo; Grace; Herman Joseph; and Margaret Eleanor, who married Roy Gardiner. The Orams lived in or around Saint John. The Gardiners lived on a farm near Enniskillen, where Camp Gagetown now is, and in Massachusetts. If anyone has any information on the Oram or Gardiner families, please contact me:
John Gardiner, 3930 Ellston Place, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907. Or E-mail to
Query 98-149
Elliott - Smyth - Brown: I am looking for information on my ancestor, Thomas Smyth, born circa 1815 in Northern Ireland. He lived in Alma Parish, Albert County, and married Rebecca Elliott. She was born circa 1831 in Ireland, but is listed as a spinster from Saint John on her marriage bond dated Oct. 1, 1860. Thomas's son, Hugh Smyth, was born circa 1836. He married Martha Brown, who was born circa 1848 in Saint John. She was the daughter of Joseph (or George) Brown and Ann Elliott. These Smyths may be related to another family named Smyth who lived in Waterborough Parish of Queen's County. Any information on the Smyth (commonly spelled Smith), Elliott or Brown families mentioned above would be greatly appreciated.
-Nancy Pfaff, 4 Jennifer Lane, Wallingford, CT, 06492-5704. Or E-mail to
Query 98-150
Wills: I am searching for the descendants of William Wills. He was born Nov. 24, 1836, and died July 22, 1907, in Saint John, N.B. He was married on Nov. 29, 1858. My grandfather was David Wills born Nov. 9, 1859, and died March 3, 1942, in Saint John, N.B. I am looking for information on his brother, George Frederick, who was born April 9, 1876, in Saint John, and died sometime before 1923. His wife remarried in 1923 to Capt. Daniel F. Grady in the Assumption Church in West Saint John. William Jr. was not living in Saint John when his father passed away in 1907. He was born about 1864 and married Laura Almeda Akerley on July 29, 1884, in West Saint John. Henrietta Wills and Frank Day lived in Lower Lincoln and Hampstead and had seven children. Some of the children moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., and some settled in Saint John. Temple H. Day, Lawrence Grenville Day and Harvey Day were three of their sons. Any information provided would be appreciated.
Gordon C. Cameron, 145 Coldbrook Cres., Apt. 5, Saint John, N.B., E2J 3Z3.
Query 98-151
Cassista: I am looking for relations of Alphee Alfred (Brass) Cassista. I am a Cassista and he was my father's great-aunt's brother. I would like information on his family.
Gerald Cassista, 30 Cormier St., Grand Falls, N.B., E3Y 1B1. Or telephone (506) 473-4952.
Query 98-152
Barnes - Westray: My research has given me quite a clear path back to George Barnes and his wife, Elizabeth Westray. They arrived from Carlisle, England, in 1813, probably with his brother, Richard C Barnes. George Barnes petitioned and was granted property in Barnesville. I am now trying to establish the paths of the siblings along the way. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am more than happy to share what I have gleaned.
Judith Baxter, 1326 Route #845, Clifton Royal, Kings Co., N.B., E5S 2B9. Or E-mail to
Query 98-153
Blair - O'Neill - Russel - Johnson: Michael Joseph Blair was born in Belledune, N.B. He was the son of Michael Blair and Catherine Russel. He married Isabelle O'Neill, daughter of Daniel O'Neill and Catherine Johnson, in Saint John on June 19, 1918. The witnesses were Frank McGinnis of 335 City Line, Saint John, and May McDermott of 15 Drury Lane. Michael and Isabelle had a baby girl, about three months before he died. Her name was Josephine Florence, born May 16, 1919. This is the person I am trying to find.
-Frances (Blair) Adams, 40 Lackie Road, Saint John, N.B., E2N 1X5.Hendricks: Dr. Andrew A. Hendricks is descended from Conradt's brother, William Hendricks. He would appreciate any information that is available on Conradt Hendricks and his family. Dr. Andrew A. Hendricks, 102 West 27th St., Lumberton, NC, USA, 28358. Or reach him by phone at 1-800-245-7154 (work) or (910) 738-1911 (home). Or E-mail to
- Query 98-154
Hersey: My Grandfather William Walter Hersey, according to our family stories was a Captain on the Grand Manan Ferry. He drowned in 1923. I would like to find the exact date of his death and the particulars of the drowning.
-Doris (Perrett) Morris, 38 Riverview Rd., Alliston, Ont., L9R 1R8. Or E-mail to 98-155
Graham: I am looking for information on the descendants of the Graham families who lived in Coot Hill and Petersville area of Camp Gagetown, N.B. Does anyone know of any genealogy records that may have already been compiled on the Grahams? The only thing I have found is a write-up done by Austin Graham on Coot Hill in 1978. Any information, contacts or approaches to expand on the above would be greatly appreciated.
- Derarld Kirkpatrick, 142 Wentworth Dr., Riverview, N.B., E1B 2ST. Or E-mail
- Query 98-156
Carson: The Carson family probably emigrated through Saint John early in the 1800s. They later moved south to New York State. The father¼s name was William Carson and the mother Elizabeth. Did other members of the family remain in the area of Saint John? Hearsay is, they were connected to the family of Sir Edward Carson, of Dublin, though this is still unproven.
- Lillian Hamersma, 535 Holmes Ave. South, Forked River, NJ, 08731-2315. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-157
Harold - Perkins - Nason: According to the family Bible, at the time of her marriage to Gideon E. Perkins in August of 1880, Clara A. Harold was said to have come from Tracy Mills ‚ the original name for the town of Tracy, N.B. Her grandfather might possibly have been Robert Harold, who married Mary Nason in 1818, since Mary had been born in Tracy Mills in 1795. It is also possible that Robert and Mary were the parents of three Harold brothers: Robert, Everet and John. It also appears highly possible that Everet was Clara¼s father. This is all conjecture, of course, which is why I'm appealing for help. Anyone with any information about this area or the families mentioned is urged to contact me.
-Ted Brassard, 10 So. Summer St., Nottingham, NH, 03290. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-158
King - Bleakney: Adam King was born in New Brunswick in 1805. On Oct. 30, 1833, he married Catherine Bleakney. She was born in 1796 and died in 1878. Adam King may have had brothers ‚ James, John and Charles. He died in 1878. I would like to get information on his parents and other members of his family. I am also looking for information concerning the parents and siblings of Asa (Isaiah) King, born July 11, 1825, in New Brunswick and died there in 1902. He married Elizabeth Steeves, who was born in 1832 and died in 1903. Asa and Elizabeth are buried in the Steeves Settlement Cemetery, Westmorland County, N.B. Their children include: Margaret King, born Sept. 19, 1869 and died Nov. 13, 1933; George E. King, born May 31,1870 and died Sept. 3, 1917; Elizabeth King, born Dec. 24, 1872 and died May 8, 1947; and William Henry King, born March 8, 1876 and died May 20, 1950.
- Joyce Fraser, 15 Minto St., Amherst, N.S., B4H 1H1. Or E-mail to
- Query 98-159
- Cottle: I am seeking information about Nathaniel Seth Cottle who was born in 1823 in New Brunswick. He married Sarah G. (?) about 1840 to 1845 and moved to Michigan. I would particularly like to know the names of his parents. E-mail to
Query 98-160
Drake - Pale - Rockwell - Tobias: I am seeking information on Warren B. Drake, who was born in Carleton, N.B. in 1797. He was the son of Francis Drake and Catherine Tobias. On Jan. 4, 1823, he married Mary Parle or Mary Rockwell at York, N.B.
- Ralph Buzzell, 4124 N. Noble Pl., Oak Harbor, WA, 98277. Or E-mail to 98-161
Hennessy - Holmes: Ellen M. Hennessy was born in Newfoundland. Her mother (?) Holmes may have come from New Brunswick. According to a handwritten family record, her mother was a cousin of author Oliver Wendell Holmes of Cambridge, Mass. Ellen was born about 1849 in Newfoundland. Both of her parents were born in Ireland. The United States Census in 1910 states her age then as 61 and she came to the U.S. in 1852. She married John Sloan (Sloane), who was born in New Brunswick and had at least five living children. At least two were born in the Boston, Mass., area. Names of her known children are: Louise Veronica, born in Boston on Dec. 23, 1869; Mary; Charles; Henry; and Francis. The daughter, Louise Veronica, married John A. Williams of New York City. He was a letter carrier. Louise died in Brooklyn, N.Y., after the birth of twins in 1911. Louise V. was my paternal grandmother - mother of my father, John F. Williams Sr., now deceased.
- John F. Williams. E-mail to 98-162
Lamming - Waller - Stather: John Lamming was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1840. He was the son of Thomas Lamming and Mary Ann Waller. John Lamming married Ann Stather from Newport, Yorks. They had seven children: John (1871); Mary Ann (1806); Charles (1861); Stephen (1864); and Tom (1866). These children were born in England. Rebecca (1877) and Emily (1880) were believed to be born in Canada as the family immigrated to Todd's Point, N.B., about 1874. John was in charge of Mr. Todd's horses. About a year later, they moved to a farm closer to St. Stephen and planted an apple orchard. He purchased property between Queen Street and Brook Street in the town of St. Stephen and established his Brick Yard in 1877.
The third child, Charles Lamming, married Emily Burrell, who was born in Hull, England, and they had a child, John William, who was born in 1885 in Canada. By 1891, this family was back in Hull, England. Their other children were: Frances Ann (1886) - my grandmother; Charles Herbert (1888); Raynor (1894); Harold Burrell (1898); Muriel (1900); and Albert Ernest (1905).
Charles Lamming and family returned to Canada about 1906 and settled in Milltown. I believe that Charles was a master mason at a mill in Milltown. Frances Ann stayed in Hull to marry my grandfather William Burns Morris in 1906. I can remember three of Charles and Emily's sons coming to England to see us during the last war as they were soldiers in the Canadian Army.
- Harold and Sandra Scott, 25 Beechwood Close, EXNING, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7EL, England.
Harold Scott (Query 98-162) is looking for information on the Lamming family. His great-great-grandfather, John Lamming, lived and worked in St. Stephen around 1874. The family returned to England, but son, Charles Lamming, (back row, centre) returned with his family to Canada and settled in Milltown. Pictured with Charles Lamming in this photo taken in Hull, England, in 1900 are: (back row, left to right) son, John William; daughter, Frances Ann; and son, Charles Herbert; (centre, left to right) mother-in-law, Frances Ann Burrell; and wife, Emily with baby, Emily Muriel; (front) son, Harold Burrell; and son, Raynor.
Query 98-163
Clarke: I am seeking information on a Charles Clarke who lived in the parish of Hampton in the county of Kings. He had land around Darlings Island. His will is dated 1847. I would like to contact other people who have this same line and share information with them.
- Mike Page Box 92, Medicine Hat, Alta., T1A 7E8. Or E-mail to lazy_sun@telusplanet.netQuery 98-164
Lynch - Poitras: I am looking for information about Agnes Lynch. She was supposedly from Saint John, N.B., probably around the turn of the century. She married Otis Poitras and moved to New York before 1915. Any information would be appreciated.
- Vicar Rob Moskowitz, c/o Trinity Lutheran Church, 170 Old Westford Rd., Chelmsford, MA, 01824. Or E-mail to 98-165
Whitehouse - Forbes: Jacob Norman Whitehouse was born in 1824, at Robert's Island, Yarmouth County, N.S. He moved to Knowlesville, Carleton County, N.B., in 1861 via the steamer "Bonnie Doon" from Saint John to Hartland. His wife was Susanna Forbes, who was born in 1829 and died in 1910. Their children were: James; Adarah (Doucette); Deborah (Crawford); Theoria; Morris; Ellen (Hemphill); Adelaine; Mary; Armina (Gayton); Jacob; and Wilson. I am looking for Whitehouse descendants and information on the "Bonnie Doon."
