Finally Spring had arrived and we were allowed to play in the brook but according to Mum it was too early to go swimming.
Cliff and I decided to build a raft and sail down the
brook. My first task was to make a flag and on it, I painted “SALTY”.
We lugged some boards, two fence posts, nails, a
hammer, a piece of rope and some other things down to the brook.
In no time, we had our raft ready to launch.
I walked up the brook to the bridge pulling the raft
behind me to give us a longer down the stream sail, while Cliff balanced
himself by standing tall with a long pole to avoid our hitting the
Gramp stopped by the bridge and watched us and then walked down.
Very seriously he commented, “I assume you are the
Master of the Tug Boat and the guy who is doing the guiding is
pretending to be the pilot.” As usual, I did not have a clue what he was
talking about.
As I read Captain Donald H. Duffy & E. Neil
McKelvey O.C. Q.C. Books “MASTER OF TIDES AND TUGS”- The
tugboats of a great seaport - Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada and
“SHE’S ALL YOURS MR. PILOT” - The Marine Pilots of Saint John, it hit me
how little, this farmer’s daughter, knew about the sea, the fog, the
wind, the treacherous and ever-changing tides and currents in the
harbour, the dangerous work of guiding ships into the harbour and to the
docks safely, the types of boats, the trials and tribulations and how
close tragedy was waiting for those who made their living working on the
The list of Saint John Tugboats commences in 1846
with the CONQUEROR - owned by Mr. John Walker and was built in Glasgow,
“SHE’S ALL YOURS MR. PILOT” is about the pilots of
the Bay of Fundy, who since the origins of Saint John have performed the
dangerous, but always interesting job of safely piloting. It traces the
history of marine pilotage for more than two centuries.
One of the first documented pilots for the Port of
Saint John, then known as Portland, was Capt. Johnathan Leavitt
(1746-1811) a relative of ship owners James Simonds and James White.
In 1788 the Wardens of the Port of Saint John
reported that Miles Union was a person fit to be a pilot. The list of
Saint John Marine Pilots gives a glimpse into family connections
following in the footsteps such as the John Spears family.
The interviews with retired pilots and working pilots
gives the personal recollections of many Captains which proves to be a
treasure trove of information.
There were many tragedies and the authors captured
much local history - a great find to the genealogist or history buff.
“This book is but a snapshot in time of a story that never ends.”
By the way, “SHE’S ALL YOURS MR. PILOT” is available
by contacting D. H. Duffy at 8209 Route 102, Public Landing, New
Brunswick, Canada, E5K 4K9.
Query 1861
Bell - Brown - Cother - Keys - Macfee - McFee - Norris:
Photos of members of the Bell, Brown, Cother, Keys, Macfee, McFee
and Norris families, who are buried in the Barnesville Presbyterian
Cemetery are being sought for an upcoming Memorial Service.
Send me an email at rmcusack@nbnet.nb.ca and I will pass it along to Hazel Rodgers of Barnesville.
Query 1862
The “SEA” 1847 - 1853:
Interested in hearing from anyone with an interest in the sailing ship
- the “SEA” 1847 - 1853, or shipbuilding in Saint John, NB in
1840's and 1850's. Particularly interested in ship construction methods
of this era and the timbers used.
Robert McKenzie
227 West Fyans Street, Newtown, Victoria 3220, AUSTRALIA.
Email mck@datafast.net.au
Query 1863
Godsoe: James Whitney
Godsoe, mariner, was born in Saint John in 1810 then moved to Liverpool,
England. I am seeking information on the siblings and parents of his
father James Whiteny Godsoe who also was a mariner.
Contact Kelly Jones, England, by email kellylindop@hotmail.com
Query 1864
Jones - Ralph:
Mary Jane Jones, a British Home Child, arrived in New Brunswick in 1904.
She married George Ralph, on Nov 15 1905, a British Home Child who
arrived in New Brunswick in the mid 1890s, She moved to Montreal after
George died in England in 1919 (CEF).
What farms or other places did they work, any schooling, any churches?
Contact rubetaralph@yahoo.com
New and Used Genealogical and Historical books of
New Brunswick for sale.