Ruby M. Cusack
Looking Back - A History of Bay du Vin, New Brunswick
by the Anglican Church Women of Bay du Vin, N. B. (1978)
Yesterday, I saw Aunt Sadie polishing the
silver tea pot and Gram using the Silvo on the only-for-company cutlery.
These were sure signs that relatives from afar were coming to visit.
This morning, Mum was up early to make raisin squares, which she
carefully packed in a tin container and gave to me to take to Gram’s
The longer I carried it, the hungrier I became, so when out of sight, I opened it and ate one, then another two or three.
By the time I arrived at Gram's house, most of the squares were gone but
I escaped being questioned as the expected relatives drove up just then
in a fancy black Buick with lots of shiny chrome.
As they walked through the porch, the gentleman spotted the puncheon
with the ever running pipe of water and asked for a glass to get a
He carried it into the double parlour and raved about the great taste of
the water that came from the spring on the hill and how fortunate they
were to have such a great water supply. He even asked if Gram knew if
someone had used dowsing rods to witch for the water.
I didn’t know what he was talking about but I did know Gramp’s brother
had paid Mr. McLaren to use a four-foot brace and bit to bore a hole
through pieces of eight foot round cedar to make a pipeline that was
still in use.
“Looking Back - A History of Bay du Vin (1978)”, mentions
how James Horton worked to clear his Grant but was unable to get good
water. In 1791, he moved to another lot, three quarters of a mile
away. Alex MacDonald also had trouble finding water and petitioned
for a more suitable piece of land.
Luther Williston built a stone house with an eight-foot cellar wall. The stone was brought by boat from a quarry up the river.
James Buckley was a native of Ireland. When he petitioned for his grant
in 1822, he was fifty-four years old, married and had eight children.
John Kingston had already cleared ten acres when he requested a grant
for land adjoining the Williston and Stymist property up the Bay du Vin
Robert Taylor applied for land in 1797.
Duncan McGraw, a member of the 42nd Regiment, applied for Lot #7 in 1787.
The first Anglican church service was held in Bay du Vin in 1812, in a
small log church on what is known today as Tucker’s Point but at that
time Ullock’s Point. This church was Presbyterian but was used by all
In 1830, a school house was built at the mouth of the Bay du Vin River with the first teacher being Donald Fraser.
The Anglican Church Women of Bay du Vin collected, compiled and published this publication.
Like many other village histories, this book covers many aspects of life
over a period of years, giving details on the first settlers, churches,
education, family life, lumbering, fishing, transportation, stores,
local history and some photos.
Although this title is out of print, copies are available for viewing at Libraries in New Brunswick.
Query 1888
Anthony - Bay Du Vin School: I am looking for
information on the Bay Du Vin school in New Brunswick where Charles
Anthony taught for many years. In 1893, he left to spend the remainder
of his life with his children in Athol, Mass., USA.
Claire Smith clairesmith@snet.net
Query 1889
Howe: According to the newspaper, Religious Intelligencer - Jane
relict of James Howe, age 92 died June 14, 1866, at her son's
residence, Petersville, Queens Co., New Brunswick. Deceased was a
native of County Fermanagh, Ireland. I am trying to determine where
James Howe 1782-1831 and Jane Howe 1774 - 1866 might have been buried.
They both died on the family farm in Coote Hill (now Base Gagetown). Not
listed in any of the Petersville Parish (from Welsford to Gagetown)
cemeteries, the rest of their family is buried in Headline Anglican
Cemetery. Would they have been buried on their 200 acre farm?
Richard Howe - email howeirish (at) hotmail.com
New and Used Genealogical and Historical books of
New Brunswick for sale.