- Olwyn Whitehouse, 16314 Redwood Forest Ct, Sugar Land, TX, 77478. Or E-mail to 96-166
Query 96-167
Russell: Jacob Russell, a Loyalist, was born May 10, 1744, in Connecticut. He died on June 27, 1827 at Kingsclear, York Co., N.B. He married about 1765, possibly in New York to Elizabeth (?), who was born May 13, 1750, and died Aug. 20, 1827, at Kingsclear. I would like to know Elizabeth's maiden name and the parents of these individuals in Connecticut or Massachusetts. There are Russell families there but too early for me to connect to Jacob.
- Ralph Turner, 14320 SW Rock Creek Road, Sheridan, OR, 97378. Or E-mail to
Logan - Tudor - Haley - Cain - Curren - Mowbry: I am seeking any information on the descendants of James Theodore Logan. He was born Oct. 13, 1885, at Portland (North End, Saint John), and was the son of Samuel Logan and Annie Tudor. James was married on May 31, 1911, at St. Luke's Church, Saint John, to the widow Ann Teresa "Annie" (Haley) Cain. She was the daughter of Thomas Haley and Sabina C. Curren of the West Side of Saint John. James Logan was young when his father died, and he worked from a young age to support his mother and two sisters living in the North End of Saint John. He worked at various times as a mill hand, teamster and employee of the Maritime Nail Works in the North End. He and Annie lived at 99 Sheriff St. They had two children: Dorothy Madeline Logan, born Jan.19, 1912; and Charles Theodore Francis Logan, born Nov.14, 1913. Annie died in 1914 of consumption, which had claimed her first husband, a railroad man named John Cain. One of the young children (not sure which) had died shortly before the mother. Only a few days after Annie's death, the Great War was set in motion in Europe, and within a few months, James T. Logan enlisted in the 26th Battalion, the New Brunswick Regiment. James Logan's military papers describe him as stocky, blue-eyed and red-haired. He placed his child in the care of his widowed mother and proceeded overseas with that famous unit early in the Great War. James saw considerable action as an infantryman and was wounded by enemy fire in 1916. He survived hospitalization and rejoined his unit later that year, staying with them for the remainder of the war. He returned to Saint John on demobilization in 1919. During his four year absence, his mother had died and his child had been placed in the care of his sister, Mrs. A. Mowbry of the North End. From here I can no longer trace the family. Any information or assistance would be much appreciated.
- Greg Haley, 18 Tulip St., Fredericton, N.B., E1C 1L6. Or E-mail to 98-168
COLE - CLIFFORD - HANNIGAN: My mother, Jeanne Lorraine Cole, was born Apr 29, 1931 to David Oscar Cole and Mildred M. Clifford. When I was two years old, she and my baby brother died in a car accident in Germany. She married my father, Joseph Hannigan, in Nov. 1955 when he was on military leave. At that time she was a waitress in a hotel in Saint John. I also have a photo of my mother in military uniform. I would like to correspond with anyone who remembers Jeanne Lorraine Cole from any part of her short life. I am particularly interested in finding the person that gave her a ring - a black alaskan diamond - that I have in my possession. The possibility of getting to know my mother, even posthumously, is a wish I have had since I gave birth to my oldest child 15 years ago.
-Kelly Copeland, 101-5 Wellington St. East, Barrie, ON L4M 2B7. Or e-mail to kasey@bconnex.netQuery 98-169
HARVEY - GETCHELL: I am looking for information on my grandmother's family. My grandmother Annie Laura (or Laura Annie) Harvey was born on Mar. 3, 1889 in Saint John. She married Burnis Delancy Getchell on May 4, 1906 in Lowell, Penobscot, ME. She died Apr. 3, 1936 in Plymouth, Penobscot, ME. Her father was Charles Harvey, who was born in New Brunswick, her mother's name is unknown but was born in New Brunswick (may have died at her birth). They may have lived in Salmon Creek, Queens County.
-Norma L. Wing, 14 Plummer Court, Gardiner, ME 04345. Or E-mail to n0rmal@aol.comQuery 98-170
McALONEY: I am researching any and all McAloney families. The spelling varied from McAloney, MacAloney, McAlonan, McAlonas, etc. I understand some of those located in Cumberland County, N.S. and came to New Brunswick, maybe around the Sheppody Park area and Pt. Wolfe. Apparently there is a brook in Fundy National Park named McAloney.
-Sandra Dunphy E-mail to (Feb 2005)
Query 98-171
JOHNS - ORMOND: My paternal grandmother was born about 1893 in Saint John, N.B. to Henry (Harry) Johns and Julia A. Ormond. Henry was supposedly born in Bristol, England. They both died in the Boston, MA. Anyone know this family please contact:
-Susan Rogge, 8672 E Lambert Ln., Poplar, WI, USA, 54864. Or E-mail to
Query 96-172
Sharp Melvin: I am seeking any information on William Sharp born in 1796 in Ireland. He married Phebe Melvin from Chester, N.S. They had a land grant in St. Martins and later moved to Kings County, N.B. We know very little about their children, except for John who was our great-grandfather. I would appreciate any information on this family.
Debbie Simpson, 3913 Cedar Hill Rd., Victoria, B.C., V8P 3Z8. Or E-mail to
Query 98-173
Brown - Carll - Blakeney - Lewis: I am looking for documentation on the marriage of Aletha Greta Brown, supposedly married on June 14, 1905, to William Carll in Kings County, N.B. I also seek documentation of her death supposedly in April of 1909 probably in Kings County. I am quite interested in determining the cause of her death. Does anyone have a primary source to prove that Jerusha Blakeney, who was born Aug. 14, 1804, is the daughter of Charles Blakeney and Sarah Lewis of Kings County, N.B.?
Rocky Gibney, P.O. Box 297 Millet, Alta., T0C 1Z0. Or E-mail to
Query 98-174
Grady - Kennedy - Wickett - Smith: I am looking for information on James Grady. He was born in New Brunswick in 1845. His parents were born in Ireland. He moved to Old Town, Me., and was my grandmother's father. It appears he was married first to Margaret Kennedy and secondly to Mary Wickett. Would anyone have information on the descendants of Jared William Smith born 1837, died 1912? He was from New Brunswick.
Kimberly McLaughlin, P.O. Box 697, Lincoln, ME, 04457, USA. Or E-mail to
Query 98-175
Calvert - Thomas - Williams: I would like information on Thomas Calvert. He was the son of Richard Calvert, a ship's glazier in the port of Saint John and was born about 1800. He married Maria Thomas in 1821. She was born about 1802 in Saint John. I need the name of her parents. Their daughter, Maria, was born in 1826 in Saint John. She married John Williams, who was said to have been shanghaied to sea at age 12, and lost contact with his parents and siblings. Can anybody suggest which Williams family John belonged to? Saint John families which the Calvert and Williams children married into were Bennison, Hancock, Lakeman, Coredon, Foster, Hawes and Golding.
Barbara Bartels, 377 Hwy 12 W, Pomeroy WA, 99347. Or E-mail to
Query 98-176
Worden - Whitaker: I am seeking information on the family of Hazel Worden. She was born Sept. 28, 1890, in Saint John, N.B. Her father was either Gilbert or Burnett Worden, a stevedore, who was born in New Brunswick about 1870. Nothing has been found on her mother's name. Hazel married Roscoe Whitaker in 1908 at Bangor, Me. They had three children: Dorcas; Russell; and Donald, born in Baileyville, Me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Robert Whitaker, 52 Sorenson Rd., West Haven, CT, 06516. Or E-mail to
Query 98-177
Barnes - Scott - Porter: I am looking for information on Eliza Barnes who was born on Jan. 29, 1854, in St. George, N.B., to Charles Barnes and Leviney Scott. She married Judson Porter and moved to Campobello, N.B. She died Feb. 29, 1928 (?) in Campobello. I would appreciate any information. I am willing to share info on the above family.
Carol Higgins, P. O. Box 201, Princeton. ME, 04668-0201. Or E-mail to or
Query 98-178
Sinnott - Ogden - Fisher - Murphy - Reid - Liston: The following received lots in the parishes of Clarendon and Pennfield in the Creevey Settlement area of Charlotte Co. The latest date I have is 1873, when Francis Sinnett obtained his lot. Sinnett, Francis lot 98; Sinnott, Michael lot 99; Sinnett, John lot 126; Ogden, Alfred lot 97; Ogden, Samuel lot 103; Ogden, John P. lot 100; Fisher, John lot 70; Murphy, Simpson James lots 66 (north part) 67, 68, 69; Reid, James lot 65; Liston, James lot 66 (south part) petitioned for in 1859. If anyone is researching these families or would be kind enough to check census indices for me for Pennfield and Clarendon, I'd be very grateful to hear from you.
Dick Norwood, 1018 Eastmont Drive, Columbia, SC, 29209. Or E-mail to For those who are interested, my website is
Query 98-179
Hutchison: I am looking for a location that may have a copy of the Canadian Gazette for May 10, 1919. My grandfather received the Croix de Guerre for his service on Vimy Ridge in France. I have been told that there was mention of him in the Canadian Gazette on this day. His name is Lt. John Hedley Hutchison.
Judy Anderson, 8 Ledgmont Dr., Greenville, RI, 02828. Or E-mail to
Query 98-180
Lord - Lockwood: I am searching for the parents of Hosea Lord. He was born in Maine and was married Sept. 14, 1831, in Anglican Church, Parish of Woodstock to Teressa Amelia Lockwood. The marriage licence states that both are from the same parish in York County at that time.
Eve Wingert, 19134 SE 213th St., Renton, Wa, 98058-0553. Or phone (425) 226-0150. Or E-mail to
Query 98-181
Bryson: My grandmother is a very dedicated genealogist here in Scotland, and has been working on my father's family history as a surprise for him. She has currently got as far back as a Mary Jane Bryson, who was born in 1815 in Saint John, N.B. Her father was James Bryson, her mother Mary (Strangewood) (Greens). Absolutely any information would be very gratefully received.
E-mail to Campbell Barrowman at
Query 98-182
Graham: I am seeking information on Robert Graham. He was the superintendent at the Saint John Asylum between 1858 and 1879. He died in 1879. According to the census, he arrived in New Brunswick in 1835. We are interested in the names of his parents. His first wife was Emma (?) and she died in May of 1851. Children of the first marriage are James (born about 1836, Henry (born 1840), Ellen (born 1842), Winifred (born 1844) and Fanny (born 1846). Winifred married David Martin in 1865 at Saint John, N.B. His second marriage was to Anne (Corrick) Clark. The children were Frederick (born 1854), Clarence (born 1856), Edwin (born 1858) and Emma (born 1862). Any information on the children of the first marriage would be wonderful.
Connie Goodwin, 2 Grant Street, Johnston, RI, 02919-2313. Or E-mail to
Query 98-183
Crawford - Douglas: I have been trying to find information on a James Crawford who arrived in New Brunswick about 1830 and settled in Goshen, Queens Co., N.B. There is conflicting information on his wife's name. It may have been Elizabeth Douglas. I hope someone can provide me with information.
Cindy (Chambers) Solinsky, 8944 Martin Rd., Kirtland, Ohio, 44094. Or E-mail to
Query 98-184
O'Connor - Bloomfield: Mary Alexander O'Connor was born in 1861 or 1864 in New Brunswick to Irish parents John O'Connor, an artist, and Elizabeth Bloomfield. Mary immigrated to Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1877 probably without her parents. I am looking for any record of this family in New Brunswick and any vessels that travelled to Australia and New Zealand in the 1870's to 1880's.
Olwyn Whitehouse, 16314 Redwood Forest Ct, Sugar Land, TX, 77478. Or E-mail tp
Query 98-185
Fletcher - Searles - Dean - Mallock - Tobin: I am trying to find the children of the William Fletcher and Jacob Searles lines. Charles Searles was first married to Susan Dean then to Frances Mallock. William Fletcher of Saint John married Elizabeth Wilmot Tobin of Digby, N.S. My grandfather was George Henry Fletcher, born June 20, 1877, in Saint John. Can anyone help me with the missing pieces of this family?
Hazel Nolan, 210 Main St., Skowhegan, ME, 04976. Or E-mail to
Query 98-186
Murray: I am looking for Alexander Murray in the St. Stephen area of New Brunswick. I am also seeking information on Simpsons in St. Andrews.
