The New Brunswick Genealogical Society's

20th Anniversary Conference begins July 30, 1999

Being a kid meant playing the Waiting Game. I waited for the 24th of May to come. I waited for school to close on the 30th of June. I waited for Vacation Bible School to be held during the first week in August. And while this was a week of doing crafts, playing games and mingling with new and old friends, I always found myself waiting for the picnic on Friday.

Many genealogists and family historians from various parts of Canada and the United States have been waiting for months for July 30 to arrive. Maybe you are asking, "What is so important about that date?" Read on for some exciting news. From July 30 until Aug. 2 (1999)  the New Brunswick Genealogical Society is presenting its 20th anniversary conference. It is going to be all about "New Brunswick Ancestors ­ Arrivals and Departures." It will be held at the Atlantic Baptist University in Moncton.

Speakers from New Brunswick, Ireland and Scotland will share their knowledge on a wide range of topics. The program will also include "Ask the experts" panels, a genealogical marketplace, research rooms, opportunities for private consultation and a computer laboratory. Representatives from the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick will be there with archival material.

John Grenham will fly over from Ireland. His topic is, "To the Auld Sod ­ Finding Your Ancestors in Ireland."

Marjory Harper hails from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. She brings knowledge of "Bridging the Atlantic ­ Scottish Emigration to New Brunswick."

Ruth Legge will be coming from Nova Scotia to help us with "Preservation Techniques for Your Genealogy Treasures."

Allen Robertson lectures on genealogy for the Elderhostel program at Dalhousie University and advises on "How Do You Know It's True? ­ Evaluating Genealogical Evidence."

Kathryn Hilder was a reference librarian at the Harriet Irving Library and will enlighten us on accessing "The Inventory of the Loyalist Collection: A Unique and Original Database."

For more information on the conference, write to New Brunswick Ancestors, P.O. Box 7102, Riverview, N.B., E1B 4T8; visit the NBGS website at: 

The conference is open to anyone interested in genealogy. It will be an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange information with other researchers.

This is your chance to attend Vacation Genealogy School.

Ruby Cusack is a genealogy buff living in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Readers are invited to send their New Brunswick genealogical queries to Ruby at When E-Mailing please put Yesteryear Families in the Subject line. Please include in the query, your name and postal address as someone reading the newspaper, may have information to share with you but not have access to E-mail. Queries should be no more than 45 words in length.

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