George Hayward Collection on Website

George Hatfield Hayward is a 7th generation New
Brunswicker, who was born in Carleton County. Captain John and Mary
(Lockerman) Hatfield were two of his maternal 4th great grandparents.
first step in the preserving season was to gather up all the bottles
and wash them. Then came weeks of making jams and jellies. As each batch
was completed, the bottles were filled to the top and sealed with hot
wax before the covers were put on. It seemed before that was all
finished, it was time to peel and slice cucumbers and tomatoes.
Finally all was completed. Mum stood with pride and looked at all her finished work which was on the shelves in the back pantry.
Cliff and I had the pleasure of making trip after trip down the stone
steps to place them in cupboards and shelves in the cellar.
didn’t think anything of the Mother-Do cat sitting by the rank of
furnace wood. I just thought she wanted to keep us company but when I
saw her pounce on a mouse, I made a dash for the stairs and tripped. Mum
heard my screams and howling and rushed to my rescue. After Peroxide
and Mercurochrome had been put on my skinned knee, I was as good as new.
Mum’s hugs and cuddling sure helped as well.
When finally every bottle was neatly arranged, we heard company arriving.
Mum was only too pleased to bring them to the cellar to see her weeks of work.
told me to fetch a basket and put one of each kind of preserves and
pickles in it so her friend could enjoy these treats during the winter
I could not
understand why she worked so hard only to give away many of her bottles
of goodies but Mum said she received pleasure in sharing.
Hayward has spent many years gathering information on census records,
marriage records and family histories. He has contributed articles to
genealogical journals, spoken at a number of genealogical meetings and
conferences, and published more than twenty books.
has been an active family historian since 1955. His main area of
interest has been the Planters that settled along the lower St. John
River Valley in 1763 and the years immediately thereafter, and the
Loyalist refugees that fled to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia following
the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783.
is his wish that researchers everywhere have ready access to the fruits
of his many years of research, thus an extensive list of his published
works is made available to family researchers on the New Brunswick
Genealogical Society’s website at
of Daniel Smith, Loyalist, and his wife Ruth Fitch from Connecticut in
1783 to Sunbury County, New Brunswick, including three generations of
Daniel Smith’s Connecticut Ancestors" was a daunting venture. Esther
Clark Wright, in “The Loyalists of New Brunswick,” listed about 80 Smith
males, age 18 years or older, who settled in N.B. in or near 1783. Four
of these, Andrew, Daniel, Samuel and Thomas Smith, settled along the
Oromocto River in what is now the Parishes of Burton and Blissville, and
all had several children. This publication attempts to separate the
descendants of Daniel and Ruth (Fitch) Smith from the descendants of
Andrew, Samuel and Thomas Smith, and to record some facts derived from
primary source.
of Benjamin & Sarah Lovely: A Genealogy of the Descendants of
Benjamin Lovely who Served in the Royal Fencible American Regiment
during the Revolutionary War 1775-1783 and His Wife Sarah of Cumberland
County, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Maine. Benjamin Lovely was born
in about 1749 in Ireland. He married Sarah in 1777 in Cumberland County,
Nova Scotia. They had eight children. He died in 1830 in Carleton
County, New Brunswick.
Drake, Loyalist”, was a shoemaker before the Revolutionary War. During
the war he was a Loyalist. He enlisted as a Private in Oliver DeLancey's
Third Brigade on the 24th of Aug., 1777, and was a Sergeant when the
war ended. He came from New York to Saint John, N.B., in 1783, and
settled first in Sunbury County. Later he moved up the Saint John River
to the Parish of Queensbury, where he and Catherine lived the remainder
of their lives and were buried in Day Hill Cemetery, now called the
Upper Queensbury Cemetery.
of Sunbury & Carleton Counties, N.B., and Some of Their
Descendants”. In 1955, George Hayward was living in Fredericton, and
drove through the Parish of Lincoln to Oromocto, N.B., each day to work.
Along the way he passed the Lower Lincoln Cemetery. One day, on his way
home, he turned into the road that led to the cemetery and parked the
car. When he walked to the top of the knoll, the first gravestone he
came upon, under the big white pine, was inscribed "George Hayward, died
31 Mar 1799, age 60 yrs., and Ann, his wife, died Dec 1806, age 75
yrs." This “stop” started him on the journey of tracing his Hayward
“William and
Elizabeth (Fones) Hallett and Some of Their Descendants 1616-1994" tells
the story of Six Hallett men who came to New Brunswick in 1783. All
were Loyalists. They were Capt. Samuel Hallett who settled in Saint
John; Samuel Hallett, Jr., who settled in Sussex, Kings Co., Lieut.
Daniel Hallet who settled in the Parish of St. Marys, York Co., and
Joseph Hallett who was granted a town lot in Saint John, sons of Capt.
Samuel Hallett; Moses Hallet who settled at Bear Island in the Parish of
Queensbury, York Co.; and Cpl. Robert Hallett who settled at Upper
Brighton, Carleton Co. Moses was a nephew of Capt. Samuel Hallett.
Robert was related to Capt. Samuel also, probably a nephew. So all of
the Halletts whose roots go back to Queens Co., N.Y. are related.
This volume includes the information George Hayward accumulated on the
New York Halletts prior to the Revolutionary War, and on the descendants
of Moses and Robert Hallett who removed to New Brunswick.
are 21 books in the George Hayward Collection on the website.
They are free and accessible to anyone seeking information on the
mentioned families - a gold mine - just waiting for you to click on and
start reading.
To access any of these publications simply click on the publication's title below.