E-mail to Murray Landing at
Query 98-187
O'Neill: Who were the parents of my great-great-grandmother, Mary Ann O'Neill of Havelock, second wife of Simon S. Steeves of Dawson Settlement, Albert County? Mary Ann was born Jan. 14, 1840, and married on Aug. 12, 1865. She died on Jan. 21, 1912. Both she and Simon are buried in Dawson Settlement.
S. L. Devlin, 81 Weston St., Moncton, N.B., E1A 7B8. Or E-mail to
Query 98-188
Kelly - Esler: Records from Aroostook County, Me, indicate Margaret Kelly was the wife of Major James Esler (born 1780), who lived in Hillsborough, Albert County, N.B. Most of the family subsequently moved to Maine. I need all possible information for Margaret and her ancestry. I am also seeking the time and place of death for James Esler.
Tim Easler, 206 W. Saint Andrews, Midland, MI, 48640-3410. E-mail to
Query 98-189
Sproul: I am looking for information on the family of William Sproul. He was born about 1840 possibly in the Waterford area of Kings County. He married Eliza Davis. One daughter, Elizabeth, was born about 1864 and died in 1946. Another daughter, Mary, married William Gordon. They also had a son, Hugh. I have several leads on Sprouls but can't seem to make the connection.
Cindy Solinsky, 8944 Martin Rd., Kirtland, OH, 44094. Or E-mail to
Query 98-190
Lockhart - Gee - Cox: I am searching for Thelma Lockhart, who was born to Wesley Lockhart and Bertha Gee in 1916 in Blaine, Me. I believe Thelma married a Cox. She was sent back to Canada to live after her mother died in 1919. I think it would have been with a relative in Carleton County.
Deanna Lockhart Dodd, 20683 Tallyho Court, Ashburn, Virginia 20147. Or E-mail to 98-191
Stackhouse Bible: I am seeking the whereabouts of a family Bible. This Bible was last known to be in the home of George E. Stackhouse of 16 Elliot Row, Saint John, N.B. It was misplaced sometime in the mid 1950's. This Bible is remembered as having had a genealogical account of the Stackhouse family. I would appreciate any information regarding the whereabouts of this family Bible and the genealogical material in it.
-W. A. Stackhouse, 293 Lakeside Rd., RR#4 Hampton, N.B., E0G 1Z0. Or telephone (506) 832-0096Query 98-192
McCROSSIN: Robert McCrossin was born on Jun. 02, 1795 in Ireland. He lived with his wife, Sarah in Lynnfield, Charlotte County, N.B. and died there on Jun. 12, 1882. I seek informaion of his birthplace and his wife's maiden name and birthplace. Their daughter, Lucinda married Ephraim Reynolds of Marion, Maine.
-Leonard Dannemann, 4320 Elliot Ave.,Titusville,FL. USA 32780. Or E-mail to or
Query 98-193
ALLEN: I am searching for the parents of Capt. William Allen, who was born in Hants, N.S. in 1780 and he died Mar. 23, 1843. He was married to Elizabeth Lockhart and both are buried in the Old Methodist Cemetery in St.John, N.B.
-E-mail to Herman F. Marshall at
Query 98-198
Adams - Donaldson: My father, Carl M. Adams, is 86 years old and I have been doing extensive genealogy research on his ancestry. His mother was a Holmes, and, therefore, it has been a breeze getting research material on her lineage of Holmes, Lewis and Poole. However, the Adams side has been a real puzzle for years. As my father gets older, he is getting even more anxious to know of his father¹s family. His father, Charles Nathaniel Adams, was the son of the late James and Margaret (Donaldson) Adams who lived in Saint John, N.B. This we found out when we researched the death of my father's uncle James D. Adams, who died in 1940.
When I mentioned this to my father he remembered that they had indeed lived in Saint John because his brother, James Kenneth Adams, had gone there to do work on an apartment building which contained a store on the first level of the building. At that time Margaret (Donaldson) Adams was a widow. It is believed that James (her husband) died when Charles Nathaniel was about 11 years old, which would put his death around 1885.
Through the land leases, we found that the building was located at the corner of Union and Crown (lot 272) and remained in the family until 1960. We also learned that the land was in the family since 1853. It was first leased to a Nathaniel Adams and in later years it was also leased to a William Adams and Margaret Adams, spinster. I have absolutely no idea who these people were, but it is clear that there were two Margaret Adams as they are both mentioned on the same lease. At the time of this particular lease, Margaret (widow of James) was in Yarmouth, and that Margaret (the spinster) was in Saint John and William is also listed on this lease with the latter Margaret. We are planning a trip to Saint John for the Labour day week-end. Any further leads would be accepted with more appreciation than you could imagine. It has been an 86 year mystery that is just starting to unfold.
E-mail to Randy G. Adams at
Query 98-199
Harrison =- Hall - Scott: I am seeking the names of the parents of John Alfred Harrison, who was born in 1847 in New Brunswick. He married Susan Hall at Sussex on Jan. 03, 1871. Susan died in October of 1871. John married Agnes Scott of Richibucto circa 1873. I can find no record of this marriage. The couple had nine children and lived at Moncton until 1892, when John died. John was a carpenter.
Don Dixon, GRS(C), LIFELINES Genealogical Research, 129 Burpee St. Fredericton, N.B., E3A 1M6. Phone (506) 459-1512 or E-mail to
Web site DonDixonGRSC/Query 98-200
McClintock - McAfee: I would like to correspond with anyone researching the McClintock family of Saint John. Samuel McClintock married Sarah McAfee, daughter of Angus McAfee around 1868. Sarah migrated to the USA, with her youngest daughter prior to 1900. I would like information regarding Samuel¹s death.
Jan Babb, 9415 Hilmer Dr., La Mesa, CA, 91942. E-mail to 98-201
Nowlan: Are there family ties between Nowlan - Nolan families in Northumberland and Kent counties? My great-great-grandfather John Nowlan - Nolan was born about 1827 in PEI. He was in North Esk, Northumberland County, N.B., in 1850s. He married Mary Matchett. Family lore suggests John might have had brothers in Richibucto area. Need proof.
S. L. Devlin, 81 Weston St., Moncton, N.B., E1A 7B8. Or E-mail to 98-202
Query 98-203
Crossman - Esler: Records from Aroostook County, Ma., indicate Mary Crossman as the mother of Major James Esler (born 1780). James is listed in 1851 census at age 71. Need all info for Mary and her husband.
Tim Easler, 206 W. Saint Andrews, Midland, MI, 48640-3410. Or E-mail to
Smith - Anderson: I am looking for any information on John Smith and Frances Letitia Anderson. John Smith arrived Saint John as an Empire Loyalist in the fall of 1783. In 1786 he purchased or was granted land #6 Long Reach, (lot next to present day Crystal Beach). In 1815, he petitioned for 1200 acres located on McBeth Lake in Westfield for himself and his four sons. John and Frances¹ children were: John Jr. Smith, born 1787; William Smith, born 1788 and died about 1813; James Anderson Smith, born 1790 and died 1839. He was married to Elida Prall Munger; Daniel Smith, born about 1793 and died 1875. He was married to Mary Elizabeth ?; Stephen Smith, born 1795 and was married to Margret A. French; Caroline Maria Smith born 1797 baptisted at Kingston at age 23 and married on March 18, 1833. She died Nov. 7, 1876; Penelope Letita Smith, born 1807 and married Samuel McConkey; Ann Smith married Gilbert Purdy Aug. 23. 1828; Fanny Smith born about 1805 and died April 15, 1889. I am also looking for any confirmation on John and Letitia Smith as to what ship they arrived on. Where did he live until 1786? Are there more children? Where are they buried? Where are they from exactly?
Reg Smith, P.O. Box 168, Greenwood, N.S., B0P 1N0. Or E-mail to
Query 98-204
MacFARLANE: I am looking for information about the parents of Foster MacFarlane, M.D. He was born about 1834 in Studholm, Kings Co. and he died in 1899 at Saint John. Possibly his father was Matthew MacFarland, who died in Studholm or Sussex, Kings County in 1865. His mother may have been Sarah Foster, who died in Kings County in 1841. Any information about the above would be much appreciated.
-Bruce Mitchell, 275 Britannia Ave., Bradford, Ont. L3Z 1A6. Or E-mail to
Query 98-205
KING - HAYES: Information wanted on Michael and Annie (Hayes) King, who were born in Saint John, N.B. Their children were Mary Frances King born 1887 and two other daughters and three sons; Walter, Willie, and Edward. The children were raised in Catholic orphanages - the girls in Saint John and the boys in Fredericton. Mary Frances King went to Maine approximately in 1905. Her mother Annie King (nee Hayes) died about 1919.
-Carla Bryson, 107 Queensberry St,Apt 9,Boston,Mass,02215. Or E-mail to TEABAGS16@aol.comQuery 98-206
Ross - Roach: I am trying to find information about my great grandmother, Lizzie Ross, who was born in Nova Scotia in 1836, and probably came to New Brunswick some time after 1855. She married a man named Roach and gave birth to my grandfather, William A. Roach, in Saint John on Oct. 10, 1867. Three years later, they were in Lewiston, Maine and in a succession of Maine towns until he married in Caribou in 1896. While I have found some information about her Maine life, I have been unable to find any data on her Canadian days, parents or siblings, nor have I been able to obtain a birth record of my grandfather. Any information would be most appreciated.-William J. Roach, 4524 Carolyn Cove Lane North, Jacksonville, FL 32258. Or E-mail to
Query 98-207
Seelye - Cassilis - McPhearson: David Seelye, Master Mariner, was born about 1816 in St. Andrews. He married Isabella Cassilis (1821-1865), daughter of Rev. John Obediah Cassilis and Mary McPhearson. David and Isabella had 11 children, several were born in St. Andrews before their sailing to Melbourne to their new home. Their children: Mary McPherson S., Isabella Phoebe, Maria Charlotte, Norman, John Cassilis, David Alexander, Henry Philo, Thomas Benton, Sarah Rachel, Emma Jane and Margaret were all born between 1847 and 1863.
-Joan R. Kidwiler, 28 N. First St., #202, San Jose, CA 95113-1210. Or E-mail to
Query 98-208
MONTAGUE: Charles Ignacious Montague, was born in May of 1888, in Saint John, New Brunswick. He married a Myra O'Brien, who was born on Sept. 19, 1890. Charles Montague came to Cape Breton (year unknown) and settled here. He died in Sydney, N.S. in 1922. I would appreciate any information on him.
-Rosalie Kauffman, 28 Walker Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 1S1. Or e-mail to
Query 98-211
Searles: I would like the names of the siblings of Jacob Searles and also those of Robert Searles/Sirles. They are of Campobello. Can anyone advise me as to the names of the Searles who are in the 1851 census? I would appreciate any help.
Hazel Nolan, 210 Main St., Skowhegan, ME, 04976. Or E-mail to
Query 98-212
McAfee: Samuel McAfee was born circa 1808 in Ireland and he died Aug. 14, 1881, at Saint John, N.B. His wife, Rosanne, was born circa 1816 in Ireland and died July 23, 1896, at Saint John. They are both buried in the Church of England Burial Ground Lot NW182. I would like to find Rosanne's maiden name.
E-mail to Douglas Brown at
Query 98-213
Bedford - Coram - Belyea - Martin - Adams - Matthews: I am looking for connections with any part of the family of George Bedford and his wife Mary F. Coram, who were married in Carleton, Saint John in 1855. George Bedford was born in Lincolnshire in 1817 and served in the 54th Regiment of the Foot but bought his way out of the Army in 1848 while in Antigua. His whereabouts from 1848 to 1855 are unknown. His wife Mary Coram was the daughter of Thomas Coram and she was born in 1830 in Carleton, Saint John. George's occupation is unknown. He died in December of 1864, having fathered eight children: George, John, William, Joseph, Martha, Emily, Herbert and Olive. Olive was born after her father died. Sadly, Mary had to break up the family. I have some record of the family of the son, George. I know John and wife Annie Gibson moved to Vancouver and had no children and died there William died at sea in 1878. Joseph, my grandfather, was born in 1859 and worked for ICR (Intercolonial Railway) Moncton. Martha died as an infant. Emily was a doctor (podiatrist in Boston) and presumably died there about 1941. Herbert was placed with the family of John Belyea and eventually assumed that surname and married Sarah Trecartin. He died in 1936 and is buried in Saint John. Olive married George Martin in Saint John. I have a record of descendants of Joseph, but seek information about Emily, Herbert and Olive in particular. George's wife, Mary F. Coram, married again in 1873 to Samuel Adams, and it would appear that they did not live together very long. She used the name Mary Adams, and lived with her daughter Emily in Lynn, Mass., until she died in 1932 at age of 102 years. It's a sad story and rather difficult to find the various pieces, so I welcome any information. I am able to respond with considerable data already gathered, particularly about George's Lincolnshire ancestors and siblings. The Matthews component I seek is William Green Matthews who married Damietta Lutes in 1857 at Steeves Mountain. He was reportedly born in PEI in 1828.
