“Begetting and Begatting”
Ancestors of the Whalen Family of Kings County, New Brunswick by James M Whalen
John Whalen (1840-1909) well known New Brunswick farmer and lumberman
of the bygone days who at first lived in Picadilly
and later moved to Mount Pisgah, Kings County.
Photo courtesy of James M Whalen
“Begetting and Begatting”
Ancestors of the Whalen Family of Kings County, New Brunswick by James M Whalen
It was very unusual
for Mum to sleep in but this Saturday morning she was still in bed when I
got up. Furthermore there was no sign of breakfast being prepared.
I thought I was mature enough to light the kitchen stove and cook some
pancakes. But being rather clumsy, I dropped the batter pitcher with a
crash. Very quickly Mum was in the doorway. She looked like she had a
fever and was coughing.
Complaining was not her style. Thus she helped me clean up the mess and got breakfast ready.
It didn’t matter if a mother was sick, a family had to be fed. Mum took
out the breadboard and made four loaves of bread and put them in the
pans to rise.
I wanted to help but everything I did seemed to go wrong. I dropped an
egg on the floor that was intended for the molasses cake, I overflowed
the spoon with sugar and then to top it off, I tried to measure a half a
cup of milk but the pitcher was too big and too full and milk came
pouring all over the cupboard.
At this point, Mum suggested I wash the milk things which including
taking apart the cream separator to make certain every part was clean.
Once that was finished, I decided to fill the wood box.
By the time, I returned to the kitchen, Mum was on the couch, wrapped in
a quilt, sound asleep, as finally she had to give in to being sick.
In trying to help my mother, I was probably no different from the
thirteen children in the family of Hugh and Catherine Ryan of Ryan
Settlement on the Quaco Road who probably helped their mother when she
was not feeling well. One of her daughters, Johanna Ryan, married Peter
Broughill in 1868. Her great grandson, James M Whalen has compiled a
publication, titled “Begetting and Begatting - Ancestors of the Whalen
Family of Kings County, New Brunswick” giving interesting historical and
genealogical details mainly on the pre-famine Irish families of Whalen,
Irving, Broughill, Finley, Purtill, Irons, Ryan and McKenna and the
families they married into and their children.
Catherine (Katie) Ryan Broughill, daughter of Peter Broughill and
Johanna Ryan was born on a farm in Upperton, Kings Co. In 1900, at St.
Martins, she married George Timothy Whalen of Mount Pisgah
David Broughill was born in Ireland circa 1792 and arrived in New
Brunswick about 1820. He received a Crown grant in the Salt Springs area
of Kings County. A few years later he married Winnifred Unity whose
surname is unknown. They had seven children. After his death, his widow
married Patrick O’Boyle and had two children. They moved to Albert
County. Upon Winnifred Unity’s death in 1888, she was buried in St.
Luke’s Cemetery, Upham, Kings County with the name “Winnifred U.
Broughill” engraved on her tombstone. Patrick O’Boyle was buried in the
Hopewell Hill Cemetery.
James M Whalen’s paternal great great grandfather, Daniel Whalen was
born in Monasterevin, County Kildare, Ireland about 1815 and according
to the 1851 census, came to New Brunswick in 1834. In 1836 at St.
Malachy’s chapel in Saint John, he married first to Mary O’Neil, the
widow of James McRory, who was the daughter of Bernard O’Neil and
Margaret McCormack of Cappagh, County Tyrone. They lived in either the
Loch Lomond or Golden Grove area. His second marriage was to Alice
O’Neil. He owned a farm in Picadilly, Kings County, but was employed by
Jewett’s Sawmill at Drury Cove, near Saint John, when his life came to a
tragic end on Halloween night in 1869, when he fell off a wharf while
returning to his boarding house.
Hugh Irving emigrated from Northern Ireland to New Brunswick in 1827.
Oddly, it took his wife Mary and son George some nine years to follow
him to his farm in Tower Hill, Charlotte County where Mary gave birth to
eight more children. Eventually most of these children moved to the
United States.
Thomas Finley was the manager of the St. Andrews Almshouse for about ten years.
The Samuel Irons family emigrated from Northern Ireland in 1831 and
farmed in Tower Hill. Their grandson became a school principal in
Peter McKenna and Mary McLaughlin arrived in New Brunswick around 1830
from Ireland. Their surviving children started leaving their farm in
Bocabec, as soon as they reached maturity - settling in St. Stephen,
Vermont and New York.
As time marched on, the Irish ancestors of James M Whalen who had all
settled on farms in southern New Brunswick quit farming. So, by the
mid-1960s none were left on the farm. Nonetheless, several who had put
down their roots here remained in the province.
This 68 page publication, “Begetting and Begatting” -Ancestors of the Whalen Family of Kings County, New Brunswick,
published in 2012, is available from the author, James M Whalen, 30
Rosewood Dr., Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3C 1L9. The price is $10.00 in
Canada and $15.00 mailed to the USA. Jim’s email is
Query 1840
Beattie - Lane:
I am descended from Benjamin Beattie who served in the Royal West India
Rangers. I know that when they disbanded many of them were given
settlements in Nova Scotia. Could it be that he left his family in
Scotland behind and made a new life for himself in Canada?
I have found reference to a marriage of Benjamin Beatty to Nellie Alics
Lane in 1888. I am interested in his parentage to see if he connects
with my line. Any information on Benjamin Beatty from Scotland would be
Christopher Charles Small, Scotland. Contact chris_87_small@hotmail.com
Query 1841
Workman - Burtt:
Martha Workman was born on 12 January of either 1853 (per 1901 census),
or 1849, (per death certificate) in New Brunswick. She died 11 March,
1944, Burtts Corner, NB. She married William Gabriel Burtt 28 Sep,
1870. Would like info on her parents, and any siblings.
Contact rfkebarnes@shaw.ca.
New and Used Genealogical and Historical books of
New Brunswick for sale.