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The Annual Titus Hill Memorial Service

The Annual Titus Hill Memorial Service
will be held in the cemetery at Titusville, New Brunswick at 3:00 pm on the second Sunday in July - (July 13, 2008).  If the weather is unfavourable the service will be held in the Salina Kirk.

The service will include the Dedication of the Gates which were donated by the Floyd Brothers and their wives in memory of family members. Special musical selections will be presented. The sermon will be given by the Rev. Smith.  Ruby Cusack will do the Time of Remembrance with the names of those who God called home since the Annual Memorial Service last year being read and a rose placed in their memory by a family member.

This service is a memorial to all the folk who have been buried on this sandy knoll over the past one hundred and more years.

Last year Ruby Cusack stated: "Since 1962 we have been gathering on a Sunday in July to honour and remember our loved ones, our friends and our neighbours - who rest in Titus Hill. We come not to mourn them but to remember these people who loved and were loved,  who enjoyed life, who had  their problems,  who suffered hardships and who like us, too shed tears, in the loss of a loved one."

"Many of the early settlers of this area were laid to rest in Titus Hill.  Through the years their descendants have also chosen this sandy hill that John Titus gave the Community for a cemetery. It is cosmopolitan for neighbour sleeps by neighbour in death, as he lived by his neighbour in life, without regard to creed."

A collection will be taken for the upkeep of the cemetery.

A fund has been set up to continue the chain link fencing to other parts of the cemetery.

If you would care to donate to the Fence Fund or to the General Care of the cemetery fund, contact Ruby Cusack  for more details.

Memorial Cards are available at several Funeral Homes or contact  to obtain  the address of the Treasurer.

Tax Receipts are issued for donations.