Darrell Bedford, 104 Margaret Place, Brockville, Ont., K6V 6Y3. Or E-mail to d&
Query 98-214
Apt - Abt: I am researching the Apt family. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone who has information on the Apt family in New Brunswick. The name originated in the Clements area of Nova Scotia, in 1785, when a German soldier, Johann George Apt/Abt, took up a British land grant at the end of the American Revolution. Around 1816, one of his five sons disappeared with his wife and several children. I think they were the start of the New Brunswick Apt family. I have found record of a Jacob Apt marrying in Westfield in 1833.
E-mail to Pat Tanner-Apt at
Query 98-215
McKeen - Miles: I'm looking for information on the birth, death and burial of Hetty A. McKeen. She was born about 1820-21 in New Brunswick. She was married to Elijah Miles. I have found her on the 1851 census as a widow. She later married George McKeen, a relative, in 1852. They resided in Douglas. I'm also hoping to find someone who might know her mother's maiden name. Her mother's name was Jemima and she married Capt. Jacob McKeen. Hetty A. McKeen and Elijah Miles had three children: Charles Abraham Miles (my great-grandfather); Mary I. Miles; and Jacob M. Miles. I'm also trying to find out who Mary I. Miles married. On the 1881 census, she was living with her brother Jacob. By the 1901 census Census she was 54 and a widow, living with her brother Charles.
-E-mail to Janalee Garn at 98-216
Gallagher - Mooney: I need immigration and lineage information for John Gallagher (1837-1907) and his wife Ann Mooney (1837-?). Both may be from Enniskillen, Ireland. They migrated to Enniskillen, N.B.
-Tim Easler, 206 W. Saint Andrews, Midland MI 48640-3410. Or E-mail to
Query 98-217
Foster - Daniels: Seth Foster, Sr. died at Millstream, Kings Co., in 1830. Any info about Seth, his wife Mary Daniels or Elizabeth (?) or his family would be much appreciated.
-Bruce Mitchell, 275 Britannia Ave., Bradford, Ont. L3Z 1A6. Or E-mail to annmitch@netcom.caQuery 98-218
Barrow: I am seeking data on the surname Barrow. I know of one James T. Barrow born about 1900 in Southampton, York County, N.B. I would like to know anything of this gentleman.
E-mail to Patricia A. Conway at 98-219
Bryson - Higgins - Ellsworth - Haselwood - Allen: My maternal great-grandmother¹s name was Amelia (Higgins) Bryson. Her husband¹s name was Robert Bryson. They had about 23 children. My great-grandfather on my grandfather¹s side was Ephriam G. Ellsworth, who married Adrianna Haselwood. Her parents were James Hamey Down Haselwood and Mary Jane Allen. They had Cecelia Elisabeth in 1855; Estella Jane in 1868; Hannah Amelia in 1857; and Josiah in 1859. My grandfather was James Hazelwood Ellsworth, whose brothers were Gardner and Albert Merritt and sisters were Estella Jane (Belyea) Ellsworth and Mable (Snodgrass) Ellsworth. My grandfather¹s family moved back and forth between Hodgeton, Me., and Saint John. My grandmother was brought up in Saint John. Does anyone have any information on any of these families? Being in Oregon hampers my search a lot. Please help!
Sandrarae Headley, 15034 S.E. Primrose, Milwaukie, Oregon, 97267. Or E-mail to 98-220
Mabee - Mabie - Marsters - Burns: Clarence Mabie (1868-1952), son of William Sarles Mabee and Margaret Frances Northrup (Loyalists), was married to Lillian May Marsters (1875-1964). Lillian was the daughter of Deacon William S. Marsters (born 1854) and Annie Evangeline Burns (1858-1914). I am looking for Marsters/Burns information. Lillian had siblings: Annie Evangeline, Henry H. (married Blanche Gilbride and he died in 1958), Emery H. (1877-1958), Maude and Harry W. (1896-1964, married Charlotte Bicknell). One of the sisters became Mrs. W.H. Dykeman of Saint John.
E-mail to Jayne at RGEHRING2@AOL.COM.Query 98-221
Harrington - Kiervin: I am looking for connections or information pertaining to the family of William and Ellen (Mary Kiervin) Harrington. Ellen was born about 1876 in Saint John. William and Ellen were married at St. Peter¹s Church on June 10, 1905. William was a cutter at C.B. Pidgeon¹s Tailoring on Main Street. They resided at 405 Main St. in 1905. I think they moved to Douglas Avenue sometime before 1920.
Brian Ballard, 66 Rivershore Dr., Saint John, N.B., E2K 4T5. Or E-mail to 98-222
Ballentine - Barclay: I am looking for help locating information on my ancestors William H. Ballentine and Jane F. Barcley. William was born on July 11, 1832, in New Brunswick. Jane was born Dec. 20, 1836, in New Brunswick. Any help would be appreciated.
E-mail to Betsy Pearce at 98-223
Hastings - Lawson: John Hastings was born in 1782 in County Donegal. With his brother, he ran Hasting Brothers, a shipping and mercantile business in Saint John. His wife was Elizabeth, who was also born in 1798 in County Donegal. They had two daughters, only one of whom lived to adulthood. Margaret was born in 1833 and married Rev. James Reid Lawson in 1851. There might have been more than one son, as I found reference to Robert the youngest son of John and Elizabeth. John Hastings died in December of 1853 from injuries sustained when a chimney fell on him, probably while helping his daughter and her family after their house burned down. His wife died in January of 1854. Anyone with Hasting family information to share?
Jan Todd, P.O. Box 115, Bethel, ME, 04217. Or E-mail to
Query 98-224
Lawson: Lake George area, York County. I have substantial information on the Lawsons, their spouses and descendants of the Prince William area. Marriages were primarily Scottish-Irish. Farming was the major occupation. I am searching for arrival information on Alexander Lawson in 1817 until land grant authorization in 1819.
Leonard A. Lawson, RR#2, Box 5250, Manchester, ME. Or E-mail Web site is surnames.html#Personal.
Query 98 - 225
McClenaghan: John Medley McClenaghan was born 1881 in New Brunswick. He immigrated to United States in 1895. Possibly, a brother Joseph, may have followed him. In the 1920 census of Washington State, he was working as a boom-man in a logging camp. I am seeking information on his family in New Brunswick.
E-mail to Mary at
Query 98 - 226
Rolfe: Ebenezer Rolfe was born on Nov. 14, 1782, in either Maine or New Brunswick. He married in 1809 to Nancy Humphrey, who was born on Nov. 17, 1791, in New Brunswick. At least two of their children were born in New Brunswick: Putnam Rolfe was born Feb. 24, 1811, and John Humphrey Rolfe was born on July 6, 1813. The family then went to Washington County, Me., circa 1815. Ebenezer Rolfe was the third settler in Princeton, Washington County, Me. He asked that the town be named for his home, Princeton, Ma. Yet no one by that name shows up in Princeton, Ma., where a number of Rolph families lived. My guess is that his father was a Tory and left before he was born for New Brunswick, especially since his wife is from New Brunswick and his first two children were born there.
Gary Rolph, P.O. Box 1020, Campton, NH, 03223. Phone (603) 726-3635. Fax (603) 726-7414. Or E-mail
Query 98-227
Davis: Thomas Davis, Loyalist, was a member of Tarletons (British) legion and he left New York in 1783 with the Loyalists. He received a 150-acre land grant in Port Mouton, Queens County, N.S. I am interested in finding information about him, such as his place and date of birth, parents¹ names, religion, siblings, middle name and mother's maiden name.
M. E. Davis, 321 Lake St., Waltham, MA, 02451-0856.
Query 98 - 228
Montague - Tait: I am trying to find a birth record for Charles Ignatius Montague, born in Saint John, N.B., in May of 1888. His father was John Montague and his mother was Margaret Tait (Tate). He may have had brothers named Frank and Louis among others. Any information would be appreciated.
Peggy Gardiner, 171 Rotary Dr., Sydney, N.S., B1P 6L4.
Query 98 - 229
Berry - Kelly: I am seeking information about Sarah Berry who married John Kelly from Tipperary, Ireland. At the time of their marriage they were in Coverdale.
Albert R. Ehrhardt, 14065 Ivanhoe, Sterling Heights, MI, 48312
Query 98-230
Meggitt - Cunningham: I am looking for descendants of John Meggitt and Jane Cunningham of Waterford, Kings County. The family had 14 or 15 daughters and one son who died at age 7. The girls names are: Elizabeth, married Elliott J. McDonald; Alice Meggitt, married (?) McDonald; Lila, married (?) Lathrop; Mae, married (?) Hebb; Rene; Alberta, married (?) Cowles; Ida, married Les Conner; Myrtle; Hazel, married (?) Watkins; Sadie; Lillie; Bessie; Vera. The girls were born between 1880 and 1900 approximately. Any information would be appreciated.
Nancy Adams, Norton, R.R. #1, Kings Co, N.B., E0G 2N0. Or E-mail to
Query 98-231
Watters - Landers: I am looking for connections or information pertaining to the family of Henry and Johannah Agnes (Landers) Watters of Saint John, N.B. Johannah was born in 1869 in Saint John. She was the daughter of John Landers and Johanna Collins. Henry and Johannah had at least two children: Charles Henry, born Jan. 16, 1892, and Gladys C. Mary, born Dec. 14, 1893. They may have left Saint John.
Brian Ballard, 66 Rivershore Dr., Saint John, N.B., E2K 4T5. Or E-mail to
Query 98-232
Prospectors - Miners - Vernon: I am currently researching the history of mining and prospecting in the 1800s in southern New Brunswick by going through all the relevant newspapers. I am coming across dozens of names of New Brunswickers involved in this industry that may be of interest to genealogists in expanding on their family histories. I have a long way to go in reading and transcribing articles but would like to be in contact with interested people who may have other background information on their families regarding the mining industry. I have already put together one family tree on the Vernons of Pennfield, Saint John and Harvey, who were involved in copper mining in the 1860s and possibly in building stone quarry operations in the 1870s to 1880s. I am still adding to this file regarding to their activities as reported in the newspapers.
Bill Gardiner, Box 4468, Sussex, N.B., E4E 5L6. Or E-Mail to 98-233
Jamieson - Lockhart: Hugh Jamieson lived in Fairville, N.B., and was employed by New Brunswick Breweries Limited. He died in 1934. His children were: Hugh, Joseph, Nellie, Alice and a daughter who married Thomas Logue. Hugh had two brothers: James and Charles of Fredericton. There were three sisters: Mrs. Charles Burns of Danforth, Me; Mrs. Charles Craig of Vancouver, B.C.; and Mrs. Emma Magee. I am trying to locate their descendants. I am also seeking information on the Lockhart family. Andrew Lockhart and his wife Mary settled in Irish Settlement, Kings County, in 1827. One of their children, James, married Isabella Kincade and their son, Charles, married Carrie Lockhart, who was the daughter of John Lockhart and Mary Adair of Donegal, Kings County. John was killed in 1843 leaving seven children. The Lockhart family had a strong inclination to lumbering.
- Blair E. Bartlett, 87 Shillington Rd., Saint John, N.B., E2J 4K7. Phone (506) 696-6175.
