"A History of the Saint John Saint Andrew’s Society 1903-2012"
edited by Laurie Hossack
Gram had broken her hip before I was
born. Her days of doing heavy housework were long gone but she still
wanted to do her share. This morning she had the goose wing and was
dusting in the parlour. Since she could not bend down, I was dusting
the rungs of the chairs for her.
When she saw me admiring the
beautiful carving of grapes on the back of the settee as well as the
designs on the arm chair, she explained that those pieces of furniture
had been in the family for many years. I was really surprised when she
told me that horsehair was used in the seats.
Gram has been gone for more
than fifty years. Her furniture found new homes with people who may or
may not have appreciated the beauty. For all I know it may have ended up
in the landfill or for kindling.
Not so for four chairs carved
by John Rogerson that fell heir to his great granddaughters and ended
up in New York. In 2012, they were offered to the Saint Andrews Society
in Saint John along with an oak engraving of John Knox and Robert the
At the Burns dinner, offers came in to have the chairs refinished and upholstered in a tartan of the choice of the donor.
In 1908, on the 110th
Anniversary of the Society, Mr. Rogerson was commissioned to travel to
Scotland to find twenty-six different pieces of wood from six regions of
Scotland to construct the “Pres Chair.” It is interesting to note that
the wood used to make the Lion Rampart in the Bruce Shield at the top
of the chair is made from a holly tree on the original grave site of
Robert Burns.
This information and much
more, such as the contributions of the members of the Society to improve
the life of our City, a summary of the annual celebrations held each
year on November 30, the Membership Roll, lots of biographical
information that a family searcher might look for days to find, coloured
photos of artifacts and events, and the Society’s Executive is
included in the book “A History of the Saint John Saint Andrew’s Society
1903-2012" edited by Laurie Hossack.
I. Allan Jack compiled the
earlier history of the Society from its founding in 1798 until 1903
where the above-mentioned book takes over.
On October 6th, 1906, a
special meeting was held at John White’s Store, 93 Charlotte Street
where the Executive met to consider the invitation to attend the Burns
monument unveiling ceremony on Thanksgiving Day in Fredericton.
It was decided the members
would attend the ceremony wearing their silk hats and frock coats, with
their badges suitably displayed. The officers were to wear their sashes.
A special train was arranged from the CPR. The group met at White’s
Store and was led by four pipers and a drummer as they marched to Union
In 1909, a discussion was
held on the constitution that restricted society membership to no more
than grandsons of immigrants from Scotland.
The 1911 banquet at the Royal
Hotel consisted of a very interesting menu including Cock-a Leekie
Soup, Timbale of Chicken, Roast Dressed Ptarmigan topped off with a
drink Benedictine Ice.
There were 220 members on the roll in 1914 and $12,780.92 was on hand.
Grocery bills were paid for
various people in the city of Saint John in 1937, who were having a
difficult time putting food on the table.
John Gibb, who was President
for 1971 and 1972, was born in Hamilton, Scotland, and came to Saint
John as a boy. He worked in his father’s Taylor Shop at Haymarket Square
until the Second World War. After the War, he was named manager of the
Simonds Housing Commission. Responsible for sale of the war time houses
built in East Saint John.
W. P. MacMurray was elected Society Historian in 1976 and held this position for thirty years.
The Membership Roll of 1903 to 2013 gives a glimpse into the many family names in this area with roots to Scotland.
The great-grandfather of
Laurie Hossack came from Scotland with his family in 1836 and settled
along the Tay River near Stanley, NB.
“Like a good Scotch whiskey
it is hoped the information gleaned herein and distilled from the
Society’s minute books, treasurer’s account, newspaper reports, scrap
books and from fellow society will provide enjoyment and informative
reading” . . . Laurie Hossack.
“A History of the Saint John
Saint Andrew’s Society 1903-2012" and the earlier history by I. Allen
Jack 1798 up until 1903 can be purchased by contacting Laurie Hossack by
email at lhossack@nbnet.nb.ca
Query 1865
Newlands Hotel - Bustin - Anderson:
I am searching for information on the Newlands Hotel which was built in
Duck Cove (West Saint John) and burned down around 1915. I was brought
up in a house built in 1937 by Garnet Bustin on lot #22 purchased from
William Anderson ( now 990 Seawood Lane). As a child when digging in the
ground to make a garden, I came across the dump for the hotel
containing many tin cans, broken dishes etc. I was told the Hotel had
been there for a short time and then burned to the ground. I have never
been able to verify this story. I was also told that Lord Beaverbrook
had stayed there at one time. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Contact Sandy Hazen Turner by email gmt@nb.sympatico.ca
Query 1866
Felix Paulin was from upper Pokemouche, New Brunswick. His son Francois
Xavier Paulin died about 1927 and his granddaughter Francoise Felicite
Louise Paulin was born in Montreal on May 21, 1923. Seeking information
on this family
Glynis Durrant, Salamander Bay, NSW Australia. Email wagd@bigpond.com
Query 1867
Bertin - Vienneau - Hickey:
Who were the parents of Pierre Bertin born Bathurst area and his wife
Lucy Vienneau who died November 10, 1904 in Bathurst? They were the
parents of Marie Bertin born August 6, 1861 and George and Pierre
Bertin. Marie Bertin married William Hickey August 7, 1883 at Nash
Creek, New Brunswick.
Contact monicabannister@gmail.com
New and Used Genealogical and Historical books of
New Brunswick for sale.