Query 98-234
Graham - Kirkpatrick - Campbell - Clark: Emily Kirkpatrick was married first to Thomas George Graham on July 9, 1884. After his death on Dec. 7, 1888, she married Frederick Campbell of Carleton on June 24, 1891. They had one son, Charles Emery Campbell, born March 29, 1892. Emily Campbell died April 4, 1892, and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery in West Saint John. I am seeking information on Charles Emery Campbell and Annie Bell Clark of Saint John West, who were married June 14, 1911. Annie was the 18-year-old daughter of Eswin Clay Clark and his wife Evelyn.
- Gary Perkins, R.R. # 2, Apohaqui, N.B., E0G 1A0. Phone (506) 433-5795.
Query 98-235
Ritchie - Sharp - Avery - Mitchell - Bickford: James Richard Ritchie and Mary Sharp had a son, William Sharp Ritchie, born about 1831 probably in Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. William married Jo-Ann Victoria Avery, who was born Sept. 4, 1842, in Saint John, N.B. They were married May 10, 1865. Jo-Ann was the daughter of Richard Avery (died March 20, 1865) and Marina Mitchell. (They were married Oct. 7, 1841.) Their children were: Caroline, John, Eda, William, James, Richard, Eleanor Francis May (Nellie) and Frederick Avery Ritchie. I believe Richard's father was also Richard Avery, who died in 1852. Marina's parents surnames were Mitchell and Bickford.
- Katherine Dubin, 9886 - 156th St., Surrey, B.C., V3R 4L3. Or E-mail to
Query 98-236
Query 98-237
Wright: I am looking for the parents of Uriah Morton Wright, born about 1853 in Saint John, N.B. They were probably Anglican Church members at the time as they attended the Episcopal Church when Uriah moved to the United States - first to New Hampshire around 1878, where he and his wife Ellen had three children, and then later, around 1885, to Florida.
- E-mail to Gene Wright at
Fraser - Pangburn: I am looking for the descendants of James McGregor Fraser (died Feb. 15, 1907) and his wife Johanna Pangburn (died Nov. 10, 1899). They are both buried in the Kirk Cemetery at Hammond River, Kings Co., N.B. Their children were: Helen B., who was married first to Robert Browne and secondly to John H. Rich; Winnifred, who married John F. Bagley; William; Arthur Theodore, who married Ada Mead Saunders; and Frank Fraser, who may have moved to the United States.
- Louise Burgoyne, 42 Southampton Dr., Fredericton, N.B., E3B 4T3. Or phone (506) 459-8670.
Query 98-238
Baker: I recently compiled a book on the Baker family. My research took me from Alberta, to Manitoba, Michigan, Ontario, New Brunswick and into the United States (during the time of the American Revolution). I have had the good fortune to find a couple of publications on the original Baker ancestor, who arrived in Boston in 1635. I began the book at that point . . . with Francis Baker. The book is fully indexed and contains 2,511 direct ancestors of Francis Baker and 1,412 spouses. If anyone is interested in it, I can have additional copies made and provided at cost. (It is photocopied and coil ring bound.)
- Jim Rogerson, Arlington, TX. E-mail to
Query 98-239
Crawford - Reed: I am searching for descendants of Robert and Rebecca (Reed) Crawford. They emigrated from Ireland about 1864 and settled in the Musquash area. Their children included George, Joseph E., Sarah, William John, Mary A., Edith M. (married John East), Frank Shea and Thomas, who married Kathleen Walsh. Thomas had two children: Donald and Iona (Peggy McKee). If anyone has any information on the Crawford family, please contact me.
- Peter Little. Call (506) 849-2154 or E-mail
Query 98-240
Ogden - Hall: I am looking for information about the father of Heber Ogden, who was born in Hampton, N.B., on March 22, 1885, and died at Canaan, Me., on Dec. 10, 1935. His wife was Blanche M. Hall. His father was Peter Paul of Canada and his mother was Maria Ogden. In some records he is noted to have been adopted. Also noted on his death certificate was the fact he was "Red" (native). I am also interested in verified information on George L. Ogden, who was born in N.B. on Aug. 17, 1867. He was the son of Samuel S. Ogden and Charlotte Franas (some records have her as a Charlotte Lewis). George died at Wellington, Me., July 19, 1931. He was married to Eliza (Olivene) Bolduc. They had the following children: Annie (Marion); Florence; Lewis; Arledo (Alidore); Joe and perhaps Peter. - Lynn E-mail to Penobscot@
Query 98-241
Query 98-242
Walker - Morrison: I am looking for information concerning the family of Amelia (Walker, 1869) and Thomas H. Morrison, who were married on Aug. 4, 1887. According to the 1890-1891 "Saint John City Directory," they lived on 16 Duke St. In the 1891 census of Duke Ward, Saint John County, they had a 5-year-old son, Thomas. Her mother, Lucy Walker, widow of David Walker, was also living with them. I would greatly appreciate any information on them and their descendants.
- Joanne E. Orchard. E-mail to
Stackhouse: In 1682, two brothers, Thomas Stackhouse Jr. and John Stackhouse, came to Pennsylvania with William Penn in the great Quaker migration. They came from Settle Monthly Meeting in Yorkshire and settled in Bucks County, Pa. As far as can be determined, everyone named Stackhouse in the United States and Canada is descended from one of these brothers. I am attempting to document as many of the descendants of Thomas and John as possible. I have databases with more than 6,000 people, descendants of Thomas and John plus spouses, and I have written "Stackhouse: An Original Pennsylvania Family," Gateway Press, Baltimore, MD, 1988. If you are a Stackhouse descendant and interested in your family history, please send me as much information that you know about your grandparents and/or great-grandparents, or even further back (names, dates, places, etc.). If I find a link to Thomas and/or John, I will send it to you. If not, I will file the information for future research.
- Eugene Glenn Stackhouse, 508 E. Locust Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19144-1308. Phone (215) 438-5805. Or E-mail to 71571.3203@compu or egstackhouse@mail.
Query 98-243
Duffy: I am looking for information on Bernard Duffy, his wife Margaret and his daughter Bridget. They entered the colony (New Brunswick) from Ireland in 1827 and settled in New Ireland, Albert County. I am interested in knowing if there are any immigration records on them and where in Ireland they came from. They are buried in the cemetery in what was formerly known as New Ireland, N.B. Any information that you might provide would be greatly appreciated.
Helen Danahy. E-mail to
Query 98-244
Fleet - Wark: I am looking for the Saint John burial site for William Fleet, who came to this area circa 1815. His wife was Mary Ann Wark.
Walter Fleet. E-mail to
Query 98-245
Whiteside - Cody: Richard Whiteside arrived in Saint John about 1800. He married Jane Cody in 1803. According to Vital Statistics, he came from Trinidad. Is there any way to find out when he actually arrived in Saint John and how he got there from Trinidad? Could he have been a British soldier? Any information would be appreciated.
E.W. Whiteside. E-mail to
Query 98-246
Randall - Coulter: Eleanor Ann Randall married Dr. William Coulter of St. Davids Parish, in Charlotte County on Dec. 23, 1819. I would like to find out the names of Eleanor Ann's parents? Were they or her grandparents United Empire Loyalists? Any help with solving this puzzle would be appreciated.
Howard T. Wright. E-mail to
Query 98-247
Cushing - Burleigh: A Saint John newspaper article dated Sept. 3, 1898, gives elaborate detail of the wedding of Bertha May Cushing (father, Allston Cushing) to Parker Pierce Prescott Burleigh of Houlton, Me. An excerpt from the article says: "The bride is a very young pretty, popular and accomplished young lady, a graduate of Howard Seminary, West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and an elocutionist who has frequently appeared before the St. John public." I am interested in finding out who Allston Cushing was, his wife, his children. Hopefully this will lead me in the correct direction from here.
Kim Parkinson. E-mail to
Query 98-248
Tutty - Shaw - Ritchie: Donald Henry Tutty was born about 1818 in Halifax, N.S. He married Eliza Shaw, who was born about 1841, in Reserve Mines, N.S. Donald's father was Jonathan David Tutty. Donald and Eliza's son, Jonathan David Tutty, was born Oct. 22, 1859, in Louisbourg, N.S. He died on either June 3 or 5, 1905, in a terrible locomotive explosion in Glace Bay, N.S. Jonathan was married to Eda Ritchie, born Feb. 2, 1868, in Saint John, N.B. Eda died June 14, 1944, in Windsor, Ont. They were married July 19, 1890, in Moncton, N.B. Their children were: William Henry, Victoria Avery, Elizabeth Shaw, Jonathan David and Daniel Sharp Tutty. I need as much information as possible on these people.
Katherine Dubin, 9886 156th St., Surrey, B.C., V3R 4L3. Or E-mail to
Query 98-249
Burgess - Holman: I am searching for information about the family of Charles Burgess, who married in 1852 to Mary Jane Holman (1833-1901). They had at least three sons: Henry, Melbourne and Albert. Who was Charles and what became of the boys? I have extensive information on the Holmans of Saint John and Norton to share.
Harry T. Holman, P.O. Box 202, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7K4. E-mail to
Query 98-250
Wallace - Stewart: Alexander Stewart was born about 1861 on Cape Breton Island, N.S. He was married in 1891 in Newcastle, N.B., to Mary Wallace. She was born in 1876 in Upper Bartibog and was the daughter of Edward Wallace and Anna Smith. Any information would be appreciated on the origins of these families.
P.Stewart. E-mail to 98-251
Kelley: In about 1835, Henry Kelley and his wife Eliza came from Ireland (possibly Northern Ireland) to St. Stephen, Charlotte County, N.B. It is rumoured that Henry, after his children had grown, went back to Ireland. I would like to find what town my family came from in Ireland. Their first child, William, was born in 1833 in Ireland, while Robert (my line) was born in St. Stephen, N.B., about1843. Other children were: Henry, James and twins, Charles and John.
- Niees Kelley, 606 SE Pine Rd., Port Orchard, WA, 98367. Or E-mail to
Query 98-252
Campbell - Sommerville: I am searching for any information regarding my ancestor, John Campbell, who was born in 1842 in Studholm Parish. His father was also named John Campbell. His wife, Grace Sommerville, was born in 1845 in Springfield Parish, Kings Co. I know they had six children. Their son James Sterling Campbell was born in 1871 in Glassville, and Marion Ellen was born in New Brunswick. They moved to Arrostock Co., Me., in 1880. Does anybody have any information regarding this family?
- Lynnda M. Campbell. E-mail to
Query 98-253
Crowley - Sullivan: My great-great-grandfather, Samuel Crowley Jr., was born on July 26, 1869, in Saint John, N.B. He was the son of Samuel L. Crowley Sr. and Kathleen Sullivan. She was born in Saint John on May 10,1840. I'm looking for confirmation on birth dates, parents names and birthplaces. Any information would be appreciated.
- Georgia Adams, Portland, Oregon. E-mail to
Query 98-254
O'Shaughnessey: Dennis and Catherine O'Shaughnessey arrived in New Brunswick in 1840. They had seven girls and two boys. They lived in District 276, Kings subdivision, District N. Parish of Havervil. They used the name Shannesey in the early years.
- Ron Geary. E-mail to
Query 98-255
Melliday: I am seeking data on the family of Michael Melliday, who resided in Saint John, N.B., from about 1840 until his death in 1876. He was born in Ireland about 1808, he married Mary Ann (C?) on Nov. 26, 1840, at St. Malachy's Catholic Church. Their children were: William, born, December, 1841; Ann, born October, 1843; John, born May, 1849; and Francis X., born December, 1854. Michael Melliday was killed by a runaway horse on May 14, 1876, at the intersection of Duke and Wentworth streets in Saint John. Please contact me if you know anything about this family.
- Bettye Heinrich. E-mail to
Query 98-256
Query 98-257
Ryan: John Ryan was born Dec. 31, 1796, in New Brunswick. He died March 14, 1883, in Courtland, Ont. He was married to Catharine Cook (?), who was born Sept. 10, 1800, in Lancaster (possibly Ont), and she died Aug. 18, 1889, in Courtland, Ont. Any information would be gratefully appreciated.
- Joan Lamrouex. E-mail to
Whitmore - Prescott: I'm looking for information on Daniel Whitmore, who was born on March 18, 1821, in Saint David, Charlotte County, N.B. He married Hannah Prescott Lyon on Feb. 21, 1841, in Alexander, Me. He died in Fort Fairfield, Me., on Feb. 23, 1873. He was in the Civil War.
- Randy Whitmore, 816 Mimosa Ave., Charlotte, NC, 28205-3024. Phone (704) 332-5640 or E-mail
Query 98-258
Pangman - Pangborn: I am researching the families of two Loyalist brothers. Stephen Pangman or Pangborn was born in 1756 in CT. He served in 2nd Delancy Regiment and received a land grant at Beaver Harbour, Charlotte Co, N.B. Marriage and death data are unknown. His brother, Noah Pangborn/Pangman, was born in 1750 in CT. He marrried Elizabeth (?). He served in the Kings American Regiment. First in Capt. Atwood's Co., and later Capt DePeyster's Co. and Capt Chapman's Co. He resided as an innkeeper in Indiantown, St. John County, N.B. His will was probated Jan. 9, 1800. Known children born in early 1790s were Richard and William. Will exchange data.
- N. Smith 40 Martin Rd, Peru, NY, USA, 12972. Or E-mail to 98-259
Slackford - Hobbs: I am searching for data on Rev. Elias Slackford. He moved from England to Canada about 1850 and attended Mt. Allison University around 1860 to 1870. He was a Methodist minister in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. He was married to Elizabeth Hobbs. I need data on his arrival from England; his education at Sackville Academy and Mt. Allison University and the churches where he was the pastor.
- Marge Waterfield, 821 S Christopher Dr., Bowling Green, Ohio,43402. E-mail to or Fax: (419) 352-0331.Query 98-260
Query 98-261
Johnston - Lewis - Dunphy: Charles Johnston was born on March. 27, 1751, in Antrim, Ireland. He married Sarah Lewis in 1770 and died sometime after 1802 in New Brunswick. He is said to have emigrated to America in 1753, at the age of two, with his father, John Johnston, and perhaps his sister, Mary, having settled on the Connecticut River. Reportedly, while in the Continental Army having been taken prisoner, and having there suffered extreme hunger and exposure, Charles consented to act as an orderly to a British General. He later enlisted in the British Army and reportedly served in Delancey's Second Brigade. After the close of the Revolutionary War, Charles settled in New Brunswick, supposedly in the King's Landing area, at first. He is later reported to have moved up river to the Penniac area, where he requested a portion of the land granted to Second Delancey Brigade. He had 11 children: Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary, Charles, James, Prudence, William, Lewis, Edward, Daniel and Nathan. Their eighth child, Lewis Johnston, was my great-great-grandfather. He was born in New Brunswick and married Mary Dunphy (date unknown), who was reportedly from somewhere on the Miramichi. With his brother William, he migrated to Fort Fairfield, Me. about 1825. He settled there with his family. He died in Maysville (Presque Isle), Me. Can anyone help me to expand my information?
- Janice (Johnston) Austin, Cape Coral, Florida. Or E-mail to
Scott Smith Wyld: I am seeking information regarding Dr. Joseph W. H Scott (my great-grandfather), who practiced medicine in Gagetown around the middle 1800s (?). Information I have found states that he practiced all his life at Gagetown and had graduated from the University of New York in 1864. He married Elizabeth Deborah Smith, of Parish of Gagetown, on Sept. 26, 1867. He was still in practice in 1881 when registration was required by the Medical Act of New Brunswick. My grandmother, Hattie Scott (Wyld), was Doctor Scott's daughter and lived with my family in Chatham, N.B. She died in May of 1953. She had a sister, Winfield Scott, who also lived with us and died about1951. I know there was another brother that died early in life.
Diane Garinger. E-mail to
Query 98-262
Manning - Coates - Amos - Phinney: I am searching for information about my grandmother, Gertrude Elizabeth Manning. She was the daughter of Ian Manning, from Ireland and Almira, who was first married to Robert H. Coates. They had three children together and then he was killed while chopping down a tree. I cannot seem to find the maiden name of Almira. Gertrude Manning married Charles Amos and they are both buried at Corn Hill at Pinegrove Cemetery. The father of Charles Amos was James Amos from Scotland, and his mother was a Phinney from the United States. There is Micmac ancestry, but I don't know the connection. Any help on these families would be appreciated.
Linda Schamerhorn. E-mail to
Query 98-264
Smiley - Holman: I am searching for information on the Smiley family. James Smiley was married in 1862 to Eliza Secord Holman (1840-1887) at Long Creek. Children born at Apohaqui and Sussex include: William A. (1864); Sarah M. (1866); Charles A. (1867); Mary E. (1872); Eliza A. (1873); Lily J. (1877). They may have later lived in Erb Settlement. I have extensive information on the Holmans of Saint John and Norton to share.
Harry T. Holman, P.O. Box 202, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7K4. Or E-mail to
Query 98-265
O'Regan - O'Grady - Grady: I am trying to find when and where my husbands great-grandmother died. Her name is Johanna O'Regan and she was married before coming to Saint John to Joseph O'Grady/Grady. His obituary in the Saint John Globe newspaper gave his date of death as Oct. 18, 1881, resident of Sheriff Street and a native of County Cork. No mention was made of his wife being a survivor which leads me to believe she died earlier. Any information would be appreciated.
Rubye Grady, 136 South St., Gorham, ME, 04038. Or E-mail to
Query 98-266
Petch - Wilson - Davidson: Charles Cood Petch was baptized on April 9, 1820, at Portsea, Hampshire, England. He emigrated to Canada in 1841. He married Helen Wilson in 1845 in Saint John. He was a Captain in the Merchant Marine and reportedly lost two children in a boating accident off Reeds Point, NB., in 1859. I am also interested in Mary A. F. Davidson, who died at the age of 72 on Sept. 18, 1867, and is buried in his lot at Fern Hill Cemetery in Saint John. If anyone has any information on the family of Charles C. Petch or Mary A. F. Davidson, I would like to hear from them.
Christopher Hall, 27 Victor Road, Campbelltown 5074, South Australia, Australia. Or E-mail to
Query 98-267
Shanks: I am looking for information on Samuel James Shanks. He was my great-great-great-grandfather. He came to Canada in the 1700s from County Down, Ireland. He died Aug. 16,1854, nine hours after his wife's death in Fredericton. He was a loyalist and fought with the Prince of Wales American Regiment and was discharged in 1785. He was probably granted land in New Brunswick. He had a family of four boys and three girls. I would like to know how old he was and where he was born, as well as the name of his parents.
Anne Bottiglien. E-mail to
Query 98-268
Jack: My great-great-grandfather was John Christian Jack (surname may have been spelled differently), who arrived in Saint John in 1855. He died in Elgin, N.B. His wife was Catherine Caroline and they had children named John Christian Jr., Albert Harry, Catherine Caroline, Fredrika Elisabeth Rosie and Jacob Henry. I am interested in finding information on this family.- Lil Cameron. E-mail to
Query 98-269
Donovan - Burgess: Frederick Donovan, son of John Donovan and Marjery (?) Donovan, was born around 1900 in Kings Co., N.B. He married Ruby Burgess and they lived in Woodmans Point and had one son, Robert Donovan, who now lives in Jamaica, NY. Frederick was a Veteran of the First World War. He died after a brief illness on April 2,1969. He rests in St. Joseph Cemetery, Saint John, N.B. Anyone with information on the above or any other family member, please contact me.- Aldene Hourihan-Gionet, 26-500 Douglas Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2K 1E7. Or E-mail to
Query 98-270
Brown: Does any reader have any information on the evacuees that arrived by troop ship into Saint John in 1940 from the UK? I am looking for a passenger list that would have included Gwendolyn Iola Brown aged under one year. She was subsequently sent to a Saint John orphanage.- Myra Crabtree, North Carolina. Phone (828) 245-7179. Or E-mail to
Query 98-271
- John and Jean Peters. E-mail to
Peters - Dedcoat: We are seeking information about Thomas Peters, who was born about 1660, and his wife Margaret Dedcoat, who was born about 1670. They lived for a time in South Carolina and they must have moved to the New York area. They had a son, Samuel Peters, born 1712 and died in 1788 in Kingston, N.B. Samuel was married to Mary Carle, who was born 1714 and died in 1787 at Bathurst, N.B. Samuel and Mary had 10 children: Phebe; Jemima; Marcus; Samuel; Mary, who remained in the United States possibly in the area of the province of New York; Thomas B. was born in 1749 and married Susannah Palmer, who was born in 1757 and died in 1834; William was born in 1749 and married Amy Sutton; Richard remained in New York; Margaret married Benjamin Townsend and remained in New York; Elizabeth married Uriah Wright and later returned to United States. We are seeking more information about Thomas and Margaret. Where and when were they born? How did Thomas make his living?
Query 98-272
London: I am looking for any information on the London family who settled at London Settlement, Bauld Hill, Wickham Parish and Queens Co., N.B. They may have either been Loyalists from New Hampshire or Maine (emigrating in the 1770s or 80s) or Irish immigrants. I am very early in my research but I do have information on Charles London (born about 1827, and died May 2, 1890), who lived in Wickham Parish and was married to Jane Maria Worden (born approximately 1833 and died 1894). Any information about Charles¹s father, grandfather or descendants would be appreciated.
- Anne London, 3256 Poplar Ave., RR #2, Ridgeway, Ont., L0S 1N0. Phone (905) 894-2173. Or E-mail to
Query 98-273
McGarvey: I am trying to get started on the research of the McGarvey family. I have John McGarvey born about 1837. He was the son of Michael McGarvey, who was born in Ireland. John McGarvey was living in Calais in 1900. His wife was deceased at this time. He had children: Mary Anna, born 1863; James, born 1865; Elizabeth, born 1867; and George, born 1870 in Vanceboro. George married Mary Mylen of Calais on June 6, 1894. Any help would be appreciated.
- Hazel Nolan. E-mail to
Query 98-274
Shanks: I am searching for Samuel or James Shanks from County Down, Ireland, who died in 1854. He had seven children. He and his wife died within hours of one another. One of his sons, James, died young and left a widow with two small children in Saint John. Another, Hugh, was a master mariner and built a boat and sailed to Australia. A daughter, Mary, had six children in New Brunswick and then moved to Boston where they had six more. Georgina married a Mr. Shaw and in 1892 was living on Mt. Pleasant Avenue in Saint John city. She was the mother to Mabel. Any help would be great!
- Anne Bottiglieri. E-mail to
Query 98-275
Lindsey - Hamilton: I am looking for information on John Lindsey and Elizabeth Hamilton. They were both supposedly born in Grand Manan (then known as West Isles) about 1780-1785. The had many children who supposedly moved to Maine.
- Brian Lindsey. E-mail to
Query 98-276
Nashwaak Families book: I am interested in finding out if an updated version of the book "Nashwaak Families" has been published.
- Al Dennison, Acton, MA. E-mail to
Query 98-277
Chambers - Dumfries: I am searching for information on Charles Chambers, who was born on Aug. 14, 1812 or 1813 in Saint John, N.B. He was the son of Charles Chambers and Mary Dumfries. Charles Jr. married Sarah Sawyer but I do not have a date or place. Charles and Sarah both died in Jonesboro, Me. Four children were born in Maine. Any information would be appreciated.
- J. Chambers. E-mail to
Query 98-278
Dow - Manzer: My husband is from Scott's Siding, York Co., N.B. We now live in Alberta. His grandfathers were Hammomd Dow and Dow Manzer. I am just starting to do the genealogy of this family and would appreciate any help that can be given to me. - Dianne Dow. E-mail to 98-279
Hilyard: I am looking for the Hilyard family of St. George, N.B. I would like to find the marriage of Charles L. and Phoebe Hilyard, probably around 1825 to 1830. Phoebe's maiden name is in question. Also marriages of their children: Alva, born 1833; Charles, born 1837; Elizabeth, born 1839; Julia, born 1842; Joseph, born 1847; and Phoebe, born 1850. I have information on Simeon and Maria. These birth dates are approximate, give or take a year or two. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Priscilla in Colorado. E-mail to
Query 98-280
Fowlie - Murphy - Keirstead - Kennedy - Appleby: William Fowlie stated in his petition for land dated Dec. 17, 1819, that he came to the parish of Sussex in January of 1818, and had resided in that parish in Kings County ever since. The land petition was for a tract of vacant land adjoining that applied for by Thomas Keirstead to the southwest of said lot and to the northwest of lots granted to Seth and Ezekiel Foster. This land is about three miles north west of what is called Studholm, Millstream, in the parish of Sussex and County of Kings. I'd like to know more about William Fowlie. I heard that he came to Canada on a man-of-war ship. The land petition states that he was born in Northumberland, England. I have history handed down in the family that he was married to a Bethia Kierstead. Wondering if this was the neighbour's daughter or sister, and if indeed he got the land. I don't have any marriage dates, birth dates, death dates, or if there were any children of this marriage. He was also married to a Matilda Kennedy. In what order these marriages were, I don't know. I have a grand-grandfather born of one of William Fowlie's marriages in 1847, named Amassee or Amass. I believe he was born in New Brunswick. He married a Julia Murphy. I wonder how, when and why she came to New Brunswick from County Cork, Ireland. Julia may be buried in St. John's Cemetery, in Saint John. My grandmother, Agnes Alice Fowlie, was born in Saint John, and was married to my grandfather, Ernest Appleby, at St. Rose's Catholic Church in Saint John. As you can see, I have a lot of empty spaces to fill in.
- Rita Tyree. E-mail to
Query 98-281
Query 98-282
Kenney: I am tracing my granddad's family. Clarence Edgar Kenney was born Nov. 29, 1888, in Saint John. His siblings were Ernest, Billy and Sadie Melvin. I wish to find out about his father and grandfather. His grandfather was killed by a train about 1901 in his 90's in Digby. His father worked, I think, as a health and safety inspector and made the first workman's health and safety plan.
- Katherine Knudsen. E-mail to
Shaw - Nadeau: I am seeking information on Joseph Shaw and his wife, Sarah Nadeau. He was born around 1821 in Grand Falls. She was born around 1831, I don't know where in New Brunswick. They had two daughters in New Brunswick - Mary and Ellen. They eventually moved to Winn, Maine, where they had several more children. Does anyone have any information on this family?
- Gloria Moreau. E-mail to
Query 98-283
Cunningham: Samuel Cunningham was born in 1823 in Ireland. He married Mary Ann Patterson who was born in 1827. I am looking for any information on their children: Nancy, born about 1855; Elizabeth, born in 1856; Samuel Jr., born about 1858; Rachel, born on July 2, 1860; Susanna, born on April 4, 1862; Sarah Rebecca, born May 26, 1864; Luccilla, born on Jan. 28, 1866; Jane, born about 1867; and Calvin, born on June 22, 1869. These children were born around the Waterford, Kings County, area. Later the family moved to Saint John.
- Nancy Adams, 190 Church Ave., Sussex, Kings Co., N.B. Or E-mail to
Query 98-284
Bruce - St. Clair: I am looking for genealogical information on my great-grandfather, Donald Clyde Bruce. He allegedly died in a mining accident in New Brunswick. He was born probably around the 1850s and emigrated from Scotland. About 1864, he married Elizabeth M. St. Clair.
- William Bruce. E-mail to
Query 98-285
McAuley - Stuart - Catherwood - Gamble - Fox: Robert McAuley was born on March 1, 1841, at Seven Fathom Hole in the Parish of Lancaster, N.B., and died April 16, 1922, in the Parish of Lancaster, N.B. He was the son of William and Elizabeth (Stuart) McAuley. Robert married Leticia Catherwood, the daughter of Robert and Susannah (Gamble) Catherwood on Dec. 31, 1869, in the Parish of Lancaster, N.B. Leticia was born Feb. 22, 1847, in Fairville, N.B., and died March 24, 1902, in the Parish of Lancaster. My great-aunt Bertrum McAuley Morrison, who lived in Saint John all her life, had a family group sheet that suggested that there were four McAuley brothers: my William (father of Robert); James; George; and an unnamed McAuley who married a Fox. So far I have found no documentation that proves or disproves any relationships of these four McAuleys. Since Bertrum McAuley Morrison is long gone, I'm trying to trace the footsteps to locate the ancestor of my William. A friend has located a James McAuley in Lancaster Parish in the 1871 census but not a George McAuley. The group sheet indicated George was alive until 1886 and he had a son William who died in Everett, Mass., in 1880. Perhaps George McAuley removed from Saint John area before 1871, but he still lived in Canada. Aunt Bert said he was listed as a widower in the 1871 census. Unfortunately she didn't list George's location. Any light that can be shed on these matters will clear up a lifetime of frustration. I will be grateful for any information that may be provided.
- Stephen D. MacKenzie, 50 East Central Ave., Charlestown, RI, 02813. Phone (401) 322-7235 or (401) 322-1727. Or E-mail to
Query 98-286
Buckley - Sullivan: My grandfather, Charles Parnell Buckley, and my great-grandfather, Patrick Daniel Buckley, were born in Saint John. Both died in Massachusetts. Patrick's father, John Buckley, married Catherine Sullivan in St. Malachy's Church in 1841. Both of them, I believe, died in Saint John, but I am not 100 per cent certain when. Unfortunately they were probably buried in the old Saint Patrick's cemetery and thus specific burial information is probably not available. I would like to find their death date and any other family information.
- Charles E. Buckley, 35925 Ashton Place, Fremont, CA, 94536-3404. Or E-mail to
Query 98-287
Belding - Bristall - Bristol - Thomas - Thompson - Hepburn: I am looking for information on any of the descendants of Daniel Belding and his wife, Mabel Bristall/Bristol, who were among the first Loyalists to Saint John in 1783, from Connecticut. They had at least eight children while living on Saint James Street, Saint John, before removing to Chance Harbour in 1805. That immediate area became known as Belding's Creek, and later Thompson's Creek, as his granddaughter Mabel, who was the daughter of David Belding and Jane Thomas, married Robert Thompson. I am interested in all descendants, but in particular, any from the marriage of Daniel's daughter, Mabel Belding, born in 1783. She married Alexander Hepburn.
- Pam Wood Waugh, 730 Dunhill Dr, Orlando, FL., 32825. Or E-mail to
Query 98-288
Gilbey - Hinds - Wheeler - Blake - Verney - Lovejoy: I am looking for information on my great-great-grandparents, Edward Gilbey and Julia Hinds. They had four children: Marguerite married a Wheeler; Florence married George Blake; Selena married John U. Verney; and my great-grandmother, Martha Alice, married Harold Lee Lovejoy. Martha was born on July 9, 1898, in Saint John, N.B. Her mother died just after childbirth. I do not have any other information on Edward or Julia and would appreciate any help.
- Colleen McDuffie, 35 Kosta St., Worcester, MA, 04607. Or E-mail to OES3@prodigy.netQuery 98-289
Richardson - Laffian: I am researching my ancestors who lived in Nelson, N.B., in the Miramichi Valley. They were married in St. Patrick's Catholic Church on Jan. 14, 1846. James Richardson arrived in New Brunswick around 1845. I have no family history on Alice Laffian. Does anyone know anything about this family?
- Gerry Mahar, 42 Ardagh St., Toronto, Ont., M6S 1Y3. Or E-mail to gmahar@oise.utoronto.caQuery 98-290
Query 98-291
Kindred - Jones - Sole: My great-great-grandfather, James William Kindred, was most likely born in Fredericton, or possibly Maine in September of 1844. He married (1) Etta Johnson in Canada; (2) Rachael (sp?) Polly Jones, who was born in September of 1844 in either New Brunswick or New Hampshire. She died in 1885 in Florida. Prior to 1870 she was in Canada; and (3) a "widow" Braswell. He and Rachael moved to Worcester, Mass., by November 1871, where my great-grandfather, Wentworth Putnam Kindred, was born in May of 1873. Wentworth's middle name came from Rachael's father, Putnam F. Jones, who was born in 1812 in either New Brunswick, New Hampshire or Massachusetts. He married Olive Sole (who was born in 1822) on Nov.14, 1839, in Lincoln, Sunbury County, N.B., and lived in Upper Hainesville, N.B. Supposedly, Putnam and Olive Jones sold 100-acres to a New Brunswick and Nova Scotia land company for $150. I am trying to find out who James William Kindred's parents were and where they were from. I would also like to know when they arrived in Canada, plus any information about the parentage of Rachael Polly Jones's parents, Putnam F. Jones and Olive Sole Jones.
- Esther Benitez, assistant manager, SIOP Administrative Office, 745 Haskins Rd., Suite D, P.O. Box 87, Bowling Green, OH, 43402-0087. Or E-mail to
Haines: I would like to make contact with anyone with information on Joseph and Matthew Haines. They were United Empire Loyalists. They, and many of their siblings and dependants, came to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A third sibling, Alexander, went to Nova Scotia. I have a fair bit of information on Joseph, my ancestor, and Alexander. But despite making his presence known in Saint John through a land grant and signing several petitions, little is known of Matthew's later life or descendants. I am interested in information on any of the Haines brothers.
- Gerald Haines, 11 Bird St., Nackawic, N.B., E6B 1B9. Or E-mail to 98-292
Gillespie - Steeves: I would like to establish the date on which my paternal great-grandfather, Captain James Gillespie, drowned (along with a son) in Saint John Harbour while coming ashore from Partridge Island. Captain James was born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1820. He came to Canada in 1838 and settled in Hillsborough, Albert Co, N.B. He married Rosannah Steeves on Dec. 17, 1843. James and Rosannah had 13 children, the last born in 1871. Family tradition relates that he died as a young man but I have not been able to find (so far) any record of his drowning from sources at the Nova Scotia Provincial Archives. There is a memorial stone erected in the St. Aloysius Cemetery on the Albert Mines Road which gives his name and year of birth but "drowned" is in place of the year of his demise. His spouse Rosannah's dates (1823-1898) and reference to the son who drowned with James is also marked on this plaque. Rosannah is buried in the Hopewell Hill Protestant Cemetery, Hopewell Hill, Albert County. I think he drowned in 1871 or shortly thereafter. Can anyone suggest where I might look to corroborate this?
- Terry Gillespie, 1571 Edward St, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3H8. Or E-mail to
Query 98-293
Stewart: I am searching for information on a William Stewart, who lived in the Saint John area around 1850. His father, also William, lived in Saint John and was from outside Ballyshannon, County Donegal, Ireland. Most of the Stewart family owned or ran stores in Ireland and New York, where a brother, Thomas, lived. Any help with this family would be greatly appreciated.
- Barbara Stewart Price, 461 Mill Rd., Bridgeton, New Jersey, 08302. Or E-mail to
Query 98-294
Singer: I am seeking Information on Lester Murray Singer, who was born on July 25, 1871, in Georgefield, Hants County, N.S. He was a soldier with the Hants Colchester Regiment, but was transferred to a New Brunswick Regiment when it shipped out to South Africa in the Boer War, 1899 to 1902. On his return, he moved from Windsor, N.S., to Saint John, N.B. He was still there in the late 1920s. I would be very grateful for any help with this request.
- Dave Singer, #4 Ramsgate Lane, Apt. 202, Halifax, N.S., B3P 2R8. Or E-mail to
Query 98-295
McCarthy - Hourihan: I am researching Charles McCarthy from Sussex, N.B. He married Elizabeth Hourihan on June 9, 1881. They had several children: Mert, Matthew Louis, James Beverley, Gertrude, Leoitia, Ellen and perhaps others. Elizabeth died in 1891. Mert owned Lonsdale Farm in the Sussex area and it was operated by others. He was a broker in the Boston area. Most of the children also went to Boston. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.
- Aldene Hourihan-Gionet, 26-500 Douglas Ave., Saint John, N.B., E2K 1E7. E-mail to
Query 98-296
Query 98-300
Robinson - Walker: On May 14, 1855, Lucy Ann Vann married John William Robinson in Fredericton, N.B. I was recently researching the Saint John Trinity Anglican Church Records and came across the baptism of John William Robinson. He was born on Oct. 24, 1824, and was the son of John and Margaret Robinson of Black River, St. John County, N.B. I would greatly appreciate anyone who is doing research on the Robinson family and has particulars on John William Robinson and his family to please write me.
- J. Orchard, 37 Morehouse Rd, Haneytown, N.B., E2V 3R6. Or E-mail to forchard
Query 98-297
Hayward - Seely: John Hayward was probably born in Kinsale, Ireland, about 1742. He died in 1782 by shipwreck. His ship sank off Goodwin Sands (Shoals) off the British coast near Kent in 1782 with a loss of all hands. His son was Lacy or DeLacey Hayward born circa 1760 to 1775 in Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland. He died around 1830 in Saint John, N.B. I don't know his wife's name, but his children were: William, John, Samuel and Thomas. He lived first in Saint John and later moved to Musquash, having received 500 acres of land from the Crown, near where the hydroelectric plant was built. A Lacy Hayward is listed as a labourer in the 1819 Register of Voters for Saint John, N.B. Lacy's son, John, went to California with his brother, Samuel, to look for gold. He was married to Sarah Scofield Seely. He died shortly after his arrival in California. He had mortgaged everything to pay for his passage, leaving his wife with no money. She was a seamstress, but was not doing well. She came to New York with her daughter, Anna, who was seven at the time, and other children. His daughter, Anna H. Hayward, was born about 1843. She was married on Jan 17, 1872, Forsyth St. Church (Methodist), New York City, to James Dudgeon Jr. I am interested in any additional information about this family and its origins and descendants. Who was Lacy's wife? Where were she and her family from? Family stories suggest that her name was McClellan(d) or McClaren, McLean, etc.
- Robert L. Protzmann, 4 Ethel Dr., New City, NY, 10956-6348. Or E-mail to
Query 98-298
Ward: I am requesting information on Louise (Etta) Ward. She was born in the 1860s in Pennfield, N.B. Any help would be appreciated.
- Carole Mcdonough, 5 Eric Dr., Billerica, MA, 01821. Or E-mail to
Query 98-299
Osborne - Brewster - Bruster - Wass - Parker: I am looking for Osborn(e)s and Brewsters in the Hopewell, St. John or Albert County areas in the 1770 to 1800 period. I am trying to find ancestors of Susan Brewster, who married William Osborne in Cornwallis, N.S. in 1854. From clues in first names and middle names of their offspring, I surmise he descended from a Samuel Osborne who married Sarah Wass in Edgartown, Mass, then left in 1760, and spent time in New Brunswick, ending up in Cornwallis by 1800. Susan Brewster, called Susannah Bruster in the wedding announcement, may be the daughter of a William (wife Susannah) or Samuel Brewster, named as grandsons in the will of Daniel Parker Sr., who died in Cornwallis, N.S., in 1748. His son, Daniel Jr., married Lydia Brewster. It has been suggested that Samuel's son, Alexander, who predeceased his father, may have married Abigail Parker, sister of Daniel Jr., in New Brunswick and they both died prior to Daniel Parker Sr.'s will.
- Joanne Hunt, 18 Cranberry Lane, Litchfield, NH, 03052. Or E-mail to
Nase - Dutcher - Quinton: I wish to exchange information on the family of Lieutenant Colonel Henry Nase, who was born on June 28, 1752. He was the son of Philip Nase and Rachel Dutcher. He died May 20, 1836, at Westfield, King's County, N.B. He was married to Jane Quinton, who was born June 27, 1767, in Saint John and died on May 29, 1852, in Carleton (St. John). Both are buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Nerepis, King's County, N.B. They had at least nine children.
- Bill Camp, P.O. Box 668, Shelburne, N.S., B0T 1W0. Or E-mail to 98-301
Albee - prague - Dightman: John Albee was born about 1783, probably in Maine or New Brunwick. I am seeking birth and death statistics, names of his parents and place of residence during marriage. He married Mary (Polly) Sprague (1785 to 1874), the daughter of James Sprague. They had a daughter, Mary Albee, born in 1822 in New Brunswick, and she married a James Dightman of Nova Scotia.
Warren H. Hasty, 4632 Zenith Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN, 55410-1870 or E-mail to 98-302
Greenlaw - Rideout: I am looking for information on a James N. Greenlaw. He is listed as a witness to the marriage of Lucy Greenlaw (born about 1798) and Oliver Bradford Rideout (born about 1795). Lucy and Oliver were married on Sept. 24, 1819, at the St. Andrews Parish in Charlotte County, N.B. The other witness was Walter Greenlaw. It is believed that Walter is Lucy's father and the son of Alexander Greenlaw, born 1748 in Scotland. I have no documentation of the statements above except the marriage record of Oliver and Lucy. I would be happy to receive any information on any of these people.
Ben Rideout, 222 West Hanover Ave., Morristown, NJ, 07960. Or E-mail to 98-303
Lindsay - Melling - Daniels: I am looking for information about Alice Lindsay. She was the daughter of George and Alice Melling Lindsay. Her brother, John, was born in Lancashire, England, in 1848. I cannot find a record of Alice's birth. In John's obituary in 1929, Alice Lindsay Daniels was listed as a sister living in California. I have not been able to find any information about her. For a long time I assumed John was an only child. I would appreciate any clues.
Charlene Hyde, 208 West Main St., Auburn, WY, 83111. Or E-mail to 98-304
Murray - Olive - Grimmer - Inches: I wish to contact relatives of Alexander Purdie Murray, who was born on Oct. 30, 1858, in Glasgow. He moved to St. Stephen, N.B., with his brother, James Murray, (born July 1, 1855 in Glasgow). Alexander first married Effie Grimmer, who died in childbirth on Aug. 27, 1885. I would love to hear from Grimmer descendants. Alexander Murray then married Mary (Minnie) Clark Olive on June 1, 1887. They had 12 children while they resided on Union Street, in St. Stephen. James Murray married Jessie Inches on June 5, 1889. The brothers, James and Alexander, were co-proprietors of J. & A. Murray Mercantile in Calais, Me., from about 1886 to 1925. I also am interested in contacting the descendants of William Murray (born Dec. 25, 1846, in Glasgow). He is possibly the older brother of James and Alexander who came to St. Stephen prior to his younger brothers. He owned a dry goods store there and he died at sea while on the ship the State of Pennsylvania.
Carole Murray Confar, 5281 Calle Barquero, Santa Barbara, CA, 93111. Or E- mail to 98-305
Query 98-306
Delong: Aaron Delong was one of the United Empire Loyalists. I believe two other brothers, John (1758 to 1804) and Simon, also came to New Brunswick in 1783 to 1784. I have lineage for John but little other information. Any additional information would be appreciated.
Wayne Delong, 69 River Rd., Rothesay, N.B., E2E 2E2. Or E-mail to
White: Charles E. White was born on Aug. 3, 1852, in Saint John, N.B. He came to Boston, Mass., at the age of 16, where he learned to be a carpenter. About two years later in 1880, he came to Florence, Wisconsin. Can anyone provide me with information on him or his family?
Nick Haramija, 7544 Packard, Warren, Michigan, 48091. Or E-mail to 98-307
Austin - Murdock: In 1891, William and Lucy Austin were living in the slums of Birmingham, with seven children aged from three to 20. Two other children were not living at home. William was a labourer and had been brought up in a small rural village in Leicestershire but I imagine that poverty drove him to the city to try and get a better living. He moved to Birmingham, where he worked for 16 years at the Corporation Water Department as a tester. In June of 1892, he died of pneumonia and pleurisy at the age of 48. His wife Lucy then worked as a scrubber at the Queens Hospital. By February 1893 an approach had been made to the Middlemore Home to take in 13-year-old James Austin, as he didn't like to be a burden to his mother and wanted to go to Canada.
James, who was born on Nov. 28, 1879, sailed to Canada on May 23, 1893, probably on the SS Siberian which arrived in Halifax on the third of June. The last contact I have for James is in 1901 at Waasis. His brother Frederick, born May 14, 1883, appears to have left England the same year. He married Mabel Murdock in Fredericton in 1911 and they are buried in Fredericton. I am trying to locate any descendants of these two Austin brothers who came to New Brunswick as home children. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Peter Birkett, 75 Bagworth Road, Barlestone, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 OEQ, England. Or E-mail to 98-308
Bolton - Boyd: James Bolton was born on Dec. 22, 1902, to John Bolton and Elizabeth Hannah Winstanley in Birmingham, England. In 1909, John Bolton died at the age of 31, leaving his wife to look after four children, the youngest just 16 months old. By 1912, she had sold her house and had been thrown out of work. A report by the Middlemore Home states the mother and children were literally starving. On May 27, 1913, James sailed, along with a party of 110 home children of the Middlemore Home from Liverpool, aboard the SS Mongolian for Halifax. Luckily for him, he was sent to live with Andrew and Cassie Boyd of Gagetown, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd died in 1918 and 1920 respectively. It appears James came to Saint John. According to a 1945 City Directory, he was working at the Canada Veneer Plant and residing at 84 Rothesay Ave. In 1953, he was living at 25 St. Paul St. in a building owned by John Zinck, of 106 Rothesay Ave.
Newspaper articles in the Telegraph Journal, Oct. 16 and 17, 1953, report the finding of the body of James Bolton on the Saint John Horticultural Association property by 23-year-old Gordon Love of 96 Sydney St. Mr. Bolton had been missing for three weeks and had died as a result of a bleeding ulcer. More details about James can be found at as well as pictures of him and a friend with initials I.W. at I am very interested in hearing from anyone who may have known or has any information about James Bolton, my grandmother's half-brother. Also, I would like to know more about Andrew and Cassie Boyd of Gagetown.
Steven Knowles, c/o BankWest, GPO Box 2352, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. E-mail to or Fax number +61 7 38397887. Or phone +61 7 32190262.Query 98-309
Simonds - Stewart: I'd be very interested to know more about my great-grandfather, William Albert Simonds. He came to Saint John from Bristol, England, in 1871 with, so the family believes, the Barnardo Home Children. He would have been eight years old and his brother Frank (possibly Fred) was 11. We know nothing about which farm(s) they were placed on, but we can surmise that they would have seen the Great Fire of Saint John of 1877, perhaps from a rural vantage point. Any information on William's brother would be wonderful.
The Saint John City Directories build a picture of William as a resourceful man making a living many ways. There's an entry in 1892 as a car inspector with CPR living on Moore Street. Then, in 1900, he moved to 10 and 12 Canon St., and in 1905, was a manufacturer's agent. He owned a wholesale grocery at 89 Union St. and later at 10 Water St.
He married Jessie Elizabeth Stewart in Saint John and had three sons and three daughters. Sons Franklin Wingate and Frederick William were of Saint John, but John Stewart went to Niagara Falls, New York. Two daughters, Marjorie Gordon Colwell and Dorothy Isabel Urquhart (a champion golfer), also stayed in Saint John. My grandmother, Hildred Stewart Tait, moved to Niagara Falls after she married.
William's daughter, Marjorie, worked with him at the store and an interior photo of father and daughter is on file at the New Brunswick Museum, Douglas Avenue. His front-page obituary, printed in The Evening Times Globe, June 15, 1932, says he was a member of Albion Masonic No. 1 Union Lodge, past chancellor of No. 2 Knights of Pythias and a member of St. David's Church. It also states that before his illness he had been employed by the Dominion Government as an inspector during dredging operations of the Saint John Harbour and was the Saint John representative of the Sussex Beverage Company.
He was a self-made man with no known childhood or roots. We look forward to hearing from anyone with information that might help in our search of our great-grandfather, William Albert Simonds, and his older brother.
Joann Stevenson 49 Hamilton Hall Dr., Markham, Ont., L3P 3L5. Or E-mail to Cusack is a genealogy buff living in Saint John. Readers are invited to send their genealogical queries to her at Please keep queries to 45 words plus your address. Directions for submitting queries can be found at
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